
duǎn bō
  • shortwave;SW;high frequency wave
短波 [duǎn bō]
  • [shortwave] 波长为30-100米,频率为 3-30 兆赫的电磁波或无线电波

短波[duǎn bō]
  1. 实验结果表明:编制短波MODEM的通信程序,实现实际信道数据对通,解决了短波数传中存在的几个问题。

    As shown by the results of experiments , the communication procedures worked out between SW MODEM and computer serial port can realize data transmission in factual channel .

  2. 本文应用Volterra泛函级数理论,研究扩大短波通信接收机前端高频通道的动态范围。

    Improving the dynamic range of front-end HF channel in SW communi-cation receiver is studied in this paper with aid of Volterra functional series .

  3. 短波收音机用的波段是20–50米。

    Short-wave radio uses the 20-50 metre band .

  4. 我用短波收音机收听最新的战事新闻。

    I use the short-wave radio to get the latest war news

  5. 直到目前为止,南非只能以短波形式收听英国广播公司的节目。

    Until now , the BBC has only been available in South Africa on short wave .

  6. 短波电台里开始传出丘吉尔那抑扬顿挫的声调。

    Churchill 's cadences began to roll out of the shortwave radio .

  7. 短波发出后,遇到障碍物就反射回来。

    When short waves are sent out and meet an obstacle , they are reflected .

  8. C组,仅采取体外短波治疗30例。

    And in group C , 30 cases treated with extracorporeal shortwave only .

  9. 基于GIS的台情数据库查询系统实际应用于全国无线电短波监测网络系统当中。

    The system is actually implemented in the Radio Short-wave Monitoring Network .

  10. 基于DSP的短波宽带接收机信道化的实现

    The Implementation of HF Broadband Receiver 's Channelization Based on DSP

  11. 基于DSP的短波信道模拟器设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of a DSP-based HF Channel Simulator

  12. X射线激光器&新兴的短波长相干光源

    X Ray Laser New Short Wavelength Coherent Radiation Sources

  13. 一种基于短波Mesh网络的短波IP路由器模型

    HF IP router model based on HF mesh network

  14. 短波自适应选频控制器的DSP实现

    A DSP Realization of HF Adaptive Frequency Selection Controller

  15. 短波混沌跳频码的FPGA实现

    FPGA realization of the HF chaotic frequency - hopping code

  16. 基于FPGA的短波发射机自动调谐系统

    Automatic Tuning System of Short-Wave Transmitter Based on FPGA

  17. 短波紫外光照射对n型碲镉汞探测器的影响

    The effect of short wave ultraviolet radiation on N type Hg 1 - x CD x te detector

  18. 基于DSP的短波分集合成接收机

    The diversity-synthesized HF receiver based on DSP

  19. 短波宽带OFDM系统的信道估计新方法

    A New Channel Estimation Algorithm of Shortwave Broadband OFDM System

  20. 采用导频符号的短波OFDM同步捕获算法

    A Synchronization Acquisition Algorithm Using Pilot Symbols for OFDM in HF Communications

  21. Ge2Sb2Te5薄膜光学性能和短波长静态记录特性的研究

    Optical Properties and Short-wavelength Optical Recording Properties of Ge_2Sb_2Te_5 Thin Films

  22. 3G短波网络物理层仿真算法设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Simulation Algorithm of the 3G HF Network Physical Layer

  23. FFT解调的短波跳频系统自适应实时信道估值

    Adaptive real-time channel estimation based on FFT demodulation in SW frequency-hopping system

  24. 基于短波FH/DQPSK系统的FFT同步方案

    The FFT synchronization scheme based on short wave FH / DQPSK system

  25. OFDM技术及其在短波通信中的应用

    OFDM Technologies and Applications in Shortwave Communication

  26. 本论文研究了使用数字信号处理(DSP)技术在短波、超短波信道上实现高可靠性的数据传输。

    This paper mainly deals with DSP realization of data transmission of good reliability in HF and VHP communication system .

  27. 短波通信中的Turbo均衡技术及应用

    Turbo Equalization Technique and Application for Shortwave Communication

  28. 基于DDS的短波差分跳频频率合成器的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Differential Frequency Hopping HF Synthesizer Based on DDS

  29. 短波紫外线和低能量He-Ne激光对伤口愈合的影响

    The Healing Effects on the Wounds by Ultraviolet C and Low He-Ne Laser

  30. 短波近红外光谱的整粒小麦蛋白质PLS方法的定量分析

    The PLS Analysis with Short Wave Near-Infrared of Whole Wheat for Protein