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biāo diǎn fú hào
  • punctuation mark;punctuation symbol;interpunction
标点符号 [biāo diǎn fú hào]
  • [puntuation mark] 用于标点的各种标准的符号

  1. 除了学习者自身的原因外,笔者还认为,学界对汉语标点符号教学的不重视,加之授业者的疏忽及教材的不当示范,也是造成这些偏误现象时常出现的原因要素。

    Besides learner own reason , the author also believed that the educational world does not take seriously Chinese punctuation mark teaching , in addition instructing negligence and teaching material not , when demonstrates , is also causes these to harm the reason essential factor which the phenomenon often appears .

  2. 他们发明了一种名叫SarcMark的标点符号,一条螺旋线围绕一个点,用于句子最后。如果你担心邮件部分丢失,可以花99美元到sarcmark.com的网站下载这一标志。

    It 's developed this new punctuation mark , the sarc mark , the dot inside a spiral line is supposed to be used at the end of a sentence if you 're concerned the irony of your message will be lost . The symbol can be downloaded for a $ 99 at sarcmark.com

  3. 我们老师对标点符号十分挑剔。

    Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation .

  4. 要反复检查拼写和标点符号。

    Check and double-check spelling and punctuation

  5. 主考人对拼写及标点符号方面的错误批评得相当严厉。

    Examiners come down pretty heavily on mistakes in spelling and punctuation .

  6. 一篇没有任何标点符号的文章是很难懂的。

    A piece of writing without any punctuation is difficult to understand .

  7. 小学生尚未学会正确使用标点符号。

    The pupils have not yet learned to punctuate correctly .

  8. 当然,有时我们的标点符号也许只是个审美的问题

    Sometimes , of course , our markings may be simply a matter of aesthetics .

  9. 我儿子的标点符号很糟糕。

    My son 's punctuation is terrible .

  10. “网络英语”即在网络上使用的英语(如缩写、首字母缩写、小写字母、不使用标点符号和连字符等)。

    Weblish is a form of English that is used on the web ( use of abbreviations , acronyms1 , small letters , absence of punctuation2 and hyphens etc. )

  11. 尽管我怀疑大多数人都不喜欢,但是我看到用标点符号构成的笑脸还挺高兴的。

    I 'm a sucker for variations on the smiley face made with punctuation8 marks , though I suspect most people don 't like them . High five from down low

  12. 使用Correct(正确)的语法,词汇和标点符号

    Use Correct grammar , vocabulary and punctuation

  13. 记住:在URL里大写字母、标点符号以及空格一定要精确。

    Remember that capitalization , punctuation and spacing must be exact for a URL to work .

  14. 如果消息有标点符号、数字或空格,PHP将报告$key数组中没有相应值。

    If the message has punctuation , numbers or spaces , PHP will complain that there is no corresponding value in the $ key array .

  15. 在寻找回文时,输入行中的除了罗马字母以外的其他字符,比如标点符号,数字,空格,和tab符号,全部忽略。

    On finding palindromes , any characters in the input except Roman alphabets , such as punctuation characters , digits , spaces , and tabs , should be ignored .

  16. 在网页净化技术说明中,我们将网页表示成一颗DOM树,并首次将中文标点符号数引入到衡量网页正文的权重中,通过对DOM树不断的剪枝,极大的减少了网页的噪音。

    On page purification module , we describe a web page as a DOM tree , and introduce the number of Chinese punctuation into the weight of page content .

  17. 受汉语标点符号的影响,英语的逗号(comma)经常被用错,但却很少引起英(?)

    Comma in English is often misused because we are affected by the Punctuation in Chinese . But this seldom draws enough attention of the English learners .

  18. Escape方法会将传入参数中所有的空格、标点符号、重音字符以及其它任何非ASCII字符替换为%xx的编码形式,其中xx与其所表示的字符的16进制数表示形式相同。

    All spaces , punctuation , accented characters , and any other non-ASCII characters are replaced with % xx encoding , where xx is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing the character .

  19. 这样做不仅仅是更专业,也可以减少不必要的解释,因为那些很少使用IM的用户会不明白“什么是IMO”.也要注意不要忘记了标点符号。

    Not only is it more professional , it helps avoid the distraction of a " What is IMO ?" conversation with a less-than-net-savvy IM user . Don 't forget the punctuation , either .

  20. 本文通过对CET阅读理解考题中常出现的名词之间的指代关系(上义、借义、类别、下义)以及标点符号的分析和讨论,总结出一些阅读技巧和提高解题准确率的方法。

    This paper analyses the substitution function of nouns ( superordinate term , hyponym , words of connotative meaning , classified words ) and punctuation , some reading skills and methods for solving exercises exactly are presented .

  21. 在文体上,Rexx的IBM/mainframe根源体现在它对命令的大小写敏感;在某种次要程度上也体现在它使用标点符号相对较少(更多用关键字而不是符号)。

    Stylistically , the IBM / mainframe roots of Rexx show in its case-insensitive commands ; and to a lesser degree in the relative sparsity of punctuation it uses ( preferring keywords to symbols ) .

  22. 中国学生英语写作常见标点符号错误例析

    Analyses of Punctuation Mark Errors in Chinese EFL Learners ' Writing

  23. 标点符号是书写语言中不可缺少的部分。

    Punctuation marks are an indispensable part of the written language .

  24. 请使用字母、数字和标点符号的组合作为您的密码。

    Use a combination of letters , numbers , and punctuation .

  25. 空间因素影响了报纸新闻标题对标点符号的使用。

    Space influences the use of punctuation mark in news titles .

  26. 科技期刊中几种英文标点符号的使用差错分析

    Analyzing common mistakes of English punctuation marks in Chinese sci-tech periodicals

  27. 浅析公文写作中容易用错的标点符号

    Analysis of Some Wrongly - used Punctuations in Administrative Document Writing

  28. 标点符号其实是一项心甘情愿而为之的工作。

    Punctuation , in fact , is a labor of love .

  29. 当然,也有人会说,书写还有标点符号呢。

    Of course , one might say that writing has punctuation .

  30. 标点符号使用功能单一;

    Second , the functions of each punctuation are mostly single ;