
  • 网络Office politics;office politic;organizational politics
  1. Watercoolergames指同事之间有关办公室政治以及同事间恋情等非工作相关话题的议论,我们可称之为“办公室八卦”。

    Watercooler games refer to discussions between co-workers , usually about non-work related things like office politics or suspected inter-colleague romances .

  2. Black很清楚办公室政治,并且他提供了一些关于建立一致的、解决问题的,和避免冲突的建议。

    Black is a savvy veteran who understands office politics , and he offers quite a bit of advice about building consensus , handling problems , and avoiding conflict .

  3. 他从不愿意和善于搞办公室政治的人做朋友。

    He never wanted to be friends with the office politicians .

  4. ZipHeaters英国总部的销售总监NickTaylor谈道:这个研究表明,在茶歇中是绝对有办公室政治的。

    Nick Taylor , Sales Director for Zip Heaters UK , said : ' The research shows there is definitely office politics when it comes to doing the tea round .

  5. 不加入集团或处理,在办公室政治。

    Don 't join cliques or deal in office politics .

  6. 要警惕,玩弄办公室政治是危险的。

    Be warned , playing the office politics game can be risky .

  7. 人们认为办公室政治涉及一些操纵行为。

    People assume that office politics involves some manipulative behavior .

  8. 组织才能办公室政治已经声名狼藉。

    Organizational Savvy " Office politics " has got a bad name .

  9. 这个新上任的家伙搞办公室政治,而且有自己中意的人。

    The new guy is political and has his favourites .

  10. 在学校的时候有班级政治,上班之后有办公室政治;

    There is classroom politics at school , and office politics at work ;

  11. 他们有办公室政治;,他们有各种各样其他的动机。

    They have office politics ; they have any number of other motivations .

  12. 当然,肯定会有人玩办公室政治。

    Of course , people do play organizational games .

  13. 对他来说,这是又一个肮脏的办公室政治的例子。

    For him , it was yet another example of dirty office politics .

  14. 这样的办公室政治游戏不值得去赢。

    The game of office politics in this situation is not one worth winning .

  15. 办公室政治消耗的精力常常比销售、生产以及经销所耗精力的总和还多。

    Office politics frequently absorbs more energy than sales , production and distribution combined .

  16. 停滞和办公室政治就会出现

    that 's when stagnation and politics come in

  17. 我很讨厌小鸡肚肠的办公室政治。

    Also , I hate petty office politics .

  18. 另一种方法是避免办公室政治。

    Another way is to avoid office politics .

  19. 正常时期,办公室政治是工作之余的一种活动。

    In normal times office politics is a part-time sport slotted in around work .

  20. 她说:我的理想工作没有办公室政治。

    Thus : My dream job would be one free of politics , she says .

  21. 商务环境下办公室政治中的语言与权力互动关系的研究

    Research on the Interactive Relationship between Language and Power in Office Politics in Business Context

  22. 这是一个有关办公室政治礼数的复杂问题,回答起来需要极高程度的世故。

    This is a complicated question of office political etiquette that requires great sophistication to answer .

  23. 那些擅长办公室政治的人是那些受到同事欢迎的人。

    The people who are most effective at office politics are people who are genuinely nice .

  24. 我们认为,他混淆了两种不同的办公室政治。

    We think he was mistaken .

  25. 首席执行官如走马灯般更换,经营磕磕绊绊,但办公室政治盖过了一切。

    Chief executives come and go , the business blunders on , but politics overshadows everything .

  26. 不过,更大的一种可能是,疯狂的办公室政治是各种中年危机的外部表现。

    More likely though , demented office politics represent an external manifestation of various midlife crises .

  27. 右脑思考者则是个内向,完全超然于办公室政治之外的家伙。

    A right brainer is an introvert , totally outclassed when it comes to office politics .

  28. 70.描述一个你如何处理复杂办公室政治的事例。

    70 . Describe a situation in which you had to deal with a complex workplace politics .

  29. 经过残酷的办公室政治斗争之后,刚调过来的那个人成了老板最新的左膀右臂。

    The transferred employee became his boss 's new right-hand person , the outcome of brutal office politics .

  30. 在职业生涯中,我们是不是必须应对办公室政治、小算计和猜忌?

    Must you , in your career , deal with politically motivated maneuvers , petty rivalry and jealousy ?