
yī cì hán shù
  • linear function
  1. 文章通过介绍一次函数的数学实验和数学建模(最佳拟合直线)的活动,对数学课程改革的问题进行探索。

    Through introducing experiments of linear function and mathematical modeling ( the line of best fit ), the article investigates the issue of mathematics curriculum reform .

  2. 一次函数在质量控制中的应用

    Application of Linear Function in Quality Control

  3. 汽车报价模型中生产成本和产品报价考虑了更为通用的一次函数形式。

    AUTO QUOTED PRICE In this mathematics model , both cost and offer linear functions are used .

  4. 结合工业生产中的产品质量控制,详细介绍了在生产实际中应用一次函数线性相关关系的过程。

    Concerning the products quality control , this article presents the process in which linear function is applied to industrial production .

  5. 并以一次函数和指数函数为例,提出了如何帮助学生在知识时代更好地理解函数。

    How to make students better understand function in the knowledge age , the author gives her personal presentation of liner function and exponential function .

  6. 从控制流的角度看,事件是一次函数调用,而异常则是堆栈的突然跳跃,用展开的语义销毁丢失的对象。

    From a control-flow perspective , an event is a function call , whereas an exception is a long jump across the stack , with unwinding semantics to destroy lost objects .

  7. 分析了变压器空载试验时铁心温升过程的温度数据,得出试验点温升曲线的数学模型,其表达式中热时间常数为时间的一次函数,而试验点的极限温升可直接求出。

    Temperature data in transformer core during heating up under no-load test are analysed , and mathematical model for temperature rise curves at some test points established , thermal time constant in its expression assumed as a linear function of time .

  8. 成员(除m1)在恢复秘密时都只要运算一次单向函数f(m1需两次)。

    All members except m 1 need compute one way function f one time ( m 1 need two times ) when reconstructing the system secret .

  9. 但是相位差异法的目标函数结构比较复杂,每一次目标函数的评价运算都需要多次傅里叶变换,硬件实现也就变得比较复杂。

    However , the complex structure of the PD object function and plenty of Fourier transformations in each computation loop , which accounts for the difficulty of hardware implementation .

  10. 讨论了用相律和容量性质的一次齐函数特性来确定平衡体系状态独立自变量的方法。

    In the paper , the method is discussed that can define independent variable of the state in the equilibrium system according to phase rule and character of linear homogenous function about extensive variate .

  11. 这一次,将函数命名为showposts()。

    This time , call the function show_posts () .

  12. PowerDirector下九年级一元二次函数课程资源的开发研究

    The Research of Quadratic Function Curriculum Resource Exploitation Based on PowerDirector in Ninth Grade

  13. 一元二次函数课件制作及其思考

    A Electronic-course of Quadratic Function and Thinking

  14. 该模型的生产函数是满足“新古典”条件的一次齐次函数。

    In the model , the production function is assumed to be nonclassic and constant returns to scale .

  15. 把求解线性方程组的问题转化为一个二次函数的优化问题后,给出了一个降低该优化问题求解空间维数的方法。

    The problem of solving systems of linear equations is converted into calculating the minimum of a quadratic function .

  16. 该类算法的基本思想是通过求解一系列二次函数在信赖域中的极小值点逼近最优化问题的解。

    The basic idea of these methods is to approximate the optimization problem by a sequence of quadratic minimization problems subject to some trust region .

  17. 根据反演建模理论,在引入一次样条函数的基础上,设计了一种局地非线性气候动力统计模型及其一整套反演方案。

    After introducing the linear spline function , a local nonlinear dynamical and statistical climate model and its inversion method was designed according to the inversion theory .

  18. 油菜花粉萌发率与培养基中蔗糖和硼酸浓度均呈一元二次函数关系。

    The relationship between rape pollen germinating rate and concentration of sucrose or boron acid in incubation media was a quadratic function with one unknow quantify , respectively .

  19. 试验结果表明:籽粒含水率对破损率的影响呈一元二次函数关系且函数有极小值。

    The results showed that the relation of moisture content of corn seed kernels and damage rate of corn seed kernels is unitary and hypo-two function with and function has minimum .

  20. 在双对数坐标系中,由低孔隙到高孔隙整个范围,砂岩地层因素与孔隙率的关系为一个二次函数。

    It was found that in double logarithmic coordinates , the relationship of formation factor and porosity is a second order function and no longer the linear formula proposed by Archie in 1940 's.

  21. 在实时跟踪过程中需预测功率放大器及超声换能器的传递函数,本文重点分析了基于线性(一元一次函数)拟合和改进的基于一元二次函数拟合预测的反馈算法。

    To predict the power amplifier and the ultrasound transducer transfer function in real-time tracking process , this paper focuses on the feedback algorithm based on a linear function fitting and improved quadratic function fitting .

  22. 本文用直接法讨论了一类二次函数近似拟合需求率符合产品寿命周期变化规律存贮模型的整体最优解,同时给出了该模型的应用实例

    This paper used a kind of quadratic function to discuss the optimal solution to a memory model which is in accordance with the rules of life cycle changes , then an example of applying the model was given

  23. 一元二次函数在闭区间上一定有最大值与最小值,依其图像顶点横坐标与这一闭区间的相对位置的不同,求最大值与最小值的解法亦略有不同。

    There are maximum and minimum surely in a closed interval for the quadratic function with an argument . Depend on the relative position apex of its picture with the closes interval , the solutions of the maximum and minimum is also slightly different .

  24. 乘波构型的源流场选用常用的锥形流场,前缘曲线在底面的投影用一个四次函数来描述,流线追踪生成下表面,对上表面进行局部等熵膨胀设计。

    Cone flow field is used here as the generating flow field . The projection of the leading-edge on the base surface is defined using a forth-order function . The lower surface is produced tracing streamlines and isentropic expansion is done in some part of upper surface .

  25. X射线成像系统可以通过其点扩展函数来表征,其点扩展函数分为一次射线点扩展函数和散射点扩展函数两部分。

    The functioning of an X-ray imaging system is well characterized by its point spread function ( PSF ) .

  26. 基于一种分段二次函数xx,提出了一种新的混沌控制方法,使用它作为非线性反馈控制器成功地控制了DC-DCbuck变换器到稳定的周期轨道。

    Second , a new method of controlling chaos by employing a dynamical nonlinear controller is developed to DC-DC buck converters towards stead periodic orbit . The controller is piecewise - quadratic function in the form of x x .

  27. 如果这个函数又一次调用了其他函数,其状态也会被挂起。

    If that function again calls other functions , its state is likewise suspended .

  28. 该方法采用一系列二次目标函数规划去逼近原来的优化问题,且标法具有全局单调收敛性,事先不需要建立近似模型。

    The algorithm does not to need to set up approximation model a priori , and processes the global convergence .

  29. 首先,设计一个二次目标函数,同时把混沌系统分解为线性部分和非线性部分两项和。

    A quadratic performance function is first given and the chaotic system is decomposed into a linear and a nonlinear parts .

  30. 学生手头的函数例子比较多的局限于一次、二次函数,而且以解析形式为主。

    Students have more examples just of linear function and quadratic function , and they are mainly analysis formulas . 2 .