
  • 网络Standard Theory;The Extended Standard Theory;Normative theory;Norm theory
  1. 乔姆斯基的TG理论处于不断的变化与修改之中,发展至今,已大致经历了古典理论、标准理论、扩展的标准理论、管约理论和最简方案理论等五个阶段。

    Generally , Chomsky 's linguistic theory has undergone the five significant periods of Classical Theory , Standard Theory , Extended Standard Theory , Government and Binding Theory and Minimalist Programme , which are symptomatic of the evolution in Chomsky 's thought .

  2. 在标准理论阶段,词汇的选择性限制作用于句法;

    In standard theory , selection restriction has an impact on syntax .

  3. 普通B介子中的CP破坏似乎符合物理学家的标准理论。

    CP violation in ordinary B mesons seems to conform to physicists'standard theory .

  4. 借助电子计算机计算与分析了NEPE固体推进剂的能量水平,研究和比较了组分的含量与不同配比对推进剂配方标准理论比冲I(ss)~°值的规律性影响。

    Energic level of NEPE solid propellant was analyzed , the effect regularity of ingredients different ratio and content on the propellant formulas standard theoretical specific impulse ( ISS ) was studied .

  5. ERP实验的ELAN效应验证了标准理论和管约论句法信息优先的合理性,N400和P600的对比证明了词汇语义与句法的互动。

    The ELAN effect in the ERP experiment justifies the priority of categorical information , also , N400 and P600 prove that lexical meaning and syntax interact with each other .

  6. 关于人才标准理论与实践的历史考察

    Historical Review of the Theory and Practice of Talent ' Standards

  7. 生产力标准理论的形成及发展过程研究

    A Research into the Development Proess of Productive Forces Standard

  8. 英美法系民事诉讼证明标准理论基础研究

    On the Theoretical Basis of Civil Procedural Proof Standard of Anglo-American Law

  9. 沥青混凝土搅拌设备标准理论试验工况的研究

    Study on Asphalt Concrete Plant Standard Theory Test Operating Mode

  10. 城市建筑物停车配建标准理论框架体系研究

    Studying on the Standard Theoretical Frame System of Parking Establishment of Urban Construction

  11. 试析刑事证明标准理论之法律真实说

    The Analysis of the Doctrine of Legal Truth of the Criminal Proof Standard Theory

  12. 相比之下,美国的实质性欺诈标准理论更适于我国。

    By contrast , the standard of material fraud of USA is more suitable to China .

  13. 收入的分布并未以明确的方式进入劳动力供给决策的标准理论。

    But the standard theory about labor supply decision does not contain the income distribution clearly .

  14. 美国法院对法律规范性文件实行宽严不同的审查,并发展出了双重标准理论。

    The American courts practice different constitutional reviewing examinations , and have developed a dual-standard theory .

  15. 有关坏情绪的标准理论源于心理学上的“自我损耗”。

    The standard theory of bad moods is rooted in a psychological quirk known as ego depletion .

  16. 依照物理学的标准理论,反物质宇宙应该看起来与我们自己的宇宙相同。

    According to the standard theories of physics , the antimatter universe should look identical to our own .

  17. 它们提供了需要的解释性的力量来映射被执行的标准理论及其一系列相关的熟悉的理论。

    They provide needed interpreting power to map executed criterion theory and a set of correlative familiar theories .

  18. 在标准理论中,加速膨胀发生在大霹雳之后,来源是一个理论学家特设的暴胀场。

    In the standard theory , acceleration occurs after the big bang because of an ad hoc inflaton field .

  19. 中国传统翻译标准理论因其模糊性而远未发挥应有的指导作用。

    Owing to its fuzziness , China 's traditional theory on translation criteria is far from playing its guiding role .

  20. 社会发展评价标准理论的深化&科学发展观的价值视野

    The Deepening of the Theory of Criterion for Social Development & The value vision field of the scientific developing concept

  21. 在过去的整整十年中,天文学家们综合了所瞥见的爆发现象,创建了有关伽马射线爆发的标准理论。

    From brief glimpses throughout the past decade , astronomers have pieced together a standard theory of gamma ray bursts .

  22. 城市设计没有一成不变的固定模式和放之四海的标准理论,城市设计的实践性的特征决定了城市设计的内涵与层次性。

    The urban design is not a fixed mode , the practice of the urban design decides its implication and hierarchy .

  23. 研究结论一定程度上支持了声誉的标准理论以及经济学中有关声誉风险的学说。

    The results supported , to some extent , the standard reputation theory and the theory about reputation risk in economics .

  24. 这一理论创新使之成为个人决策理论的标准理论和博弈论的核心组成部分。

    This theoretical innovation made it become the standard theory of individual decision making , and a core component of game theory .

  25. 动物的分组与饲养动物饲养标准理论与实践

    All animals were initially fed a standard diet for 1 week . ON THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF THE NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS OF ANIMALS

  26. 其中理论研究有两种思路,一种是从国际贸易标准理论推演而来,另一种思路从产业理论中分离出来。

    The foreign scholar 's main theory has two trains of thought among them . One deduces from the standard theory of international trade .

  27. 生产力标准理论是马克思主义哲学重要原理之一,马克思主义的经典作家都曾从不同角度提出过生产力标准思想。

    Productive forces standard is one of the paramount theories of Marxist philosophy . The classical Marxist writers have proposed thoughts on PES from different angles .

  28. 但这些过程实在太久,因此根据标准理论的话,所有宇宙的物质都会在这期间完全消失。

    But these processes would take so long that , according to the standard theory , all matter in the universe would totally dissipate in the meantime .

  29. 第三产业的结构偏离度逐步向零靠拢,与国际标准理论值相比,处于标准范围内。

    The structure warp coefficient of tertiary industry moves to zero step by step and it is in the standard range comparing with standard value of international theory .

  30. 和仍然坚持标准理论的州相比较,另一个极端则是若干州很少或根本不强调这种法定的标准。

    At the other extreme from the states which still adhere to the standards doctrine are a few that place little or no emphasis on statutory standards as such .