
  • Theme;theme song;Main Theme
  1. 希拉里·罗德汉姆·克林顿想让YouTube的用户们帮她挑选一首竞选主题曲。

    Hillary Rodham Clinton wants YouTube viewers to pick her campaign theme song .

  2. 近日,YouTube网站上出现了一个邀请网友去希拉里网站上为其总统竞选主题曲投票的视频,这显然是对年轻人的一种号召。

    In a clear appeal to young voters , a YouTube video asks viewers to vote for Clinton 's presidential campaign theme song on her Web site .

  3. 布雷默和加兰为主题曲《相逢圣路易斯》配和声。

    Bremer and Garland harmonize on the title song , ' Meet Me in St. Louis ' .

  4. 背景音乐放的是用中国乐器演奏的《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)的主题曲《随它吧》(LetItGo)。

    A Chinese instrumental version of " Let It Go " from " Frozen " played on the sound system .

  5. 而《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲LetitGo也获得了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖,如今这首歌曲似乎也开启了自己的产业。

    But its soundtrack centerpiece Let It Go , which also won an Academy Award for Best Original Song , appears to have started its own cottage industry .

  6. 也许你很容易就能猜到,因电影《冰雪奇缘》在世界各国播放,其主题曲LetitGo(以及其他插曲)也有多国语言录制。

    As you can easily guess , Let It Go ( and the other Frozen songs ) were recorded in different languages for international versions of the film .

  7. 这首激越的摇滚主题曲《Survival》于当地时间星期三在英国广播之声首次亮相。

    The song , Survival , is a thundering rock anthem that was being broadcast for the first time Wednesday on BBC radio .

  8. 《冰雪奇缘》作为最成功的动画电影之一,其主题曲《LetItGo》传遍了世界的大街小巷,早已成为大人和孩子心目中的神曲。

    Frozen is one of the most successful animation movies of all time , with adults and children across the world signing the hit soundtrack ' Let It Go ' .

  9. 这部动画电影单凭陈洁仪的主题曲MV就让观众潸然泪下。

    The animated feature won tears with its MV by Kit Chan alone 。

  10. 马克:FIFA有主题曲的吗?

    Mark : FIFA has an official song ?

  11. 京晶:噢,那是FIFA的主题曲。

    Oh , that 's the FIFA song .

  12. 前不久她演唱《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)的主题曲《我心依旧》(MyHeartWillGoOn)时,嘴巴几乎没动,手势像是一个交警在指挥交通。

    During a recent rendition of My Heart Will Go On , from the movie Titanic , her mouth barely moved and her gestures suggested a crossing guard directing traffic .

  13. 如果说奥运主题曲的作用本应是激励赛手勇攀体育高峰的话,那么由英国摇滚乐队缪斯带来的这首《Survival》并不能以身作则。

    If an Olympic-themed song is supposed to inspire competitors to new athletic heights , Survival , the official Olympics song from British rock band Muse , is hardly a good example .

  14. 而就在今年1月,她为热门韩剧《来自星星的你》录制了主题曲《Goodbye》,从而迎来了演艺生涯的重大突破。

    But her breakthrough came in January , when she released Goodbye , a soundtrack single for the popular drama Man From the Stars .

  15. 预计这部音乐动画片的全球票房已在周日突破了10亿美元关口,而该片脍炙人口的主题曲《LetitGo》还获得了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。

    The animated musical was expected to gross more than $ 1 billion in world-wide box office on Sunday and the movie 's most popular number , ' Let It Go , ' won the Oscar for best original song .

  16. 迪士尼的电影插曲一直以欢快荡漾、极具感染力而著称,它们常常能在你的脑海中回荡数月而不去。《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲LetItGo就是最近的一首代表之作。

    Disney is well-known for injecting its movies with bright , infectious music that bounces round in your mind for months on end , and no song in recent memory exemplifies this as well as Frozen 's Let It Go .

  17. 买票请认准网站amctheatres.com/titanic,购票时还会得到电影的下载版本,这样主题曲《MyHeartWillGoOn》想起的时候,就能自己在家哭了呢。

    And if you buy a ticket , which you can do at amctheatres.com/titanic , you also get a digital download so you can weep to " My Heart Will Go On " in the privacy of your own home later on .

  18. 剧集主题曲是琼·杰特(JoanJett)的《坏名声》(BadReputation),正好可以反映剧中的时代以及本剧的态度;

    The show 's period and something of its attitude is established by the use of Joan Jett 's " Bad Reputation " as a theme ;

  19. 比如,早在世纪70年代,可口可乐(Coca-Cola)就尝试用主题曲为《我想教这个世界歌唱(完美和谐地歌唱)》(I’dLiketoTeachtheWorldtoSing[InPerfectHarmony])的商业广告,来促进和平与和谐。

    Coca-Cola , for instance , has tried to promote peace and harmony dating from the 1970s with commercials featuring the song " I 'd Like to Teach the World to Sing ( In Perfect Harmony ) . "

  20. U2乐队主唱波诺、主吉他手“刀刃”和蒂娜·特纳联手合作,共同完成了这首最狂野的007电影主题曲。

    Bono and The Edge collaborated with Tina Turner on this , the sultriest James Bond song ever .

  21. 今年第47期的集英社《少年JUMP》杂志日前公布了加拿大歌手艾薇儿将为今年的《海贼王》剧场版献唱2首主题曲的消息。

    This year 's 47th issue of Shueisha 's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine is announcing on Monday that Canadian singer Avril Lavigne is contributing two theme songs for this year 's One Piece Film Z film .

  22. 所以,她决定拿起麦克风,为汉弗莱演唱《小美人鱼》(TheLittleMermaid)的主题曲《吻她》(KisstheGirl)。在引吭高歌之际,她突然双膝跪地,请汉弗莱嫁给她。

    So she decided to grab a microphone and serenade Ms. Humphrey with a karaoke rendition of " Kiss the Girl , " from " The Little Mermaid . " After belting out the tune , she dropped to both knees and asked Ms. Humphrey to marry her .

  23. 这个故事被汇编成小说,改编成漫画,拍成电影(2005年6月上映,主题曲《爱之游》由日本流行组合OrangeRange演唱)和电视剧(富士电视台2005年6月至9月播送)。

    The story has enjoyed a compilation in novel form , several comic book adaptations , a movie released in June 2005 , a theme song Love Parade for this movie by a popular Japanese band named Orange Range and a television series that aired on Fuji TV from June to September 2005 .

  24. 这首歌正是2010南非世界杯主题曲《WakaWaka(非洲时刻)》。

    This is the official song of the2010 World Cup in South Africa , and it is titled Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) .

  25. 保罗麦·卡特尼(是的,还有Wings乐队)凭着邦德电影《生死关头》的主题曲闯出了一片新天地。007系列电影做出了一些更换,灵魂人物邦德改由罗杰·摩尔出演,因此影片选取了20世纪70年代的音乐声作为主题曲。

    Paul McCartney ( yes , yes , and also Wings ) ushered in a new era of James Bond movies with the theme to Live and Let Die , sending the series careening into a 1970s musical sound as the franchise rebranded itself with a new leading man , Roger Moore .

  26. 她最终会在十月迎来一个男婴,花10分钟录制詹姆斯•邦德的主题曲《Skyfall》,试图获得奥斯卡最佳歌曲提名,并在本月被命名为美联社年度最佳艺人。

    She would ultimately welcome a baby boy in October , spend 10 minutes recording the James Bond theme " Skyfall " and find her way onto Oscar 's Best Song shortlist , and be named AP 's Entertainer of the Year this month .

  27. 007系列电影主题曲第二名:蒂娜·特纳--《黄金眼》

    James Bond Themes 2 . " GoldenEye " by Tina Turner

  28. 我不演奏爱情故事的主题曲。

    I 'm not gonna play the theme from love story .

  29. 我知道很疯狂,不过千真万确(电影主题曲)。

    I know it 's crazy , but it 's true .

  30. 在《暗影行动》中,主题曲由小提琴独奏出。

    A solo violin carried the theme in " The Fixer ";