
  • 网络SVO
  1. 不少人以为英语“主谓宾”结构都可以转变成被动句,而且语态转换不会改变句子的基本意义。

    It is taken granted that all English SVO constructions can be converted into their passive counter-parts , with their basic meaning remaining unchanged .

  2. 古代汉语中形容词的使动用法和意动用法一般都采用主谓宾结构式,两者的区别在于句式的变换不同,动宾结构所表示的语义关系不同。

    The causative and conative usage of adjectives in classic Chinese are both found in the SVO structures , while the difference between the two lies in their alternative patterns of different semantic meanings .

  3. 主谓宾补她会使他成为好丈夫。

    She will make him a good husband .

  4. 对比是基础,笔者也赞同这一基本立场,但笔者同时认为,如果仅仅把对比建立在语言的表层之上,进行纯粹主谓宾的分析是肤浅的对比。

    I am myself for this stance , but at the same time , I think it is inappropriate to make contrastive studies solely on the language surface .

  5. 兼语句主要有四类对应句式,分别是:复合宾语句、主谓宾句、主谓宾状句、致动词句。

    There are four types of Chinese pivotal correspondent construction , namely complex object sentence , S + V + O sentence , S + V + O + A sentence and causative word-sentence .

  6. 首先考虑到在中文的语法结构中,一个句子由主谓宾构成,尤其在口语话的语句中,还会有很多省略句,这些句子通常只有主语和谓语或仅仅只有谓语。

    Firstly , in the grammatical structure of Chinese , a sentence is composed by subject 、 predicate 、 object , and especially in the oral statement , there are a lot of elliptical sentences which are composed by subject and predicate , or predicate only .

  7. 我看到那个男孩在踢足球。主谓宾语宾补。保证最基本的语法正确。即主谓宾。

    I watch the boy playing foot ball . Ascertain the correctness of the fundamental sentence structure , namely : subject , verb and object .

  8. 本文认为,古汉语数(量)·名二语序形式间的泛时关系,是定中短语同主谓短语、宾补短语形式间的关系。

    This paper views the relationship between the two variant forms of numeral ( quantity )· noun order in old Chinese as the relationship between attribute ── head , subject ── predicate and object ── complement word group .

  9. 再次,通过“N的V”结构与主谓结构或动宾结构的对比,进一步探讨语句中使用“N的V”结构的深层原因。

    Thirdly , inquiry into the deep reasons of using " V of N " in the sentence through the comparison between " V of N " and structure of predication or structure of complementation .

  10. 数字缩略语的形式特点包括数词+共同语素、数词+特征语素两种形式,结构特点包括并列式、偏正式、主谓式、动宾式。

    The form features of numeral abbreviation includes number plus common morphemes and number plus characteristic morphemes , and the form features contains Paratactic type , slant formal subject-predicate type and verb-object type .

  11. 合成词有复合式和附加式两类。根据结构可以将它们分成:偏正式、主谓式、动宾式、并列式、补充式、重叠式以及附加式。

    Compound words take either the combined form or affixed form , or they can also be categorized into modifying , subject-predicate , verb-object , paratactic , supplemental , overlapping and affixed types in the aspect of structure .