
zhǔ chí rén
  • host;president;anchor;chair;compere;emcee;anchorwoman
  1. 要想做一个优秀的游戏节目主持人就要了解你的参赛选手。

    Being a good game-show host means getting to know your contestants .

  2. 谁是今晚的节目主持人?

    Who will be the host for tonight 's program ?

  3. 她是高薪电视节目主持人。

    She 's a highly paid TV presenter .

  4. 他担任过改装赛车大赛的主持人。

    He acted as grand marshal of a stock car race .

  5. 我不想被归类为儿童节目主持人。

    I don 't want to be pigeonholed as a kids ' presenter .

  6. 很多人认为当电视节目主持人是一件刺激的事情。

    Most people think being a television presenter is exciting

  7. 阿利斯于1969年从高尔夫球界退役,继而成为一名成功的节目主持人。

    Alliss retired from golf in 1969 and went on to become a successful broadcaster

  8. 马塞尔·柏林斯是英国广播公司《法治进行时》节目的主持人。

    Marcel Berlins is the presenter of the BBC radio programme Law in Action .

  9. 主持人和听众都公开批评她,并以取笑她为乐。

    The presenters and audience ripped her apart , enjoying a laugh at her expense

  10. 那样,她就成了首个怀孕期间一直上班的电视节目主持人。

    That makes her the first TV presenter to work the full term of her pregnancy

  11. 广告过后,主持人努力假装一切恢复正常。

    After the adverts , the presenter tried to pretend that everything was back to normal .

  12. 更机智、更有口才的一类电台音乐主持人,以大学毕业生西蒙·梅奥为代表

    a more intelligent and articulate breed of disc jockeys , typified by university graduate Simon Mayo .

  13. 他在美国广播公司的新闻部工作——他是晚间15分钟新闻播报的主持人。

    He worked in the news division of ABC — he was the anchor of its 15-minute evening newscast .

  14. 节目主持人要听众们猜他是在什么地方说话的。

    The announcer asked listeners to guess where he was speaking from .

  15. 晚会主持人请每一位来宾自我介绍作为节目的开始。

    The evening party director started the ball rolling by asking all the participants to introduce themselves .

  16. 使每位发言人不离题,少浪费时间,是主持人的部分职责。

    It is part of the chairman 's duty to keep each speaker to the point to save wasting time .

  17. 每个人都加入了进来。主持人们还有说唱比赛。

    Everybody joined in.MCs had rapping competitions .

  18. 每周都会有才华横溢的新舞者、新的唱片播放师和新的主持人。

    Every week , there were talented new dancers , new DJs and new MCs .

  19. 每个星期主持人推出他们最喜欢的候选人

    Each week presenters would put the case for their favourite candidate .

  20. 节目主持人正在同一位当地的专栏作家交谈。

    The host was interviewing a local columnist .

  21. 演员莉兹·赫利、英国电视节目主持人梅兰妮·赛克斯以及超模海蒂·克鲁姆均属这一群体。

    Actress Liz Hurley , TV presenter Melanie Sykes and supermodel Heidi Klum are all members .

  22. 我是你的主持人Dr。

    I 'm your host , Dr.

  23. 形象塑造主要指CIS系统设计与主持人培养。

    Image building is like CIS system design and host training .

  24. Web会议与活动和任务列表集成在一起,让主持人可以进行记录,而且所有参与者都可以使用集成的即时消息传递工具与其他参与者进行会话。

    Web meetings are integrated with activities and to-do lists to let the host take notes , and any participant can chat with other participants using the integrated instant messaging tool .

  25. 首先由主持人设定好OpenSpace的规则,接下来参与者会根据这个规则创建好会议议程,整个议程都是一系列自我组织的活动。

    A facilitator lays out the Open Space ground rules when he or she " opens the space " . Participants then use the ground rules to create the agenda in a self-organizing series of activities .

  26. 作为台湾家喻户晓的人物,吴宗宪是是XX本土电视台最受欢迎的主持人。

    Jacky Wu is , as everyone in XX knows , the most popular guy on local television .

  27. 兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LancasterUniversityManagementSchool)的商业心理学教授卡里库珀(CaryCooper)表示,一名优秀的主持人还应善于化解冲突。

    Cary Cooper , professor of business psychology at Lancaster University School of management , says a good chair will also be adept at conflict resolution .

  28. 一位著名访谈节目主持人甚至说如果谁接种H1N1型流感疫苗谁就是傻瓜。

    One popular talk-show host even tweeted that folks who get vaccinated against the new H1N1 strain were idiots .

  29. 现在,Welcome页面显示关键的用户信息,比如谁是会议主持人、会议关于什么、会议开始时间等。

    Now , the Welcome page shows the critical user information , such as who the meeting moderator is , what the meeting is about , and the meeting start time .

  30. 当主持人Ellen答应带他去迪斯尼乐园玩时,他立即模仿起唐老鸭来,这也逗乐了现场的观众们。

    When Ellen promised him a tour of Disneyland , he immediately imitated Donald Duck , which amused the audience .