
dìng guàn cí
  • definite article;definite article in English grammar
定冠词 [dìng guàn cí]
  • [definite article in English grammar] 放在名词之前的虚词,用来特别说明名词所指的是某一类人或事物(非汉语语法)

定冠词[dìng guàn cí]
  1. 定冠词的形成及应用

    The Formation & Application of The Definite Article the

  2. 语篇视角与定冠词用法的习得

    Textual Viewpoint and Acquisition of Definite Article the

  3. a/an是不定冠词,the是定冠词。

    " a / an " is the indefinite article ," the " is the definite article .

  4. 名词是人或物的名称。thing前省去了不定冠词a。

    The noun is the name of a person or thing .

  5. 当school、hospital等词指机构时,在介词后不加定冠词

    School NOTE ON USAGE When a school , hospital , etc is being referred to as an institution , we do not use the definite article after a preposition

  6. 为此,这篇论文以Halliday和Hasan的衔接理论为基础来研究定冠词在英语中的衔接功能。

    With Halliday and Hasan 's cohesion theories , this thesis discusses the cohesive functions of the definite article the in the English language .

  7. 我们不能在这个名词前用不定冠词。

    We can 't use the indefinite article with this noun .

  8. 虽然他是个孩子,但能讲流利的英语。(名词单数前不用不定冠词a)

    Although he is a child , he speaks fluent English .

  9. 大学生英语定冠词掌握情况测试调查

    A Survey on College Students ′ Mastery of the Definite Article

  10. 去掉网站前面的定冠词,只要脸谱网

    Drop the " The . " Just " Facebook . "

  11. 毕竟,会见陌生人就意味着接触未知世界。定冠词和形容词连用,表示一类人或事物。

    After all , meeting strangers means seeing the unknown .

  12. 埃格伯特说,他(开车)每开一英里就赚一块钱。(不定冠词。

    Egbert said he was getting a dollar a mile .

  13. 更多地使用类似于英语中不定冠词的‘一’+量词结构。

    Increased use of the structure of yi + quantifier ;

  14. 在这里所有的男孩之中,他唱的最好。(定冠词前)

    Of all the boys here , he sings best .

  15. 英语定冠词在语篇中的衔接与连贯

    Cohesion and coherence of the definite article at level of discourse / text

  16. 英语定冠词用法分析

    Discussion on the Uses of definite Article in English

  17. 这是对的,谁说there前面不能加定冠词了?

    How far is it from here to there ?

  18. 夜半时分,我们终于到达了那座城市。用定冠词的其它习语还有如。

    In the middle of the night , we finally reached that city .

  19. 只有几个学生在教室里。定冠词的用法。

    Only a few students are in the classroom .

  20. 这一研究揭示了在某一程度上,即对定冠词的僵化倾向性的预测上,是可靠的。

    This research reveals that the Selective Fossilization Hypothesis is reliable to some extent .

  21. 论定冠词the表特指的认知心理基础

    On Cognitive and Psychological Base of Definite Article " the " with Specific Reference

  22. 浅谈汉译英中的定冠词问题

    A Talk on Definite Article in C-E Translation

  23. 研究2探索二语冠词习得中定冠词过渡使用现象。

    Study 2 probes the phenomenon of overgeneralization of the in L2 article acquisition .

  24. 布朗一家人常来看我们。3.定冠词还有许多其他的用法呦。

    The Browns often come to see us .

  25. 我喜欢带有定冠词的名字

    I like names with " the . "

  26. 英语中有两个冠词:定冠词和不定冠词。

    There are in English two articles : the definite article and the in-definite article .

  27. 定冠词:用于指定在某些方面特指或者唯一的东西。

    Definite article : used to indicate that a thing is unique in some way .

  28. 中国学习者英语定冠词习得中负面证据的效应

    The Efficacy of Negative Evidence on the Second Language Acquisition of English Definite Article the

  29. 因此,我们可以说,定冠词是语言社会的产物并随着社会的发展而变化。

    Therefore , the definite article is a social product and changes with social development .

  30. 定冠词the在英语语法上的变化;

    The change of thein English grammar ;