
yī bān yí wèn jù
  • general question;yes-no question
  1. 一般疑问句疑问功能的语用消解

    A Pragmatic Study of the Functional Transmutation in English General Question

  2. 一般疑问句疑问标示的语法化

    A Syntactic Analysis of the Question Marker in General Question

  3. 英语一般疑问句之所以会产生中心语移位,是因为现代英语中带有疑问语素的C为强语素,它只有加缀于助动词或情态动词这类结构位置高于动词的中心语才能核查自己的特征。

    C which has interrogatory morpheme is a strong morpheme in modern English , it 's feature can only be checked when it is affixed to auxiliary which has a higher position in sentence .

  4. 把下列句子改写为一般疑问句并作出回答。

    Put the sentence into question one and give an answer .

  5. 反义疑问句通常有陈述句和一般疑问句构成。

    Tag-question normally consists of a statement and a question tag .

  6. 本文除讨论标句词和do外,还对一般疑问句疑问标示的显性与隐性问题进行了讨论。

    The problem of overt and covert markers is also discussed .

  7. 穿插一般疑问句和命令句来变换句型。

    Vary sentence types by including occasional questions and commands .

  8. Can是一个情态动词。一般疑问句以助动词或情态动词开头。

    Yes / no questions begin with an auxiliary or a modal .

  9. (肯定句)她喜欢英语吗?(一般疑问句)是的,她喜欢。

    Does she like English ? Yes , she does .

  10. 变为一般疑问句。

    They usually have hour lessons in the morning .

  11. 最简方案中的一般疑问句疑问标示

    A minimalist approach to the analysis of the question marker in yes-no question

  12. 最简方案下的英语一般疑问句研究

    Analysis of English General Interrogatory Sentence : From the Perspective of the Minimalist Program

  13. 把这些句子变成否定句,再变成一般疑问句。

    45 Make these sentences negative then interrogative .

  14. 语用学视角下的英语一般疑问句及其答语的研究

    A Study of English General Questions and Their Answers from the Perspective of Pragmatics

  15. 把此句变为一般疑问句。

    Li Ming studied English this morning .

  16. 这是一个一般疑问句,所以应该读升调。

    This is a general question . It should be read in the rising tone .

  17. 对《红楼梦》中一般疑问句系统的考察

    Observations on general questions of

  18. 因此我们认为两种句式在形式上是有显著不同的。所以反问句和一般疑问句在表层结构形式上并不是严格意义的同构形式。

    On the surface structure , the rhetorical question and general interrogative sentence are not of the strictly identical structures .

  19. 《诗经》的虚字言不是动词词头一般疑问句以助动词或情态动词开头。

    The Form Word " Yan " in The Classical Poems Is ; yes / no questions begin with an auxiliary or a modal .

  20. 第六章是反诘疑问句,即无疑而问的反问句,其研究方法与一般疑问句研究方法相同。

    Chapter VI is a rhetorical questions , that is , no doubt the question of rhetorical questions , and its research methods and research methods in general the same questions .

  21. 本文从语用的角度讨论了一般疑问句的疑问消解,指出两种情况:一、疑问衰变可以通过疑问标示表示出来,二、具有常规疑问标示的一般疑问句的疑问衰变完全靠语境消解。

    This article concentrates , from pragmatic point of view , on the interrogative transmutation of the general question in English , claiming that this transmutation can be effected by question markers as well as by particular contexts .

  22. 由于一般疑问句有四种类型,并且数量多,因此第二章至第五章逐次分析说明一般疑问句,依次是:特指疑问句、是非疑问句、正反疑问句、选择疑问句。

    Because of the general questions have four types , and quantity , and therefore Chapter II to Chapter V of successive analysis of the general questions , are : specific questions , the non-interrogative sentence , the positive and negative questions , select questions .

  23. 一句话不说。一般使用时用疑问句。

    Attention : It 's more use in question sentence .

  24. 在本研究中,测试问题的问题类型由单一的一般疑问句式改为一般疑问句和特殊疑问句交替进行,而对比问题的内容也改为对被试经历过的模拟情境的回忆。

    In this research , the type of test question is changed to be general question and special question appearing alternately and the content of comparison question is the recalling of the scene .