
cái pàn zhǎnɡ
  • referee;chief referee;senior judge;arbiter
  1. 裁判长:请做记录,并开秒表计时。

    Referee : Please take a note and star the stop-watch .

  2. 裁判员:那我要报告裁判长。

    Umpire : Then , I have to report to the referee .

  3. 裁判长可以自己事先洗牌发牌。

    The director may himself perform the shuffle and deal in advance .

  4. 裁判长:这您们即先打混双。

    Referee : So you will play mixed doubles first .

  5. 他应当将发生的事件及时通知总裁判长。

    He will keep the RO informed of any incidents .

  6. 一切判决会由总裁判长决定。

    This decision is made by the superior judge .

  7. 裁判长之后去跟另一名领队商量。

    The referee goes to another team manager .

  8. 裁判员:裁判长,裁判长,有个运动员的脚伤了,需要医生!

    Umpire : Referee ! One player had hurt his feet , doctor is wanted here !

  9. 裁判长:我看一下。噢,你们有兼项的运动员。

    Referee : Let me check . Oh , you have players play in two matches .

  10. 裁判长:我理解,但我们得给每个队安排练习啊。

    Referee : I understand that , but we have to arrange the time for all teams .

  11. 裁判长根据自己的判断,可要求其作出该动作的示范。

    At his / her discretion , the Chief Judge could request a demonstration of the activity .

  12. 他们应该不断的监测风况,一旦有变化就立即通知总裁判长。

    They should constantly monitor the wind and inform the RO of any changes as soon as they occur .

  13. 每张牌桌4位牌手,牌桌由裁判长依序标号。

    Four players play at each table , and tables are numbered in a sequence established by the director .

  14. 裁判长:佳,人们入止下一项,请下接您们第一轮的入场实双。

    Referee : Ok , the next item , please hand in your composition of the team for the first tie now .

  15. 不按要求作出示范的队伍,裁判长有权拒绝其表演。

    Teams not conforming to this request may not be allowed to present their routine , at the discretion of the chief judge .

  16. 天气恶化时,裁判长在什么时刻决定放弃竞赛?大的望远镜放大率同时放大了不稳定大气的影响。

    At what point does the RO decide to abandon in deteriorating weather conditions ? A large telescope magnification also magnifies the influence of unsteady air .

  17. 欧洲议会法庭的裁判长调解了谷歌和诸如路易威登等厂商因为商标而发生的矛盾。

    A senior judge at the European Court of Justice has intervened in an ongoing row between Google and brand names , such as Louis Vuitton .

  18. 裁判长:我们进行会议的下一项,请再检查签表,看看你们的队员有什么问题没有。

    Referee : OK , the next item for this meeting , please check the draw again and confirm that the entries of your team are all correct .

  19. 想了解赛场内幕,与裁判长面对面交流吗?作为一名初出茅庐的记者,他要了解报界生涯的内幕。

    Do you want to get to know the dope of the competition and communicate with the judges ? As a cub reporter he would learn the facts of life in the newspaper world .

  20. 裁判长:前一场的运动员因伤弃权了,如果你们双方都同意并已做好准备,我想将那场球的比赛时间提前。

    Referee : One of a player of the previous match had been withdrawn because of injury , So if both of your players ready and agree , 1 would like to start that match in advance .