
  • 网络STANDARD METHOD;Standardized approach;standard approach
  1. 现今公布的“标准方法”是几百个独立的单位坚持不懈努力的结果。

    " standard methods " as published today is the product of the untiring effort of hundreds of individuals .

  2. 介绍在互联网上进行信息分析与测量的标准方法,论述利用Web技术进行计量设计和计量测量的理论与方法。

    Introduces the standard methods of information analysis and measurement on WWW , and discusses the theory and method of webometrics .

  3. 用工业CT测量物质密度的ASTM标准方法

    ASTM Method of Density Measurement by Industrial CT

  4. 盐酸水解DNS比色法快速测定甘薯淀粉含量的标准方法研究

    Quick Analysis of Starch Content of Sweetpotato by HCl Hydrolysis-DNS Method

  5. 采用ISO9000标准方法建立企业综合管理体系

    Applying ISO9000 Means to Establishing Comprehensive Management Systems of Enterprises

  6. A1组和B1组按世界尿控协会推荐的标准方法行尿动力学检查。

    Group A_1 and group B_1 were performed urodynamic studies .

  7. 实用工具类(utilityclasses)在几乎任何适当规模的C++项目中都是必需的,但是不存在满足此需求的标准方法。

    Utility classes are necessary in almost any C + + project of reasonable dimensions , but there is no standard way to approach this requirement .

  8. 每个Action类都有一些标准方法,Agavi将使用这些方法决定如何处理不同类型的请求。

    Every Action class can have some standard methods , and Agavi will use these to determine how to handle different types of requests .

  9. UsernameToken提供了一种通过WS-Security来表示“用户名/密码”对的标准方法。

    UsernameToken provides a standard way of representing a username and password pair with WS-Security .

  10. 最近宣布的PluggableAnnotationProcessingAPI(JSR269)会带来一种处理这种注释的标准方法。

    The recently announced Pluggable Annotation Processing API ( JSR269 ) may lead to a standard way to process annotations for this purpose .

  11. 标准方法RAID使用各种基础算法是很常见的,每一种算法都有不同的功能和特性。

    It 's so common that a standard approach RAID exists with a variety of underlying algorithms , each with different capabilities and characteristics .

  12. 其基本思想:用标准方法产生一个窄带高斯信号,用RC低通信号经过适当时延造成另一个高斯信号,这两个信号的乘积就是相干损失信号。

    The multiplication of two Gaussion signal ( one is narrow-band Gaussion signal , the other is gotten by the time-delay of the RC low-pass Gaussion signal ), is so-called coherence-loss signal .

  13. 联合国粮农组织(FAO)于1998年正式推荐新的计算作物腾发量的标准方法FAO彭曼-蒙特斯公式(Pen-man-Monteith公式),用以代替FAO过去推荐的修正彭曼公式。

    In 1998 , Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recommended FAO Penman-Monteith equation for computing crop water requirements as new standard to replace the modified Penman equation .

  14. 使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对复合材料的内部结构进行了观察,并使用ASTM标准方法计算了材料的孔隙率。

    The internal structures of the composites were observed with a scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) and the void volume fractions of the three composites were calculated by an ASTM standard method .

  15. 可扩展企业报告语言(XBRL)是一种可用于企业财务报告的编制、发布、数据交换和财务报表分析的标准方法。

    XBRL is a standard way available for the preparation , publishing and data exchange of business financial reporting and the analysis of financial statement .

  16. 与BP、SVM及PCA-BP方法相比,实验结果表明所提方法具有更高的测量精度,且与标准方法测量的结果更为接近,因此适合柴油凝点的在线测量。

    Experimental results show that comparing with BP , SVM and PCA-BP , the proposed method offers higher precision , and is closer to the standard measuring result , so it fits online measurement of condensation point .

  17. 与国家标准方法相比,该方法使样品前处理步骤得到简化,操作方便,提高了测定的准确性与灵敏度,适用于油脂及富含油脂食品中BHA、BHT的检测。

    Comparing to national standard method , this method is simple , efficient and accurate , and suitable for determination and confirmation of BHA , BHT in oil and oleaginous food .

  18. 而H4充当通过UART传输Bluetooth数据的标准方法。UART是在规范中定义的来自CSR的专有BCSP协议,支持错误校验和重传。

    While H4 serves as the standard method to transmit Bluetooth data over UART as defined in the specifications , the proprietary BCSP protocol from CSR supports error checking and retransmission .

  19. 倾斜试验(TTT)是研究和诊断不明原因晕厥的基本手段和准金标准方法,而倾斜床又是开展TTT的关键装置。

    Tilt table test ( TTT ) is a basic technique used for investigation and diagnosis of unexplained syncope The device of the tile table is the key in the tilt table testing .

  20. 利用ISTA的A-PAGE标准方法,建立了3612份中国小麦地方品种A-PAGE标准醇溶蛋白指纹图谱及其数据库,并将其应用于品种鉴别。

    The standard gliadin fingerprints and database of 3612 accessions were made by using the ISTA standard A-PAGE method , which could be used in the identification of the varieties .

  21. 利用TG-DTG-DTA热分析技术对煤进行了工业分析,分析结果有较好的重复性,符合标准方法的测试要求。

    A proximate analysis of coal was conducted with TG-DTG-DTA thermal analysis technology . The analysis results with good repeating can meet the test requirement of the standard method .

  22. 正确预测白内障患者术后最佳视力的标准方法

    Standard methods to forecast the post-operation vision acuity in cataract patients

  23. 方法:按标准方法对淫羊藿进行处理、测试。

    Method : To standard method was handled and measured in the Epimedium .

  24. 同时用标准方法进行对比测定。

    This method was compared with the standard methods .

  25. 目的:建立检测干燥食品中甲醛含量的标准方法。

    Objective : To develop a new method for determinating formaldehyde in dried foods .

  26. 解析国际标准方法ISO126-1995天然胶乳中干胶含量测定的系统误差

    Analysis of Systematic Errors in ISO 126-1995 for the Determination of Dry Rubber Content

  27. 超短波移动通信场强测试标准方法的研究

    Approach to Standard Method of Field Strength Measurement on VHF / UHF Mobile Radio

  28. 闪烁法测定室内空气中氡的检验标准方法的研制

    Development of Scintillation Method for Indoor air-radon

  29. 目的:制定美沙拉嗪肠溶片的质量标准方法。

    Objective : To establish a method for quality control of Mesalazine enteric coated tablet .

  30. 应用拟定的方法测定心得安片剂与标准方法(中国药典法)比较,结果令人满意。

    The proposed method has been applied to the determination of propranolol hydrochloride in tablets with satisfactory results .