
  • 网络Main sequence
  1. 恒星的主序后演化

    The Post Main Sequence Evolution of Stars

  2. 在主序上端的大恒星具有很不相同的晚年史。

    A heavy star at the upper end of the main sequence has a rather different later history .

  3. HD229221:一颗具有独特的Hα变化的主序前恒星

    HD 229221 : a Pre-Main-Sequence Star with Unique H_ α Variations

  4. 利用二体问题的中心体变质量的Jeans理论估计了太阳目前在主序阶段和将来后主序(红巨星)阶段由于上述两种机制造成的质量损失对地球轨道改变的长期效应。

    The influences of solar mass-loss on the change rate of the semi-major axis and the orbital period of the earth could be happened while the Sun stays on the main-sequence and evolves as a red giant on the post-main sequence .

  5. 比如,Kepler首次发现了围绕两颗主序恒星运行的行星(P型行星);大量半径较小行星的发现;紧密的多行星系统(Kepler-11)等等。

    For example , Kepler first discovered six planets orbiting two main-sequence stars ( P-type planets ); a large number of small-size planets are found ; closely packed planetary systems ( e.g. Kepler-11 ) are observed .

  6. 在从样本星的色指数(B-V),(U-B)和视差得到它们的有效温度和光度之后,我们发现在赫罗图上它们大多数是位于主序带内的。

    After deriving their effective temperatures and luminosities from their ( B-V ), ( U-B ) colors and parallaxes we find their positions in the HR diagram to be mostly confined to the main sequence .

  7. 在以下的赫罗图中,太阳正位于主序上。

    In the H-R diagram below , our sun is now in the main sequence .

  8. 给出了反主序半群的概念,并得到了反主序正则半群的一些性质。

    The concept of anti-principally ordered semigroup and some properties of anti-principally ordered regular semigroups are given .

  9. 在恒星在主序的质量增加时,作为白矮星留下来的最终残骸的质量也增加。

    As the main-sequence mass of the star increases , the mass of the final remnant left as a white-dwarf star also increases .

  10. 第三章,将协同学与管理理论结合,提出管理协同思想,即:围绕系统的主序参量开展管理活动;

    In the chapter 3 , this dissertation sets forth the idea of management basing onsynergetics & management should base on the main order parameter .

  11. 具体阐明了产品是企业的主序参量及其支配原理,并用苹果电脑公司的例子进行证明其正确性;

    Points out that products is main order parameter of a corporation and analyzes their slaving principle , and proves them by a case about Apple Computer .

  12. 油菜具有主序优势,主要表现在结角数上,在角粒数、千粒重及品质上也很显著。

    Rape had the phenomenon of main head superiority , showed chiefly on pod number , also very significant at the seed number , TGW and quality .

  13. 本文对今天太阳系角动量的特殊分布提出一种说明:太阳在进入主序以前,在引力收缩阶段内曾经大量抛射物质,通过沙兹曼机制而损失了绝大部分角动量;

    An interpretation of the present peculiar distribution of angular momentum in the solar system is given : before entering the main sequence , the sun while undergoing gravitational contraction lost most of its angular momentum ;

  14. 对它们空间分布的研究表明:这些星属于极端星族Ⅰ,从而为进一步研究主序前和主序后中等和大质量恒星的演化提供较为完备的观测对象。

    The Galactic distribution shows that most of them belong to extreme population I , and indicates the objects listed in this catalogue could mostly be stars of intermediate and high mass either in the pre - or post-main-sequence stage .

  15. 采用复变函数的方法,讨论了直线上的主值积分换序问题,得出了其换序公式,并将其结果与Poincare-Bertrand公式进行了比较和分析。

    In this paper , the exchanging order of singular integral in line is discussed by the complex variable method . We obtain the formula of exchanging order and compare it with the Poincare-Bertrand formula .

  16. 直线上的主值积分换序问题分析

    Analysis of Exchanging Order of the Singular Integral in Line