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  • 网络The endocentric phrase
  1. 现代汉语NV式状中偏正短语能够占据谓语的位置,其中的V仍保留动词特征,整个短语是谓词性的。

    In modern Chinese , NV phrase with N as adverbial can function as predicate .

  2. 析现代汉语NV式状中偏正短语

    Analysis of NV Phrase with N as Adverbial in Modern Chinese

  3. NP为体词性短语时,根据结构,可以分为定中式偏正短语、“的”字短语、联合短语和同位短语。

    When NP is subjective phrase , it can be divided into modification phrases , the phrases of " de ", coordinative phrases and appositive phrases .

  4. 两项体词性偏正短语连用成句的表义特点

    The Peculiarities of Referential Meaning in Sentences Formed by Two Nominal Modifier-head Structure Phrases Together

  5. 复杂的偏正短语

    On the teaching of complex subordinate phrases

  6. 形式动词是现代汉语动词中一个特殊的小类,它们只能带动词或以动词为中心的偏正短语做宾语,因此形式动词构成的句式具有明显的特殊性。

    As a special verbal subcategory , the dummy verb is only followed by some phrase-centered objects .

  7. 从汉语偏正短语中的实体隐喻看隐喻的系统性

    A Study of the Metaphor 's Systematic Quality through an Analysis of the Ontological Metaphor in Chinese Modifier-noun Phrase

  8. 常见的是名词与名词、形容词或数词组成偏正短语,然后整体上充当说明谓语;

    A noun and a noun or an adjective or a numeral form a restrictive phrase , and the restrictive phrase plays the part of predicate as a whole .

  9. 现代汉语中可以受程度副词修饰的动词短语主要有四类,它们是具有抽象的性状义的动宾短语、动补短语、兼语短语和偏正短语。

    In modern Chinese , there are mainly four kinds of verbal phrases for modifications by degree adverbs , namely verb-object phrases , verb-complement phrases , " jian-yu " phrases and " pian-zheng " phrases with quality .

  10. 格式的语义特征及同位组配的语义条件;定中关系的偏正短语的中心词的省略要受到语义条件的限制。

    The semantic characteristics of pattern and the semantic conditions for the formation and arrangement at the same position ; The omission of the center word in modifier word group of the centering relations will be confined by its semantic conditions .

  11. 实验1-A考察了在缺乏语境条件下,显性句法知识较少的母语被试偏正/述宾歧义短语的阅读模式。

    Sub-experiment 1-A investigates the reading patterns of native speakers as testees who have rather little explicit syntactic knowledge , when context is lacking .

  12. 实验2-A考察了初中级水平的汉语言学习者偏正/述宾歧义短语的阅读模式。

    Sub-experiment 2-A studies the modifier + the modified / verb + object ambiguous phrases reading patterns by Chinese learners of elementary and intermediate levels .

  13. 汉语偏正/述宾歧义短语加工初探

    A study on the processing of ambiguous phrases in Chinese