
  • 网络subject method;subject indexing;thematic approach;The Topical Method;theme method
  1. 论主题法的两个问题

    The Two Aspects of Subject Indexing

  2. 摘要论文论述了分类法、主题法、分类主题一体化法以及本体论等知识组织方法的系统论基础。

    This paper discusses the system theory foundations of knowledge organization methods , such as classification , subject indexing , integrative classification and subject indexing , and ontology .

  3. 主题法、分类法与Ontology的比较研究

    The Comparison and Analysis of the Thesaurus , Taxonomy and Ontology

  4. 主题法在我国的发展与文献信息处理现代化

    Development of Subject Method in China and Automatic Documentation Processing

  5. 联机检索中的主题法的运用

    Application of the Subject Method for Online Retrieval

  6. 主题法在网络信息组织中的应用

    Application of Subject in Networking Information Organization

  7. 大多数用户查找情报时都使用主题法。

    A subject approach is what the majority of library users employ in seeking information .

  8. 该系统具有多种检索途径,既可使用主题法,也可使用分类法进行检索。

    This system can retrieve information in different ways and provides search by both subject method and classification .

  9. 本文研究的重点是分类法、主题法、元数据法在网络信息资源知识组织中的运用。

    The emphasis of the article is about the utilization of classification , subject , metadata in the network information resource organization .

  10. 图书馆传统文献组织与网络信息组织的实质是知识组织,分类法和主题法是知识组织的基本方法。

    The essence of library traditional document organization and web information organization is knowledge organization , which basic methods include classification and subject .

  11. 从理论上讨论了分类法与主题法的异同以及分类与主题逻辑组合进行文献检索的可行性。

    The difference between the methods of classification and subject is analysed . The feasibility of logical combining classification with subject in information retrieval is theoretically discussed .

  12. 而传统的信息标引及组织排序方法主要是分类法和主题法。然后论述了图书情报界长期发展起来的这些信息描述和信息标引及组织排序方法在网络环境下的运用。

    But in fact users are more likely to adopt synthetic methods of information organization , such as classification methods and subject methods , which are key researches in this article .

  13. 文章以简要地语言,论述了分类法和主题法两大情报检索语言的性质、功能,主题词检索语言的种类及其发展,侧重介绍了专业主题词表的产生、意义与作用;

    This article touches upon the characters and functions of classification method and subject indexing method that constitute the two major information indexing languages . It introduces various subject word indexing languages and their development .

  14. 本文论证了主题法只是揭示文献的方法,不是编排文献的方法,它只和分类法的部分内容而不是全部内容相对应。

    The author holds that the subject indexing is used to reveal the content of documents , not to make the arrangement of them . It corresponds only partly , not entirely to the classification .

  15. 分析在信息网络环境下,分类法、主题法、分类主题一体化及基于自然语言的全文检索方法的利弊,并提出今后检索方法发展的趋势。

    Analyses the advantages and disadvantages of subject , classification , subject classification retrieval methods and fulltext retrieval method using natural language on network , and points out the development of retrieval methods in the future .

  16. 本文介绍了目前常用的网络信息组织方法。并重点讨论了分类法、主题法、分类主题一体化的研究现状。

    The paper introduces common approaches to web information organization , with an emphasis on the status quo of the study on classification and subject indexing and the integration of classification systems and the - sauri .

  17. 从学科信息门户的含义及类型入手,论述了学科信息门户知识组织体系的原则及知识组织的内容:分类法、主题法和分类主题一体化。

    In this paper , the authors briefly elaborate the system principle of knowledge organization in the subject information gateway . Emphatically elaborated the knowledge organization 's content , it includes classification , subject law and classified subject integration .

  18. 介绍了图书馆学中的分类法、主题法、元数据法的基本知识,并分析了它们在企业信息资源规划过程中的具体应用。

    This paper introduces the basic knowledge of the classification method , subject method and metadata method in the library science , and analyzes on the concrete application of them in the course of enterprise 's information resource planning .

  19. 外语文化主题教学法的理论、实践和思考

    Culture-oriented foreign language thematic teaching method - Theory , practice and speculations

  20. 其中,普通名词又按主题分类法具体展开。

    Among them , the general terms and specific thematic classification start .

  21. 关于大学英语主题教学法的实践与思考

    College English Thematic Teaching Method & Practice and Speculations

  22. 资料分析采用主题框架法。

    Thematic framework was applied to do data analysis .

  23. 方法对51名访谈对象开展了专题组访谈和个人深入访谈,并用主题框架法进行分析。

    Methods Focus group discussion and individual in-depth interview were conducted in51 interviewees .

  24. 多媒体技术应用于以主题教学法为基础的英语听说课的效果研究

    The Study on the Effect of Multimedia Used in Theme-based Listening and Oral English Class

  25. 语篇主题分析法浅议

    Topic - based analysis of discourse

  26. 罪与法是卡夫卡小说的核心主题,法的隐退是它的基本语境;

    This paper discusses that sin and law are the main topics of kafka 's novels .

  27. 然而,在主题组织法的概念、类型和应用模式等发生改变的同时,其性能也在随之而改变。

    However , while the concept , type and mode of using of subject organization technique changed , its performance has been changing with it too .

  28. 在备课过程中建立模块备课体系,在教学过程中遵循实践理论再实践的原则,实施主题授课法。

    Modules are established during the pre-course preparation . In the teaching process , the principle of " practice-theory-further practice " is followed and theme teaching method applied .

  29. 性能上固有的优势和积极的调整是主题组织法在网络环境下生命力不断进发的真正原因,它决定了主题组织法的不可替代性。

    The inherent advantage and positive adjustment on performance are true reasons of subject organization technique 's constantly progress , and it has also determined the unsubstitutability of the subject organization technique .

  30. 将主题组织法运用到网络信息组织当中来,是知识组织和情报检索语言的思想及原理移植到网络环境下的成果之一。

    The application of subject organization technique in the network information organization is one of the achievements of the transplant of knowledge organization and information retrieval language thoughts and principles to network environment .