
  • 网络principle quantum number;the principal quantum number
  1. 根据各种原子的价电子数目(m)与它们的主量子数(n)之比值(m/n),将元素划分成金属与非金属。

    This article introduces a new method of classifying elements into metal and nonmetal in the periodic table according to the ratio of the number ( m ) of valence electrons of various atoms to their principal quantum number ( n ) . ( m / n )

  2. 当增大激光功率或照射时间,强度变弱。作者认为,增大激光功率或照射时间主要是导致C-C键断裂,此时,其主量子数已经发生变化,振动能级数会降低。

    With increasing the laser power or irradiation time , intensity of fluorescence weakened , the authors suggest that it is mainly a result of laser irradiation changing C-C bond , when its principal quantum number have changed , vibration energy levels will be reduced .

  3. 当主量子数n为奇数,赖曼线形不存在中央峰,而形成分裂的双峰。

    As the principle quantum number n is odd , there is no central peak and two splitted peaks exhibit for the Lyman line profile .

  4. 利用了氢原子飞渡时间谱实验方法对处于高n主量子数里德堡态的氢原子与氦原子的分子束散射过程进行了高分辨研究。

    A high resolution study of the high-n Rydberg H atom scattering with helium was carried out using the H atom Rydberg tagging time-of-flight technique .

  5. 运用量子化通则和椭圆参数方程推导电子椭圆轨道的长半轴a和短半轴b与主量子数n、角量子数nφ、径量子数nr的关系。

    With the application of quanta general rule and ellipse equation , this paper concludes the relation between ellipse orbit and quantum number .

  6. 这就是,主量子数,which,was,our,principle,quantum,number,我们知道,n可以等于任何整数,1,2,3一直到无穷。

    And that quantum number was n , n and we know that n could be equal to any integer value , so , 1,2,3 , all the way up to infinity .

  7. 平均价电子数和平均主量子数的定义及其QSPR研究

    Study on QSPR of the Average Valence Number and Average Principle Quantum Number

  8. 有效主量子数拓扑指数及其应用

    The topological index of effect principle quantum number and its applications

  9. 碱金属原子主量子数的确定

    Determination of the Principal Quantum Number of Alkaline Metal Atom

  10. 关于钠原子发射光谱实验&主量子数的确定法

    On the emission spectrum experiment of the sodium atom defined the method of atom number

  11. 主量子数拓扑指数研究烷基苯的定量构效关系

    Study on Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship of Alkyl Benzenes by the Principal Quantum Number Topological Index

  12. 里德堡原子是指原子中的一个电子被激发到主量子数很大的激发态原子。

    Rydberg atoms , one electron of atoms is excited in states with high principal quantum number .

  13. 里德堡原子是外层电子被激发且主量子数很大的高激发态原子。

    Rydberg atoms are the ones whose outer electrons are excited to very high excited states of atoms which have the large principal quantum numbers .

  14. 这种递推关系是有效主量子数和角量子数之间关系,在计算原子和分子跃迁几率时有着广泛的应用。

    These new recursion relations are the relations between the effective principal and angular-momentum quantum numbers , and are comprehensive in application to the calculations of transition probabilities in atomic and molecular physics .

  15. 发现此关系式与主量子数和角量子数有关,而与核电荷数以及折合质量无关。

    It is pointed out that the relation has something to do with the principal quantum number and the angular quantum number , but nothing to do with the nuclear electronic number and reduced mass .

  16. 如果我们说的是,第四激发态,我们用,主量子数来描述,哪个主量子数对应了,氢原子的第四激发态?

    So if we 're talking about the fourth excited state , and we talk instead about principle quantum numbers , what principle quantum number corresponds to the fourth excited state of a hydrogen atom .