
méi jiāo yóu
  • coal tar;zetar
煤焦油 [méi jiāo yóu]
  • [coal tar] 干馏煤炭得到的黑褐色粘稠液体

煤焦油[méi jiāo yóu]
  1. 埋地钢质管道煤焦油瓷漆外防腐层技术标准

    Technical standard of coal tar enamel external protective coating for buried steel pipeline SY / T0079-93

  2. 煤焦油各馏分加工技术的选择,对煤焦油加工厂的整体水平有很大影响。

    The selection of process technology of coal tar fraction have an effect on general level of coal tar plant .

  3. HPLC测定煤焦油中极性化合物的研究

    Study on Determining Polar Compounds in Coal Tar by HPLC

  4. 脱除煤焦油中原生QI杂质的方法和条件

    Method and Condition of Removing the Primary QI Impurity in Coal Tar

  5. PVC改性煤焦油厚质防水涂料

    PVC-modifying Coal Tar Thick Waterproofing Coating

  6. aspenplus在煤焦油复杂组分精馏中的应用

    Application of Aspen Plus in the Complex Components Distillation

  7. 以经过闪蒸净化除去一次QI的煤焦油为原料,在常压下220℃~400℃范围内通过空气氧化制备一定软化点范围的沥青。

    Coal tar pitch was prepared from QI free coal tar by air blowing at 220 ℃~ 400 ℃ .

  8. 煤焦油二次热解过程中HCN及NH3释放特性研究

    Investigation on HCN and NH_3 formation during secondary pyrolysis of coal tars

  9. 煤焦油瓷漆(CoalTarEnamel)是一种传统新型的防腐涂料,已有上百年的应用历史。

    Coal-tar enamel is both an old pipe coating material and a new one . The history of its applications is over a century .

  10. 以5种煤焦油沥青为原料,喹啉为溶剂,研究了热溶过滤法脱除喹啉不溶物(QI)等杂质的效应,目的是制备QI含量较低的净化沥青。

    In this paper , the effect of purification of five coal tar pitches for removing Quinoline insolubles was researched by hot filtration to prepare purified pitches .

  11. 通过在煤焦油沥青中添加石油沥青获得沥青甲苯胶体溶液,然后与聚乙烯醇(PVA)的甘油溶液乳化,制备了煤沥青基炭微球。

    Coal-tar pitch-based carbon microspheres were prepared by adding petroleum pitch using emulsifying pitch-toluene colloidal solution in polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA ) glycerol solution .

  12. 结果发现,由于煤焦油沥青不含中间相,且QI含量较高,导致在实验条件下不能直接制备出合格的炭泡沫。

    It was found that coal tar pitch could not be used as-received to prepare useful carbon foams because of their higher quinoline insoluble ( QI ) fraction .

  13. 本文研究了两种原生QI含量不同的煤焦油沥青中间相形成动力学,测得了中间相形成动力学参数。

    The kinetics of mesophase formation from two sorts of coal tar pitch with different primary QI content is studied in this paper . The kinetic parameters are determined .

  14. 以煤焦油系中间相沥青微球为原料,KOH为活化剂,在不同活化条件下制备活性炭微球。

    In this paper , the coal tar pitch-based mesophase pitch microbeads ( MMB ) were activated by chemical activation with KOH in different activation condition .

  15. 把煤焦油、流化催化裂化(FCC)重油和全旧轮胎(除去钢带)按合适的比例混合,就可得到符合规格要求的铺路沥青。

    Road-paving asphalt meeting the required specifications can be prepared by mixing coal tar with fluid catalytic cracker ( FCC ) bottoms and whole used tire , excluding steel belts , at proper ratios .

  16. 试验室试验表明,在最佳操作条件下,QI脱除率达95~98%,即保证净化煤焦油中的QI含量低于0.1%(重量)。

    The bench-scale experiment indicates that QI removal rate can reach 95-98 % under optimal test conditions , it can be warranted to be lowered to < 0.1 % ( wt ) in purifying the coal tar .

  17. FT-IR表明,通过超临界抽提,可以使大量高附加值产品在轻油组分中得以富集,有利于煤焦油进一步的加工利用。

    FT-IR shows that , through supercritical extraction , it can make lots of high value-added products accumulate in light oil components , which is helpful for further processing utilization of coal tar .

  18. 结果表明:添加HDPE、PP使煤焦油中脂肪烃的相对收率提高,焦油中脂肪烃的含量明显增加和轻质化,可作为加氢精制汽油的原料;

    The results show that the additions of HDPE and PP increase the yields of aliphatic hydrocarbons in tars . The remarkable increase of hydrocarbons and light compounds makes the tar be used as feedstocks for production of hydrogenated gasoline .

  19. 根据国内煤焦油沥青产量和存在的现实问题,介绍了由鞍山焦化耐火材料设计研究院(ACRE)开发并投产的近十套工业装置的改质沥青工艺技术。

    In view of domestic coal tar based pitch and actual existing problems , describes the modified pitch process and technique in about ten commercial units which were developed by ACRE , constructed and commissioned in China recently .

  20. 结果表明,共炼焦可改善煤气组成,增加H2、CH4含量,至少提高煤气热值23%,提高煤焦油收率和质量,并且废橡胶颗粒度明显影响焦炭质量。

    The results indicate that by co-coking of coal and waste tire , the H_2 and CH_4 contents in the coke gas increased and thermal value of the gas was increased by at lest 23 % ; the yield of tar and its quality were also improved ;

  21. 以轻煤焦油为原料,在温度为70~85℃,引发剂为单体总质量的1.0%~2.0%的聚合条件下,合成了茚-马来酸酐共聚物(IMA树脂),得率在90%以上。

    The indene maleic anhydride copolymers ( IMA resin ) were synthesized with naphtha oil at 70 ~ 85 ℃ in the presence of 1.0 % ~ 2.0 % ( w ) initiator . The yield was more than 90 % .

  22. 以煤焦油沥青为碳源、三丁基氯化锡(TBTC)为锡源,采用压力下聚合手段原位合成出Sn/C复合材料,并对它的电化学性能进行了研究。

    A series of Sn / C composites was prepared by thermal condensation of coal tar pitch and tributyltin chloride ( TBTC ) with different proportions .

  23. 建立兔耳痤疮动物模型:于每只家兔左右耳内侧耳管开口处2cm×2cm范围,每日涂煤焦油1次,每次0.5mL,连续2周。

    Establishment of animal acne model of rabbit 's ears : Pix carbonis was smeared at 2 cm × 2 cm opening site inside left and right ear of rabbit with 0.5 mL once per day for 2 successive weeks .

  24. 自从1837年Laurent在精馏煤焦油的残留物中发现芘以来,这一多环芳烃碳氢化合物逐渐引起科研工作者的注意。

    Since the pioneering work of Laurent , who in 1837 discovered pyrene in the residue of the destructive distillation of coal tar , this polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon has been the subject of tremendous investigation . Its unique properties have inspired researchers from many scientific areas .

  25. 以煤焦油沥青为原料,使用KCNS溶液活化处理,选择适宜的工艺条件,制备出优质的活性炭。

    A high quality activated carbon has been prepared from coal tar pitch by chemical activation method using KCNS solution as an activating agent and through appropriate technical conditions .

  26. 本课题是以废聚苯乙烯(WPS)为添加剂,分别与煤焦油沥青和乙烯焦油共炭化制备改性中间相沥青,进而制备针状焦,以达到资源的充分利用。

    The purpose of this research was to manufacture the modified mesophase pitch , as well as needle coke , by co-carbonization of toluene soluble of coal tar pitch ( TS ) and waste polystyrene ( WPS ), ethylene tar pitch ( ETP ) and WPS , respectively .

  27. 二氧化氯处理煤焦油废水的研究

    Study on treatment of coal tar waste water by chlorine dioxide

  28. 复配表面活性剂对煤焦油-重油调合特性研究

    Study on harmonic characteristic of coal tar-heavy oil with combinational surfactants

  29. 用煤焦油制取通用沥青碳纤维的研究

    A Study of Manufacturing Universal Pitch Carbon Fiber from Coal Tar

  30. 两种煤焦油沥青恒温热转化过程的研究

    Study on the Isothermal Conversion Process of Two Coal Tar Pitches