
biāo gān
  • Benchmark;surveyor's pole;sign post;marking pole;gage staff;bearing picket
标杆 [biāo gān]
  • [surveyor's pole;marking pole] 作测量用的任何一种带刻度的棒或标尺(如用于造船、勘测中的)

标杆[biāo gān]
  1. 技术访谈:日本电器NEC成为RFID标杆企业

    Technical Interview : Japanese Electric Appliance NEC Becomes a Surveyor 's Pole Enterprise in RFID

  2. 本实用新型提出一种自动回位标杆。

    The utility model provides an automatic return position surveyor 's pole .

  3. 霍华德?休斯(HowardHughes)似乎为如今强迫症名人们的怪癖和遁世树立了标杆

    Howard Hughes seems to have set the standard for today 's hypochondriac tics and reclusion .

  4. 霍华德·休斯似乎为如今强迫症名人们的怪癖和遁世树立了标杆

    Howard Hughes seems to have set the standard for today 's hypochondriac celebrities ' tics and reclusion .

  5. 你们选择了追随那些撼动整个体制的人的无畏脚步——瑟古德·马歇尔和金博士那样的民权标杆,托尼·莫里森和斯派克·李那样的故事创作者。

    You chose to follow in the fearless footsteps of people who shook the system to its core — civil rights icons15 like Thurgood Marshall and Dr. King , storytellers like Toni Morrison and Spike16 Lee .

  6. 建设雄安新区是千年大计。新区首先就要新在规划、建设的理念上,要体现出前瞻性、引领性。要全面贯彻新发展理念,坚持高质量发展要求,努力创造新时代高质量发展的标杆。

    Developing Xiong'an New Area is a strategy that will have lasting new development concepts and stick to high-quality growth so as to build Xiong'an New Area into a model of high-quality development in the new era .

  7. 基于DEA与AHP的标杆树立研究

    Study on Setting up the Benchmarking Based on DEA and AHP

  8. 第七章对零部件制造业的各种业务模式进行分析,提出E公司的标杆企业,并进行深入研究。

    The chapter 7 shows the analysis of business model in the various parts and components manufacturing industry .

  9. UPS战略对我国大型海运物流企业的标杆研究

    Bench Mark Research of UPS for China 's Shipping Enterprise

  10. HPLC法测定富马酸卢帕他定的含量通过对比来确定基准或标杆,并加快学习的步伐,最终使自己的流程也得到明显的改善。

    Determination of rupatadine fumarate by HPLC Through benchmarking , rapid learning can occur , and processes can undergo dramatic improvements .

  11. ,或是商业顾问们引入到自己母语中的benchmarking(标杆管理法)等词汇。

    Or business consultants importing words like benchmarking into their own languages .

  12. 说到底,这就是为什么Twitter或许能成为这一代网络公司的标杆。

    Ultimately , that is why a twitter might be the validation this generation of web companies need .

  13. 哈佛大学商学院(HBS)是MBA学位的代表,也是行业标杆。

    HBS is synonymous with the degree and literally sets the pace for the industry .

  14. 在1999年,贝克汉姆夫妇为此树立了一个标杆&他们以200万美元的价格将照片卖给了《OK》杂志。

    David and Victoria Beckham set the standard in 1999 , when they sold their pictures to OK ! for a record $ 2 million .

  15. KUN在机会转化率方面是球员的标杆。

    Sergio Aguero is the benchmark sofar for chance conversion .

  16. 本文的研究对象FT公司是典型的制造型民营企业,经过多年的经营发展,已经逐渐成长为国内木糖醇行业的标杆企业。

    After years of business development , FT Company has gradually developed into benchmark companies in xylitol industry .

  17. 不过三年以后,苹果于近日推出的新版MacBookAir笔记本电脑已经成了移动计算行业的典范,同时也成了消费者需求的标杆。

    Fast-forward three years , and the current version of the air has become an industry example of what consumers want in mobile computing .

  18. 通过对单个医院效率的分析、医院效率标杆的确定、医院规模收益的评判,对投入节省的DEA模型在医院效率分析上的应用进行了探讨。

    This article also considers that the input economical DEA model optimizes grouping input factors and reflects input-output efficiency of each involved hospital .

  19. 因为我们羞于抄袭,所以给它取了很炫的名字,比如最佳实践和标杆管理(benchmarking)。

    As we are ashamed of copying , we give it fancy names like best practice and benchmarking .

  20. 基于BSC的企业标杆管理模型设计&以家电行业为例

    Design of Enterprise Benchmarking Management Model Based on BSC Method & Taking Household Appliances Enterprise as The Example

  21. 近日遭遇电子股票交易故障的美国做市商KnightCapitalGroup以“交易科学,信任标杆”作为宣传语。

    Knight Capital , the market maker at the centre of the latest malfunction in electronic share trading , bills itself as : " the science of trading , the standard of trust . "

  22. 建立先进的考核指标和科学的财务管理方法,如EVA管理、标杆管理、平衡计分卡管理、价值链分析;

    Setting up advanced index and corporate financial management procedure , for example EVA management , Benchmarking , Balance Score Card , Value chain analysis and so on ;

  23. 然而,ISO9000实质上是一个标准化的管理工具,提供了产品或服务的质量的标杆,只是一个构建体系的基本框架。

    However . ISO9000 is essentially a standardized management tool that provides a product or service quality benchmark , only a basic framework to build system .

  24. 在部门内部用DEA找出有效决策单元后,与标杆单元结合,再用DEA比较,选出有效决策单元。

    The primarily determined effective decision making units are combined with benchmarking units , and then the final effective decision making units are obtained by comparing more departments with DEA .

  25. 最后将该方法应用于标杆电路的划分.实验结果表明,该方法与FM算法相比,划分结果得到了明显的改善。

    Finally , the proposed approach is used for partitioning benchmark circuit , and the experimental results show that it can markedly improve partitioning quality when compared with F-M algorithm .

  26. 与此同时,四款MacBookAir机型中的三款已经降价。自2008年面世以来,MacBookAir就被视为超薄笔记本电脑设计领域的标杆。

    Meanwhile , prices have dropped for three of the four MacBook Air models , which , since their 2008 debut , have been thought of as the gold standard in ultra-thin laptop design .

  27. 针对我国RD质量和RD项目质量管理的现状,对质量管理体系的建立进行了有益的尝试,提出了基础研究类RD项目的标杆管理理论以及提高RD项目质量的基本对策。

    Aiming at the present situation of the RD project quality in China , benchmarking is proposed for basic research project and the countermeasures of improving RD project quality are expounded .

  28. 上周早些时候,花旗集团(Citigroup)首席执行官潘伟迪告诉分析师们,别把巴克莱银行(Barclays)4.50亿美元的Libor和解金额视为标杆,好像花旗也要支付这么多钱。

    Earlier this week , Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit told analysts not to use Barclays ' $ 450 million LIBOR settlement as a guidepost for what his firm might have to pay .

  29. 通过前导指标、现状指标和HSE危害指标的设置对HSE问题给予主动的标杆管理,有别于传统的被动的安全绩效评价方法。

    The approach can also initiatively measure the performances of HSE management by setting the leading , current and injury indicators , and it is different from traditional passive techniques of measuring safety-management performances .

  30. 是的,虽然作为职业女性,Amy有些极端也缺乏同情心,但她给那些需要推一把的职业女性设下了标杆。

    Yes , Amy may be an extreme and much less sympathetic version of a tenacious working woman , but she definitely sets the bar for other career-oriented women who need a little nudge in the right direction .