
  • 网络simple substance;simple materials
  1. 为了你的健康,给予这个简单物质足够的重视吧。

    For your health , give this simple substance the importance it deserves .

  2. 聚合一种由两个或多个分子化合生成水或其它简单物质的化学反应。

    A chemical reaction in which water or another simple substance is released by the combination of two or more molecules .

  3. 由于TDI分离工艺进料组分比较复杂,本文考虑采用简单物质近似代替复杂组分。

    As the complexity feed-in of the separation process , this paper attempts to use the simple material in place of complex component .

  4. 伴随着能量释放复杂物质分解为简单物质的过程。

    Breakdown of more complex substances into simpler ones with release of energy .

  5. 从简单物质合成复杂物质的过程。

    Synthesis of more complex substances from simpler ones .

  6. 一切物质都是由一些各不相同被称为元素的简单物质构成的。

    All materials are made from different simple substances called " elements " .

  7. 时空系的标架变换规律和受内约束简单物质的响应泛函

    The Frame-Change Law of Space-time and the Response Functionals of Simple Materials with Internal Constraints

  8. 扩展了基于市场价值的经济系统,而不限于简单物质生产。

    Logical extension of economic system based on market values instead of simple physical production .

  9. 从最低培养基中的简单物质制造硫胺素,不是通过单一的化学反应。

    The manufacture of thiamine from the simple substances present in the minimal medium does not take place in a single chemical reaction .

  10. 实验数据的分析中,利用简单物质平衡模型对室内氡浓度与高度,关系以及室内氡浓度与通风率的关系进行了模拟计算。

    The simple mass balance model is used to simulate the relationships among the indoor radon concentration , height , and ventilation rates .

  11. 由药剂引起的将有机物分解为简单物质的过程;糖厌氧分解为酒精的过程。

    A process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances ; especially , the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol .

  12. 本理论可应用于具有内变量或衰退记忆的简单物质在局部理论范围内的几何非线性和物理非线性裂纹问题。

    The present theory can be applied to nonlinear geometrical and nonlinear physical crack problems for simple materials with internal variables or fading memory , within the framework of local theory .

  13. 广州市售稻米的硫胺素、尼克酸、核黄素、蛋白质测定从最低培养基中的简单物质制造硫胺素,不是通过单一的化学反应。

    THE THIAMINE , NIACIN , RIBOFLAVIN AND PROTEIN CONTENTS OF RICE USED IN CANTON The manufacture of thiamine from the simple substances present in the minimal medium does not take place in a single chemical reaction .

  14. 但或许这并非荒谬的想法.2016年4月,研究人员报告说,关键的生命构件中,有些可以从模仿星际空间的恶劣环境里存在的简单物质中产生.

    But maybe that is not such a ridiculousidea . In April 2016 , researchers reported that some of the key building blocksof life can be produced from simple substances under harsh conditions mimickingthose of interstellar space .

  15. 有机分子分裂成相对简单的物质的化学现象。

    A chemical phenomenon in which an organic molecule splits into simpler substances .

  16. 混合物会分解成四个简单的物质。

    The mixture will resolve into four simple substances .

  17. 在发芽时,种子能把简单的物质转变为活的植株复合体。

    During germination , the seed is able to convert simple substances into the complexity of the living plant .

  18. 早期的犬儒是极其愤世嫉俗的,他们敢于蔑视政治权威,抵制一切世俗功利,追求简单的物质生活。

    Early cynics who contempt for political authority , resist all secular utilitarian and pursue simple material life , is extremely cynical .

  19. 分解:一个物质或化合物因化学作用,热力或电流而分裂成较简单的物质或化合物。

    Decomposition : The breaking of a substance or compound into simpler substandes or compunds by chemical action , heat , or electric current .

  20. 甚至象冰淇凌、按摩如此简单的物质刺激,都能立马提高人的情绪。

    Material goods - even simple ones like ice cream cones , and massages - are only stimuli , things that fleetingly give people a boost .

  21. 中国企业进入转型期发展的震荡期,雇佣双方的关系建立在简单的物质利益关系之上,彼此间信任度在逐步丧失。

    The Chinese enterprises entered the shock of the transition period , the employment relationship established on top of material interests , mutual trust gradually disappeared .

  22. 如今简单的物质追求已不能满足人们的要求,追求精神上的需求渐成为时代的主流。

    Now , simple material gain can t meet the requirements of the people , and gradually the pursuit of spiritual needs become the mainstream of the times .

  23. 但是,在市民抗争行动演进的过程中,行动者已经超出了简单的物质利益的维权,通过不同抗争技术实践和策略的运用,为自己创造了一个利益表达和抗争的空间。

    However , with the development of civil resistance , the actors strive for rights that beyond the simple substance interests . They use different resistance technology and strategy to create space of expression of interest and resistance .

  24. 水杨酸(Salicylicacid,SA)是植物体内产生的一种简单酚类物质,作为植物内源信号分子,在植物许多生理过程中的作用越来越受到重视。

    Salicylic acid ( SA ) is a simple hydroxybenzene in plant .

  25. 在美国,摆脱忙碌、转向一种简单、远离物质化的生活已成一种明显的趋势。

    In America , the move away from juggling to a simpler , less materialistic lifestyle is a well-established trend .

  26. 试材枝内简单酚类物质和可溶性单宁含量极低,且在秋冬季节无显著变化。

    The content of simple phenols and hydrolyzable tannins were very low and their variations were not significant during autumn and winter .

  27. 微生物发酵法具有降解效果明显、条件温和、工艺过程简单、干物质损失小等优点。

    There are many advantages of microbiological fermentation method , such as obvious degradation effect , mild conditions , simple process , small loss of dry matter , and so on .

  28. 政治理论课效益的存在和表现形态是特殊的,不能简单地用物质生产中的经济效益概念对其类比。

    It is very special for the existing and expression form of the benefits of political theory course . So we could not simply compare with the economic benefits in material production .

  29. USL提供的设备系统都可用于简单和复杂的物质检测。

    USL can provide systems for both simple and complex applications .

  30. 简单横向沙丘表面物质组成、气流分布及其在动力学过程中的意义

    Airflow and Particle-Size Distributions and Their Significance on the Dynamic Process of a Simple Transverse Dune