
cái yuán
  • Layoffs;lay off;reduce the staff;run-down;cut down the number of persons employed
裁员 [cái yuán]
  • [cut down the number of persons employed;reduce the staff] 裁革冗员

裁员[cái yuán]
  1. 从他刚才所说的判断,公司将要裁员。

    Judging from what he has just said , the company will reduce the staff .

  2. 银行大规模的裁员是国有银行改革人事制度,提高经营效益,增强竞争能力的重要措施。

    To reduce the staff in the large is an important measure for the state-run banks to reform the personnel system , to improve the running benefit and to strengthen the competitive power .

  3. 我们必须采取措施,防止进一步裁员。

    We must make a stand against further job losses .

  4. 他们那个小组被选中成为裁员的目标。

    Their group was targeted to carry the burden of job losses .

  5. 这家工厂正大批裁员。

    The factory is shedding a large number of jobs .

  6. 工人赢得了阻止强制裁员的斗争。

    Workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies .

  7. 600多名工人遭到强制性裁员。

    Over 600 workers were made compulsorily redundant .

  8. 裁员的传言后来得到了证实。

    Rumours of job losses were later confirmed .

  9. 到处谣传要裁员。

    There are widespread rumours of job losses .

  10. 裁员消息宣布时办公室里一片忧郁和沮丧的气氛。

    There was a feeling of gloom and depression in the office when the news of the job cuts was announced .

  11. 该部称希望避免强制性裁员。

    The ministry has said it hopes to avoid compulsory redundancies .

  12. 讨论针对教师的强制裁员政策真是滑稽可笑。

    It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers

  13. 许多公司几乎别无选择,只能裁员。

    Many firms have had little choice but to slim down .

  14. 裁员促使很多人开始从事新事业。

    Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers .

  15. 雇员已经就裁员一事与管理层发生了争执。

    Employees already are in conflict with management over job cuts

  16. 由于农村的工厂纷纷裁员,人们逐渐流向城市。

    As rural factories shed labour , people drift towards the cities .

  17. 非常庞大的裁员开支已被列入预算。

    The really heavy redundancy costs have been accounted for .

  18. 将会裁员160人的消息在该团体中掀起了一阵骚动。

    News of 160 redundancies had sent tremors through the community

  19. 无迹象显示裁员势头会减缓。

    There were no signs of any let-up in job-shedding .

  20. 我坚持要求得到一大笔裁员补偿。

    I stuck out for a handsome redundancy package .

  21. 工会许诺会“竭尽所能地”阻止任何强制裁员。

    Unions pledged to fight any compulsory redundancies ' tooth and nail ' .

  22. 裁员将在两年内分阶段进行。

    The redundancies will be phased over two years .

  23. 许多公司已经宣布大幅裁员。

    Many companies have announced dramatic reductions in staff .

  24. 该公司不得不为裁员支付4.72亿英镑的补偿款。

    The company has had to make redundancy payments of £ 472 million .

  25. 优厚的裁员条件引发了职员争先恐后地要求辞职的现象。

    Generous redundancy terms had triggered a stampede of staff wanting to leave .

  26. 普惠公司宣布将进一步裁员。

    Pratt & Whitney has announced that it will be making further job reductions

  27. 对工人的裁员原则是“后进先出”。

    Workers will go on a ' last in , first out ' basis .

  28. 公司将裁员700人。

    The firm is to shed 700 jobs

  29. 这是旨在增强公司竞争力的新一轮裁员。

    This is the latest round of job cuts aimed at making the company more competitive

  30. 经理们说裁员是不可避免的。

    Managers said the job losses were unavoidable