
shuǐ zhōng
  • water clock
水钟[shuǐ zhōng]
  1. 水钟又是一种计时的方法。

    A water clock was another way to tell time .

  2. 14岁郭守敬发明了水钟,16岁学习数学,改进了日晷和圭表。

    By the age of fourteen Guo Shoujing designed a water clock and at sixteen he was studying mathematics . He worked on improving the Chinese gnomon and worked at Kublai Khan 's observatory .

  3. 大约3400年前,埃及人曾使用水钟。

    The Egyptians used water clocks about 3,400 years ago .

  4. 水钟是最早不借用太阳计时的钟表。它的原理很简单。

    Water clocks were the first clocks not to use the sun.The idea is simple .

  5. 其中铜钟上刻有汉字“嘉靖十四年乙未四月日”。这个铜零件被认为是两个钟的零件,这两个水钟分别制造于1438年和1536年,放置在皇家宫殿里。

    The cultural relics of either of two water clocks , each created in 1438 and 1536 and installed at royal palaces .

  6. 蜡烛和水钟帮助人们知道过去了多少时间。

    Candles and water clocks helped people know how much time had gone by .

  7. 但是推动技术进程的结构要素就如同苏颂的水钟一样错综复杂。

    But the cogs and levers that drive technological progress are as intricate and delicate as Su sung 's mechanism .

  8. 在那儿,他在手工劳动方面,表现出极大的兴趣:他做了一个风车模型、一些水钟,和一个石头日晷。

    There he showed a great deal of interest in doing things with his hands : he made a model of a windmill , he made water clocks , and he made a stone sundial .