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  • 网络Standard Condition;Standard state;STP
  1. 燃烧试验中燃气工业标准状况下流量的计算

    The Way of Turning the Flow Rate Value of Gas at the Measuring State to the Flow Rate Value of Gas at the Industrial Standard State in the Fire Test

  2. 流量积算仪采集4~20mA的流速、压力和温度信号,计算出实时的标准状况流量,然后对流量进行累积计算,通过液晶显示屏显示实时流量、累积流量、温度、压力以及历史流量。

    The flow calculator transfers the flow rate , pressure , temperature analogue signal to digital , then calculates the real time flow in standard condition and cumulates the flow . The real time flow , cumulate flow , history flow , pressure and temperature are displayed on the LCD .

  3. 对非标准状况下,FAO推荐的作物系数计算方法进行了综述。

    In this paper , the calculation method of ET under abnormal conditions suggested by FAO is presented .

  4. VDSL技术发展和标准状况

    Development and Standards of VDSL

  5. 通过扩大供体标准状况也没有改变所有的结果。

    All outcomes did not vary by expanded donor criteria status .

  6. 核试验是在标准状况下进行的。

    The test was carried out under normal conditions .

  7. 线材制品类产品技术标准状况分析

    Analyse the technical standard situation of wire products

  8. 非标准状况下作物系数的计算方法

    Calculation Method for Corp Coefficient under Abnormal Conditions

  9. 我国城市污水处理设备及标准状况

    Standardization of Urban Wastewater Treatment Equipment

  10. 国内外食品安全卫生标准状况的比较研究

    The study of status of ST and ard for safety and sanitation at food in world

  11. 初中英语教师实施新课程标准状况的调查与思考

    A Survey Report and Reflection on the Present Situation of New Curriculum Implementation of Junior Middle School Teachers

  12. 本文建议统一采用“标准状况下,标准组成干燥空气中所含污染物浓度”的严格概念。

    The article proposes employing entirely rigorous conception in expressing pollutants concentration , ie pollutants concentration at normal condition and standard constituent in dry atmosphere .

  13. 分析了刀片服务器的发展沿革以及当前的技术、专利和标准状况,以期为将来我国高性能计算机自主标准的制定工作提供参考。

    This paper analyzes the current status , development trends , technology , patents and standards state of blade server , and provides references for domestic high - performance computer independent standards .

  14. 该装置的单体设备尺寸按气体处理能力的最大值378000m3/h(标准状况计)考虑,以及所述的许多情况使装置设计标准具有很强的复杂性和综合性。

    The size of the plant 's individual equipment , with a maximum gas throughput of 378,000 m ~ 3 / h ( as standard condition ), and the said numerous scenarios , lead to very complex and comprehensive plant design criteria .

  15. 第三,对企业来说,在进行生产活动中,也要及时了解出口的目标市场的技术标准状况,不搞盲目生产,尽量采用国际标准和先进技术标准。

    Third , as for the enterprise , when they are taking production activities , they also need promptly understand the condition of the technical standards of export target market , never make blindly production , try using international standards and advanced technical standards .

  16. 介绍了电子海图显示与信息系统(ECDIS)标准发展状况,包括ECDIS的性能标准、数据模型与显示标准,测试数据集等。

    It describes the development of Electronic Chart Display and Information System ( ECDIS ) and its performance function , data model , display standard , test data and so on .

  17. 建筑密封剂分类、要求和标准的状况

    Technical requirements 、 standards and classification of building sealants

  18. 汽车油品质量和标准发展状况

    Quality and Standard Development Status of Automotive Oil

  19. 通过对高校实施《大学生体育合格标准》状况进行总结和分析,对在高校实施《学生体质健康标准》提出建设性意见。

    The article makes some constructive suggestions on the enforcement of the criteria through the summary and analysis of the enforcement situation in universities .

  20. 为提高发动机性能检测的准确性,研制了一种能提供发动机测试时所需的标准大气状况的过气调控系统。

    In order to improve the accuracy in testing engine performance , an induction adjusting and control system is developed for providing a standard atmosphere environment required for engine performance tests .

  21. 结合我国汽车电线电缆发展实际,阐述了当前汽车电线电缆产品的状况、要求和特点;对国内外汽车电线电缆的标准化状况和趋势进行了阐述;

    Based on domestic development , present status and demands and characteristics of automotive wires and cables are expounded , as well as the standardization and trend of those at home and abroad .

  22. 文章概述了面膜产品的种类及发展趋势,从目前标准执行状况、市场潜力、产品质量以及业内的共识等方面阐述了制定面膜行业标准的必要性。

    The paper concludes the classification and the new trend of the mask product . The necessity of the new criteria in mask manufacture is expatiated through actual executive condition , market scale , product quality and different views from cosmetic industry .

  23. 介绍了国内外汽车燃油、润滑油(脂)及制动液等油品质量和标准发展状况。为我国汽车油品的发展提供可鉴经验,以满足环保和节能对汽车工业的新要求。

    The paper presents quality and standard development status of automobile fuel , lubricating oil ( grease ), braking fluid home and abroad , for reference to domestic automotive oils ′ development to meet the requirement of environmental protection and energy control on automotive industry .

  24. 模具的标准化状况能直接体现出模具技术的发展水平,也能方便模具的设计制作和提高模具加工精度,还能方便模具维修和延长模具的使用寿命,节省产品成本。

    The standardization of die can directly reflect the development level of the die technology . Also can facilitate the design of die and improve manufacture precision . Also can facilitate maintain the die and improve the useful life of die , and cost savings products .

  25. 分接开关技术发展与IEC标准的沿革状况

    IEC Standard Evolution and Tap-Changer Technology Development

  26. 第一部分:3G概念及内涵。主要从3G概念及特点、3G的技术标准及研发状况、目前对待3G的主流观点等方面对3G技术及市场环境进行简要介绍。

    The first part is conception of 3G , introduces the technic and market situation of 3G The second part is the apocalypse of 3G situation to us .

  27. 根据已有的路面结构能力评价标准和路面状况指数(PCI)预测曲线,本文用图解法导得了这三者之间的关系,从而为许多路面课题的研究开辟了前景。

    Based on the rating of pavement structural capacity and PCI prediction curves , this paper illustrates the relationships among the PCI , deflection and Σ ESAL , which are the most basic relationships in pavement field .

  28. 介绍了多媒体家用平台(MHP)在一些国家和地区的应用情况,及其在各消费类电子厂商的实现情况,以及世界中间件技术标准的发展状况。

    This paper introduces the development and experience of MHP in several countries and regions around the world , the implementation of MHP in some companies .

  29. 老龄经济学分析:计量标准和经济状况

    Analysis on Economics of Aging : Measurement and Economic Status

  30. 中国银及银制品的现行标准与质量状况

    Present standard and quality situation of silver and silver products