
  • 网络cancel order;FAK;FOK
  1. 委托人或其代理人于委托事项尚未成交前,得通知期货商撤销原委托。

    The principal or its agent may notify the futures commission merchant to cancel a consignment order before the order is executed .

  2. 不可撤销跟单付款委托书

    Irrevocable documentary payment order

  3. 撤销支票付款的委托,仅于提示期限满后行之,始为有效。

    The countermand of a cheque only takes effect after the expiration of the limit of time for presentment .

  4. 然而,中国信托法也同时将该撤销权赋予了委托人。

    However , it is also endowed with the reversible right to the trustor in Trust Law of China .