
zhǔ tí cí
  • keyword;theme-word
  1. 基于Morphology处理和主题词抽取的垃圾邮件过滤方法

    An Anti-spam Email Filtering Method Based on Morphology Process and Key Words Extraction

  2. 结果表明:日本菌种7号培养的灵芝多糖含量最高,野生菌种E号培养的灵芝多糖含量最低。主题词:灵芝/化学;

    The results showed that the content of Ganoderma polysaccharides in Japan GL strain No.

  3. MeSH主题词选设与文献量相关度剖析

    MeSH 's Subject Word Choice and Analysis of Document Quantity

  4. 主题词:EPC合同,工作范围,设计分包。

    Keywords : EPC Contract , Scope of Work , Design Subcontract .

  5. 针对目前手工完成XML转换这一现状,本文将自动标引技术引入,先对文献进行标引,提取出关键词、主题词、相关人物、机构等重要信息,然后自动生成XML文本。

    This paper introduces marking technology to facilitate its automation , focusing on identification of key word , topic-word , related-people and related-organization from the literatures .

  6. 专利检索中的IPC和主题词识别方法研究

    A Study of the Identify Method about IPC and Theme Terms on Patent Retrieval

  7. 本文在对90年代以来的《科学文摘》C辑中有关计算机情报分类统计和主题词词频的统计分析基础上,对国外计算机情报检索的热点及部分前沿课题进行了探讨。

    Based on the research of the classification analysis and subject analysis , this paper introduces hot topics and part of advanced fields of information retrieval in the world in the 1990s .

  8. 主题词战略对成功的事务对事务SEO至关重要。

    Keyword strategy is critical to successful business-to-business SEO .

  9. MEDLINECD-ROM光盘中副主题词对主题词查全率影响的探讨

    The Research of Retrieval Results Affected by Subheadings to Headings in MEDLINE CD-ROM

  10. 基于MEDLINE的创新医学主题词初步模型

    Preliminary model of MEDLINE - based innovative medical subject headings

  11. 该系统对医学文献记录中的医学主题词MeSH及自由文本中的医学概念同时进行相关概念提取,弥补了只使用其中一个的不足,提高了获取相关概念的效果。

    The system extracts relative biomedical concepts from both MeSH and free text in the literature and achieves better extracting effect comparing to using only extracting from one of them .

  12. 《MEDLINE》副主题词特点及对医学主题概念间逻辑关系表达

    The Features of MEDLINE Subheadings and Expression of Logistic Relation among the Medicine Subject Concepts

  13. 具体地说,在进行高度专业化的医学文献搜索时,可以使用一种正式的语言(已在本系列的第三篇文章中进行了讨论)来搜索医学主题词(MeSH)。

    In particular , a formal language ( discussed in the third article of this series ) for medical headings ( MeSH ) can be used for highly specialized searches of medical literature .

  14. 系统同时实现了一个主题词同现图在文本聚类方面的应用,最后使用查全率和准确率以及F值来评估算法的好坏,通过实验证明了该聚类算法的有效性和优越性。

    The system also shows how to apply a keyword graph in text clustering . And finally evaluate it with Recall and Precision . And prove the validity and advantage of clustering through the experiment .

  15. 本文设计了一种新型的专业分类表《中国图书馆图书分类法畜牧专业分类表》,除了传统的分类表以外,它还增加了分类号主题词对照索引和KWIC塑入口词索引。

    The paper designs a bland new professional classification table --

  16. 由于只依赖于网页的图结构而与搜索的主题词无关,并且由于Google公司的巨大商业成功,PageRank已成为当今广为知晓的分析网页重要性的方法。

    In nowadays , PageRank has emerged a popular link analysis model , mostly due to its query-independence , using only the web graph structure , and Google 's huge business success .

  17. 第三、在第五章第一节,本文提出了有关中国公立医院行为的理论模中图分类号:FOS,F12主题词:非营利性医院;营利性医院;

    Third , in the first section of chapter 5 , this paper builds a theoretical model to explain the hospital 's behavior in China .

  18. MEDLINE的三种主要检索方式是医学主题词检索、自由词检索和布尔逻辑方式检索。

    Three major ways of MEDLINE searching are the medical subject headings ( MeSH ) search , text word search and Boolean calculation search .

  19. 其中标准检索模块采用Lucene搜索引擎技术,利用ICTCLAS中文分词组件,来实现有效的主题词检索。

    The standard retrieval module uses Lucene search engine technology , using ICTCLAS Chinese word components , to achieve efficient topic word retrieval .

  20. 这个集成基于主题词术语和本体概念之间的蕴含关系规范,并产生具体应用的元数据模式,同时也给出利用结果元数据模式构造RDF模式的过程。

    This integration is based on the specification of inclusion relationships between thesaurus terms and ontology concepts and results in application-specific metadata schemas . Also show how the result of this integration can be used for RDF schema creation .

  21. 作者通过上海市图书馆的馆藏书目检索系统,对其馆藏图书进行有关网上拍卖的主题词检索。又通过专门帐号查询OCLC的商业数据库,利用词语组配、逻辑符号等进行高级检索和专家检索。

    The writer searched the bibliotheca of the Shanghai Library and searched the commercial database of the OCLC through the special account number by means of superior searching and expert searching etc.

  22. 增加大鼠的红细胞C3b受体花环率、淋巴细胞转化率和小鼠吞噬细胞的功能,升高血清IgG水平。主题词:@胃泰胶囊/药理学;

    The results revealed that WC can increase the rosette forming rate of C3b_receptor of red blood cell and lymphocyte transformation rate in the rat , improve the function of phagocytes and increase the level of serum IgG in mice .

  23. 方法检索MEDLINE生物医学文献数据库1987年~1999年组织工程研究的全部文献314篇,利用文献计量学方法对文献年代、国别、文种、主要期刊、多产作者及主题词词频分布进行分析。

    Methods MEDLINE search was conducted to retrieve the papers published between 1987 to 1999 under the main headings of tissue engineering . Years , nationalities , languages , journals , authors and heading frequencies of 314 papers were analyzed by bibliometrics .

  24. 摘要基于cssci及其“引文分析仓库”对于2000-2004年间整个艺术学研究论文所进行的主题词调查分析显示,电影研究是此间艺术学研究较有深度的热点,其次是音乐研究。

    Based on the CSSCI and " citation analysis ", the analysis of the key words appeared in research papers in the science of art indicates that cinema studies is the one that is heated and has some depth , and next to it is music studies .

  25. 公文与档案主题词标引的差异

    On the Differences Between Official Documents and Archival Theme Words Designation

  26. 基于语义的汉语文献主题词提取算法研究

    Algorithm of Thematic Words Extraction from Chinese Texts Based on Semantic

  27. 主题词索引是这本书的附录。

    A key word index is an enlargement to the Book .

  28. 本文介绍了档案文献主题词自动标引算法,该算法合理地构造了主题词切分词典,并将切分关键词和标引主题词的实现过程融为一体,使标引与检索算法变得简单清晰。

    This paper describes an algorithm of indexing descriptors for archive .

  29. 文献检索中主题词的选择和使用

    On the Choice and Use of Theme Words in Data Retrieval

  30. 资金将是刚刚在2005年主题词唯一不变。

    Funds will be just coming in2005 MeSH the only unchanged .