
biāo yǐn
  • index
标引[biāo yǐn]
  1. 援例推理(CBR)中关键问题是如何有效地表达、标引和组织过去的案例。

    A critical problem of CBR is how to represent , index , organize the past cases .

  2. 第三章在介绍网络信息的标引原理的基础上,着重就如何确定Web页面标引关键词进行了分析和讨论,然后讨论了各种信息检索模型的索引结构及其索引词的处理。

    On the basis of the introduction of index principle of the network information , Chapter three analyses how to choose the Web page index keyword emphatically , then discusses the index structures of various kinds of information retrieval models and the their processing of index word .

  3. 基于遗传算法的Web信息自动标引研究

    Research on Automatic Indexing for Web Information Based on Genetic Algorithm

  4. Web信息检索结构化排序函数与标引词加权技术

    Survey on structured ranking function and term weighting technology of Web information retrieval

  5. NET开发文献数据库知识化标引加工与发布系统,论述了系统的结构和主要功能模块。

    NET , it also discusses the structure and function of the software system .

  6. 基于XML电子文件管理元数据主题元素的标引研究

    A Study of Indexing Based on Subject Elements of XML Electronic File Management Metadata

  7. 针对目前手工完成XML转换这一现状,本文将自动标引技术引入,先对文献进行标引,提取出关键词、主题词、相关人物、机构等重要信息,然后自动生成XML文本。

    This paper introduces marking technology to facilitate its automation , focusing on identification of key word , topic-word , related-people and related-organization from the literatures .

  8. WWW科技信息资源自动标引的理论与实践研究

    Study on the Theory & Practice of Automatic Indexing of WWW Science and Technology Information Resources

  9. 试论我国CIP分类标引存在的问题及对策

    Discussion on t Problems in and Countermeasures for Our Country 's CIP Classified Indexing

  10. PRINS反应的基本物是DNA聚合酶和引物原位扩展反应中的标引核苷。缩氨酸核酸探针是合成的不带电聚酰胺主链的DNA类似物。

    The PRINS reaction is based on the use of a DNA polymerase and labeled nucleotide in an in situ primer extension reaction .

  11. LSI潜在语义标引方法在情报检索中的应用

    Applying Latent Semantic Indexing to Information Retrieval System

  12. 最后进行了数值实验,并就自动抽词标引实验准确率、召回率和综合指标F等技术参数进行了对比分析。

    Finally , do the numerical experiments , and to automatic word extraction indexing accuracy , recall and F integrated indicators and other technical parameters were compared and analyzed .

  13. 基于SKOS的网络信息资源主题标引

    The Subject Indexing of Network Information Resources Based on SKOS

  14. 在系统中,通过提取文档集的词频、文档标引源位置特性及本体关系距离等初集本体特征,作为样本集,并采用BP神经网络预测出文档集内文档的分级排序。

    Word frequency , marked sources location and ontology relation distances handled by the system are used as input samples of the Back-Propagation Neural Networks ( BPNN ) to predict the document level .

  15. 论美术类图书分编与CIP数据标引的统一图书在版编目数据标准化与规范化

    On the unification of the classification and cataloging of the artistic books with CIP data indexing Standardization and Normalization of the CIP Data

  16. 指出了我国CIP数据分类标引存在的问题,分析了CIP数据分类标引中的错误,提出了修改意见。

    This paper points out the problems existing in Chinese CIP data classified indexing , analyzes the errors of CIP data classified indexing , and advances some modifications .

  17. 汉语科技文献自动标引系统CADAIS

    Automatic indexing system of the Chinese sci-tec document ── cadais

  18. 西文文献的主题标引一般采用《美国国会图书馆标题表》(LibraryofCongressSubjectHeadings简称LCSH)。

    The Subject Headings of western literatures usually adopts Library of Congress Subject Headings ( for short LCSH ) .

  19. 一个好的AMIRS将促进建立从标引、管理到检索、利用的考古主题词法情报工作体系。

    A good AMIRS will promote to set up the system from index and management to retrieval and use .

  20. 分析MARC在网络环境下存在的问题,提出基于都柏林核心的中文全文文献元数据格式,介绍超星数字图书馆按该格式进行大规模中文文献元数据标引和实现资源共享的成功实践。

    Analyzes the existing problems of MARC under the network environment , brings forward the format of Chinese Text Metadata based on Dublin Core , and introduces a successful example of the execution of Chinese text metadata index and resource-sharing by SSR Digital Library .

  21. 研究了CALIS中文图书书目数据标引存在的问题,分析了影响CALIS书目数据主题标引质量的因素,提出了改进CALIS书目数据主题标引质量的措施。

    This article discusses the existing problems of the subject indexing of CALIS ' Chinese bibliographical data , analyzes several factors which cause these problems and puts forward some measures to improve the quality of subject indexing of CALIS ' bibliographical data .

  22. 详细论述了采用TRS平台建立了中药免疫数据库的目的,数据的来源、数据信息的标引原则和数据库检索功能的设计,以及数据库在中药免疫研究中的应用。

    This paper describes the aim of developing the Immunological Information Database on Traditional Chinese Medicine with TRS , especially the sources of the cited data , the indexing principles and design of searching functions of the database as well as its application .

  23. 公文与档案主题词标引的差异

    On the Differences Between Official Documents and Archival Theme Words Designation

  24. 最后对该方案自动主题标引和分类标引分别从人机相符率方面进行测评。

    Finally tests the method of automatic subject indexing and classifying .

  25. 对文献进行准确标引能提高检索的查全率和查准率。

    And indexing literature accurately can improve the recall and accuracy .

  26. 全国中文机读书目主题标引格式问题分析

    An Analysis of Format Problems in Subject Indexing in Chinese MARC

  27. 外文期刊文摘库主题标引之我见

    On subject indexing for papers in abstract database of foreign journal

  28. 论中文标题的单字标引与位置检索

    The word-index and position retrieval for the document titles in Chinese

  29. 从检索利用角度看机读数据的分类标引工作

    Classification and indexing of machine-readable data in respect of retrieval utilization

  30. 我国学术期刊关键词标引质量探析

    The quality analysis of keywords indexing system of Chinese academic journals