
  • 网络Degeneracy;degree of degeneracy;degeneration;Degenerate
  1. 那么简并度,小g作为分子的简并度,即对于某一确定能量有多少分子态。

    So the degeneracy , the little g for the molecular degeneracy , how many molecular states are there of a certain energy .

  2. 格子气自动机Look-Up表的简并度

    The Degeneracy of the Look - Up Table in Lattice Gas Automata

  3. 研究表明,由于金胶的表面作用,造成了富勒烯能级简并度的降低,从而使C(60)分子的拉曼激活模式产生分裂,并观察到了C(60)分裂的新的振动模式。

    The degeneracy of fullerene were reduced due to the interaction between fullerene and gold particle surface resulting in the splitting of the Raman active modes .

  4. 人类基因组突变热点区的简并度特异基因

    Analysis of Degeneracy Special Gene in Human Genome The Hot Spots

  5. 关于激光光子简并度本性的研究

    On the nature of photon degeneracy of the laser

  6. 那也是我们系统的简并度。

    And that 's also our system degeneracy .

  7. 简并度及其分简并度的关系

    The relation between total and part degeneracy

  8. 这里简并度是三。

    And here are these three .

  9. 三维谐振子在均匀磁场中的能级及简并度变化

    The Change of Energy Levels and Degeneracy of Three Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator in the Uniform Magnetic Field

  10. 于是等于简并度,乘以构型的能量。

    So you can write this as the degeneracy of the configuration , times the energy of the configuration .

  11. 也就是一个分子在格点中可能的位置数,这就是简并度。

    And the number of choices of putting that one molecule is anywhere on the lattice . That 's your degeneracy .

  12. 本文给出了一种计算任意维各向同性谐振子能级简并度的简便方法。

    A concise method is presented for count the degree of degeneracy of energy levels of anisotropic arbitrary dimensional harmonic oscillator .

  13. 环上线性空间与能级简并度对于相同的间隔和照射次数,能量密度和效果相关。

    The Linear Space on the Integral Ring and the Degree of Degeneracy of the Energy Level The effect is related to energy level .

  14. 态的简并度的对称性和均匀性对相变的阶和临界点有明显的影响。

    The symmetry and uniformity of the degeneracy of the states have a clear influence on the order and critical point of phase transition .

  15. 所以你可以把它作为事实上,的系统状态的简并度,存在于某一特定温度下。

    So you can think of this as the degeneracy of the system states that are actually going to exist at a particular temperature .

  16. 并指出激光的基本特点是高光子简并度。激光的特性是由受激辐射的本质决定的。

    It is shown that the basic of a laser lies in its high photon degeneracy and are governed by the nature of stimulated emission .

  17. 这样,对孤立系统,能量的简并度是,粒子位置可能的状态数。

    So , if the system is isolated , then the degeneracy of your energy is just a number of waysthat you can flip the positions around .

  18. 根据能级结构和简并度,用统计热力学方法计算不同温度下Au~(48+)~Au~(52+)离子的电子配分函数和这五种离子间的电离与复合反应平衡常数。

    Based on energy level structures and degeneracy , the partition function , equilibrium constant and second-order recombination rate constants of Au48 + - Au52 + at different temperature are derived by statistical thermodynamics .

  19. 光子简并度是描述光子系统基本特性及动力学行为的重要物理量,应用光子简并度描述光子系统的有序结构是光子系统研究的重要课题。

    Photon degeneracy is an important physical concept used to describe the characters and the dynamical actions of a photo system . It 's also a fundamental topic to describe the order structure of photon system using the concept .

  20. 本文将氨基酸椐亲-疏水性按10度简并,5度简并进行分类,然后映射于蛋白质规则二级结构中进行计算,用以寻找规则二级结构中亲-疏水氨基酸的使用规律性。

    In this paper , hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity of amino acids are classified in terms of quintuple and decuple degeneracy , and then are mapped on the regular secondary configuration of protein for searching the application regularity of these acids in the secondary configuration .

  21. 那么,如果属于其中之一的厄米矩阵的某个特征值是简并的,则该特征值的简并度应通过另一个厄米矩阵来予以消除。

    Then , if some eigenvalue belonging to one Hermitian matrix is degenerate , the degeneracy of this eigenvalue should be lifted through combining the other Hermitian matrix .