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  • 网络Subject-Predicate Phrase
  1. 主宾同形结构指的是主语和宾语完全相同的主谓短语。

    The structure of subject and object with the same form refers to subject-predicate phrase whose subjective form is the same as objective form .

  2. 状位NA主谓短语的语用价值。

    Part Four is about the pragmatic value of the NA subject-predicate phrase .

  3. 该构式中的S指主语,X指谓词性短语和主谓短语。

    S refers to subject , X refers to predicative phrase and subject & object phrase .

  4. 状位NA主谓短语的入句规约

    The sentence government of adverbial NA subjective - predicate phrase

  5. 状位NA主谓短语的语义指向与NA主谓状语句的句法语义格局;

    Part Two discusses the semantic reference and the syntactic and semantic pattern of the NA subject-predicate phrase .

  6. 其中的状态形容词分别和相应的隐主语(PRO)组成次级主谓短语,该短语(投射)的核心是个空的功能范畴。

    Descriptive adjective adverbial and their PRO form a secondary predication phrase , the head of the phrase ( projection ) is a null functional category .

  7. DP由于和表场所的短语构成一个主谓短语做谓语,所以,它就不存在赋格的问题。

    The DP in question will not be subject to the case filter , due to its being part of the inner small clause which functions as a predicate for the expletive there .

  8. NV式状中短语与NV式主谓短语不同,结合句法、语义的不同特征可以明确区分这两个不同的类。

    This kind of NV phrase is different from the NV phrase with N as subject , which can be clearly differentiated by their syntactic and semantic features .

  9. 不能成句的主谓短语

    Subject - predicate Phrase Which can 't be a Accomplished Sentence

  10. 主谓短语+主谓短语。

    Subject predicate phrase + subject predicate phrase .

  11. 动词+主谓短语;

    Verb phrase + subject predicate phrase ;

  12. 重点分析了主谓短语在语义、语用平面呈现的特征、功能。

    This thesis will focus on the features and functions of semantic and pragmatic levels .

  13. 在形式上,它和主谓短语作宾语的动词谓语句很相似。

    In form , it is similar to the verb-predicate sentence in which subject-predicate phrase used as an object .

  14. 通过对比得到结论:英语复合宾语结构与汉语兼语式结构并不是完全对等的,在某些情况下,英语复合宾语结构对应的不是汉语兼语式,而是主谓短语作宾语的结构。

    Thus got the conclusion : The complex object structure and Chinese concurrently language type are not totally equivalent .

  15. 在众多的短语中,主谓短语地位比较特殊,有的学者称之为万能短语。

    Subjects and predicates are very special among the numerous phrases . Some scholars call it " the multi-functional phrases " .

  16. 考察语言事实发现,有些主谓短语,带上语调和完句成分后并不能实现为独立的句子。

    It is found that some subject predicate phrases can 't become self sufficiency sentences , although they have intonation and sentence completing element .

  17. 关于主谓短语的研究非常多,主要集中在句法平面,语义和语用平面研究相对薄弱。

    There has been much research about subjects and predicates phrase , mainly at the syntactic level , but little research at the semantic and pragmatic levels .

  18. “为了”引导小句、主谓短语、谓词性短语,则根据具体的语境来划分。

    If it conducts clause , the phrase of subject and predicate , and the phrase of verb , its part of speech is determined by concrete context in the sentence .

  19. 本章主要对兼语句和主谓短语作宾语的句子、兼语句和双宾句、兼语句和连谓句这三种情况之间的纠葛现象进行分析并提出区分方法。

    The chapter mainly analyzes the relations between double-sentences and the subject-predicate phrases used as the main objects of the sentences , double-sentences and double-object sentences , double-sentences and sentences with consecutive predicates .

  20. 本文认为,古汉语数(量)·名二语序形式间的泛时关系,是定中短语同主谓短语、宾补短语形式间的关系。

    This paper views the relationship between the two variant forms of numeral ( quantity )· noun order in old Chinese as the relationship between attribute ── head , subject ── predicate and object ── complement word group .

  21. 文章运用转喻的域包孕理论解释英汉语主谓结构短语词汇化过程。

    The contrast of subject and predicate structure in English and subject in Chinese ;

  22. 主谓谓语句是汉语的一种特殊句型,本文根据大主语的不同,将主谓谓语句分为四种句式:(1)名词+主谓短语;

    The sentence with a subject-predicate phrase as its predicate is a special sentence pattern in Chinese . According to the difference in the subject , This article classifies it into four sentence types : ( 1 ) Noun phrase + subject predicate phrase ;