
chè zhí
  • dismissal;displace;eliminate;remove sb.from office;dismiss sb. from his post;remove sb. from office;dismiss sb.from his post
撤职 [chè zhí]
  • [eliminate;dismiss sb.from his post;remove sb.from office] 撤销职务

  • 继任政府立即把许多官员撤职

撤职[chè zhí]
  1. 两位内阁大臣也被撤职了。

    Two cabinet ministers also got the push .

  2. 一旦他们被抓住,她就会名誉扫地,被很不光彩地撤职开除。

    If they were caught , she would be thrown out in disgrace , dismissed with ignominy .

  3. 他因品行有损军人的名誉而被撤职。

    He was cashiered for conduct injurious to the reputation of a soldier .

  4. 他营私舞弊,已经被撤职查办。

    He has been removed from office and prosecuted on a charge of embezzlement .

  5. 由于贪污,这个公司的经理已被撤职查办。

    Owing to graft , the manager of this company was discharged from his post and prosecuted .

  6. 该规定强调,凡在工作日午餐违规饮酒者,干部及士官给予降职(级)或者降衔(级)直至撤职处分。

    Under the provision , air force officers and soldiers may face punishment including demotion , degradation or dismissal for drinking alcohol at lunch on working days .

  7. NBC新闻仍是电视网的领头羊,即使《今日秀》的情况显得有些混乱,而且显然其节目主播安•克莉即将被撤职。

    NBC news is still the network leader even though things appear chaotic at today with the apparently imminent ouster of host Ann curry .

  8. 在4月,科学部长NurisOrihuela一位地球物理工程师被撤职了,接替他的是工程师兼陆军中尉JesseChacón。批评者说后者几乎没有科学资质。

    In April science minister Nuris Orihuela a geophysical engineer was dismissed and replaced by Jesse Chac ó n , an engineer and army lieutenant who critics say has few scientific credentials .

  9. 国王对他们进行任命、监督、调动或撤职。

    King on their appointment , supervision , transfer or dismissal .

  10. 济南铁路局的两位高官已被撤职。

    Two top officials of the Jinan Railway Bureau were sacked .

  11. 撤职;开除新州长将前任州长的职员全部解雇。

    The new governor dismissed the staff that served his predecessor .

  12. 后来他被董事会撤职了。

    He was later removed by the Board of Directors .

  13. 至少应该撤职。

    At the very least , he should be dismissed .

  14. 她撤职引起的吵闹毫无疑问会继续下去。

    The uproar over her dismissal will no doubt continue .

  15. 丑闻之后,他被撤职。

    He was removed from office following the scandal .

  16. 他在大庭广众之下辱骂政坛显贵,结果被撤职了。

    He was dismissed for publicly insulting prominent politicians .

  17. 士兵们纷纷抱怨说那位将军应该被撤职。

    There were rumblings in the ranks that the general should be dismissed .

  18. 将领们被撤职,新的将领走马上任;

    Generals were dismissed , new generals appointed ;

  19. 我唯一的错误就是没有尽早把你撤职

    The only mistake I can see is not removing you from duty sooner .

  20. 三鹿的女董事长和总经理被撤职。

    Sanlu chairwoman and general manager also sacked .

  21. 他因以权谋私被撤职。

    He was sacked from his job for abusing his power for personal gain .

  22. 警察局长因渎职而被撤职。

    The chief of police was removed from office for failing to do his duty .

  23. 玩忽职守,丧失原则,不宜担任会计工作的,主管单位应当责成所在单位予以撤职或者免职。

    Chief accountants or responsible persons of accounting departments must not be appointed or removed willfully .

  24. 据官方媒体报道,还有9名地方官员被撤职,7人被停职。

    Nine other local officials were removed from their posts and seven suspended , according to state media reports .

  25. 我听说有传言说有一些人可能是被重新委派了也有可能就直接从他们的岗位上被撤职。

    I 'm hearing rumors about a bunch of people that are either reassigned or simply removed from their posts .

  26. 煤矿经营者,盘县煤炭开发有限公司的三名高级领导全部撤职。

    Three top officials of Pannan Coal Exploitation Co. , Ltd , the operator of the mine , have been sacked .

  27. 这位部长将会被撤职,因为经过考查发现他不称职。

    The minister will be discharged from his post , for he has been weighted in the balance and found wanting .

  28. 还有一个大祭司,早前被撤职了,他的家族不再是大祭司身份。

    Another priest that had been dislocated from the high priesthood earlier , his family had originally been the high priesthood family .

  29. 受到撤职以下行政处分的交通警察,应当降低警衔。

    The police rank of any traffic policeman who is imposed upon an administrative sanction below removal from post shall be degraded .

  30. 在今天的播报中,随着中央对反贪力度的进一步加强,广东官员发生了恶性事件,而随之江西省多名官员也遭到了撤职。

    In today 's podcast , a grisly affair in Guangdong and back-to-back sackings in Jiangxi as the Communist Party 's anti-corruption campaign continues .