
  1. 第四部分赣州市国税局办税服务厅规范化建设的措施及建议。

    The fourth part is measures and suggestion about how to improve the construction of tax service office .

  2. 办税服务厅是税务机关设置的派出机构,肩负着征收税款与提供纳税服务的双重重任。

    Tax service hall is an agency of tax authority , which is responsible for levying taxes and serving taxpayers .

  3. 狭义上,纳税服务员是指税务部门下属的纳税服务中心及办税服务厅的工作人员。

    Narrow sense , refers to tax services is taxable under the tax department service centers and the tax service hall staff .

  4. 本文对重庆市国家税务局办税服务厅的基本情况进行了整理,对办税服务厅制定采取的激励措施进行了归纳。

    Based on the basic situation of Chongqing State Tax Bureau , I summarize incentives which are taken to develop the tax service hall .

  5. 提出从创新服务理念、打造一窗全能平台、完善激励机制、加强教育培训等四个方面来规范办税服务厅建设。

    In this part it puts forward the innovative service concept , creating " Full-service Window " platform , improving incentive mechanism , strengthening education training to improve the construction of tax service office .

  6. 笔者对办税服务厅工作人员发放了调查问卷,并对收回的问卷进行整理、分析,得出的数据表明,这些激励措施在实际运用中取得了一定的激励效果。

    I distribute questionnaires to the staff of tax service hall , and then collect questionnaires to arrange and analyze the data , which indicates that these incentives have achieved some incentive effect in practical application .

  7. 电子办税服务是顺应信息化时代发展要求而推出的一项举措,淮安地税在网上办税服务厅平台上,又推出了网上打印电子缴款凭证这一新的服务举措。

    Electronic tax service is one of the powerful measures that goes with the informational age . Local Taxation Bureau in Huai ' an offers a new measure called the " Online-printing of Electronic Paying Voucher " .