- subject;subject term

(1) [subject term;subject]∶逻辑命题中的一个词,它表示判断的对象
(2) [subject]∶有些语法书对主语的叫法
Except for comb honey , any other products using honey as the name of the products and subject term of the name of the products shall meet this standard .
On the basis of the analysis of subject term and predicate , he comed up with a new method to analyse daily language .
The person who lives in the house is my brother .
Demonstrative reference in ELT basically serves only as Modifier and rarely as Head or Adjunctive , and the demonstrative reference items in CLT are also different from those in daily Chinese .
Skill 10 : Use Noun Clause Connectors / Subjects Correctly .
In general , a grammatical clause contain a subject and a predicate
We now go closer into the specialty of subject and predicate .
The writer disappears when " I " is dropped from the text .
The theory of descriptions is actually achieved by logic analysis about the proposition subject .
Let 's assume that proportions of full NP to pronominal subjects stays constant throughout development .
It originates from human nature and is the requisite of human self-consciousness , economic person and freedom .
Be sure each paragraph has a central idea , and that each sentence has a subject and verb .
Such a conception of the relation between subject and predicate however is at once contradicted by the copula'is ' .
One 's first impression about the Judgment is the independence of the two extremes , the subject and the predicate .
Null Subjects In Child English : A Grammatical Phenomenon ? It is hard to catch birds with an empty hand .
Language like this looks upon the subject as self-subsistent outside , and the predicate as found somewhere in our head .
Also the format and default locations of the main word list data files changed in the process and the data is now machine dependent .
In judgments like'God is the most real of all things ' , or'The Absolute is the self-identical ' , God and the Absolute are mere names ;
Information on grammar and semantic relationships such as synonyms is given in an " extra column ", so that it does not interfere with the main entry .
The former we take to be a thing or term per se , and the predicate a general term outside the said subject and somewhere in our heads .
From logic negative (■) calculating of algebraic inequality to reveal its rule of negative quantifier , qualifier and truth word not deny main word order pair and relative predicate .
The propositional form itself contradicts it : for a proposition always promises a distinction between subject and predicate ; while the present one does not fulfil what its form requires .
It is the predicate which first gives the subject , which till then was on its own account a bare mental representation or an empty name , its specific character and content .
In the same way , since even a single particularity can again have diverse determinacies within it , the subject can be related to distinct universals through one and the same middle term .
How to explain this paradox situation , how to deal with it ? whether " empty name " can bear the sentence ' subject ; Conclude that something does not exist , at the same time , whether predetermined something is there .
The abstract terms of the judgment , ' the individual is the universal ' , present the subject ( as negatively self relating ) as what is immediately concrete , while the predicate is what is abstract , indeterminate , in short , the universal .
It is very important to recognize that in descriptive metaphysics the correlation of the spatio-temporal system and basic particulars make our Conceptual scheme . and the useful of particulars , as logical subjects , in sentence and propositions , and explore the problem of the existence in language analysis .