
  • 网络Triple star systems
  1. 三星系统对地面机动目标无源定位的IMM算法

    IMM Algorithm for Ground Maneuvering Target Passive Location in Three Satellites System

  2. 后者十分巨大,距离地球约340光年,每550年绕三星系统中的一颗恒星旋转一圈。

    The latter is a giant with a 550-year orbit around one of the stars in a triple system 340 light-years away .

  3. 在同一期《科学》杂志的另外一篇论文中,另外一个研究小组报道:他们利用开普勒数据发现了一个三星系统,其中包括一颗红巨星和两颗红矮星。

    In another paper in the same issue , a different research team reports using Kepler data to detect a system of three stars , which includes a red giant star and two red dwarfs .

  4. 在一个这样的三星系统中,天文学家刚发现了一颗系外行星。这颗星球有个很惹眼的名字:LTT1445Ab。因为它围绕着组成LTT1445系统的三颗红矮星构成的主恒星旋转,距离地球约22.5光年。

    In one such triple-star system , astronomers have just found an exoplanet . It has the rather catchy name LTT 1445Ab , as it orbits the primary star of three red dwarfs that constitute the system LTT 1445 , located around 22.5 light-years away .

  5. 卫星位置误差相关时的三星编队系统时差定位精度

    Positioning precision of three satellite constellation using relative locations in the presence of correlated satellite positioning errors

  6. 本论文分析了基于北斗导航定位系统的三星定位系统总体结构和工作原理,对卫星导航中与定位精度有关的部分进行了研究。

    This thesis analyzes the principle and architecture of three-star navigation system based on " Beidou " system and investigates the problems related with positioning precision .

  7. 在此基础上,文章以红塔原用三星物流系统为例,对我国第一代卷烟生产物流系统的结构、运行特征、功能要素进行了分析,找出了系统存在的问题。

    On the basis of it , taking Hongta original SAMSUNG logistics system an example the dissertation analyses the structure , running character and function of the first cigarette logistics system in china , and find out the problem exiting in the system .

  8. 三星时差定位系统的数据关联与定位算法

    Data Association and Algorithm of Location Based on TDOA with Three Satellites

  9. 三星电子监控系统在石油石化行业中的应用

    Application of SAMSUNG Electrical Monitoring System in Oilfields

  10. 利用精确的星间激光测距信息,提出了基于星间测距的三星时差定位系统标校方法。

    Based on accurate distance information between satellites measured by laser , a calibration technique of a tri-satellite TDOA location system is put forward .

  11. 这是一周之内针对三星安卓系统的第二项禁令,也是第一项直接冲击谷歌品牌产品的禁令。

    It was the second ban on an Android-based Samsung device in a week ( seehere ) , and the first to strike directly at a google-branded product .

  12. 论文提出用小卫星编队飞行实现全球三维成像的几种方案,并对一种三星方案的系统参数进行了详细的分析和选择。

    Several schemes , which use small satellites flying in formation to acquire global three-dimensional imaging , are also proposed in this dissertation , followed by the analysis and selection of the system parameters of one of the three small satellites .

  13. TGM模型及其任务设计已成功地应用于分布式三星实时侦察仿真系统。

    TGM model and tasks design are successfully applied to the real-time simulation system of three surveillance satellites .

  14. 本文结合三星电子闭路监控系统在油田油井的应用,对其技术特点做一简单介绍。

    The paper introduces technical characteristics of SAMSUNG electrical closed monitoring system , in combination with the application of this system in oilfields .

  15. 如果三星的新款操作系统受到欢迎,那么就可以缓解公司对安卓的依赖。三星绝大多数手机都采用安卓系统,包括其最新的智能手表。

    If Samsung 's new operating system catches on , it could relieve the company 's reliance on Android , which powers the vast majority of Samsung 's mobile devices , including its new smartwatch .

  16. 与此同时,在安卓阵营中一家独大的三星电子(Samsung)已经加大力度在三星版安卓系统中增添了为企业用户定制的安全功能。

    Meanwhile , Samsung the top seller of devices that run on Android has stepped up and added enterprise-ready security features in its own version of the operating system .