
  • 网络Hot Desking;hot-desking
  1. 在其他一些办公室,弹性工作制受到鼓励。办公桌轮用制非常盛行。

    At the others , flexible working was encouraged , and hot desking was rampant .

  2. 马克:有一个公司,我们采用“办公桌轮用制”。

    Mark : Well , at one company , we do hot desking .

  3. 办公桌轮用制源自于某个员工暂时使用一个工作位或工作面这样一个概念。

    Hot desking originates from the definition of being the temporary physical occupant of a work station or surface by a particular employee .

  4. 办公桌轮用制通常在所有员工不会同时在办公室或者不会在办公室待很久的办公场所实行,如果不这样做的话,那么很多办公室就有可能是空置的,同时耗费宝贵的空间和资源。

    Hot desking is regularly used in places where not all the employees are in the office at the same time , or not in the office for very long at all , which means actual personal offices would be often vacant , consuming valuable space and resources .

  5. 大约15年前非固定办公桌(Hot-desking,又称办公桌轮用制)出现在办公室的时候,没人认为这种做法会流行起来。

    When hot desking was introduced some 15 years ago , no one thought it would ever catch on .