
zhǔ quán quán lì
  • sovereign right
  1. 杨宇军拒绝详细说明航空巡逻计划,但是重申了中国拥有自愿选择在该区域划设“防空识别区”的主权权利。

    Mr Yang declined to elaborate on the air patrols but reiterated that China had a sovereign right to establish an " air defence identification zone " over the region if it chose .

  2. 这次战争的最大胆的理由是,美国和其他国家正面临着伊拉克“武装攻击”的危险,借以证明它们使用武力进行自卫的主权权利的正当性。

    The boldest argument for war is that the United States and other countries face the prospect of an " armed attack " by Iraq , thus justifying the sovereign right to use force in self-defense .

  3. 沿海国可以对侵犯EEZ安全利益的行为进行立法,这是沿海国在其EEZ的主权权利,同时也是国际法的发展为这类剩余权利提供的解决方向。

    The coastal State can conduct legislation upon the activities that violate the security interests of EEZ . This is the sovereignty right of the coastal State in its EEZ , and the solution direction provided by the development of the international norms for these residual rights .

  4. 论专属经济区的国家主权权利

    Perspectives on the Sovereign Rights of the Exclusive Economic Zone

  5. 加拿大乘势而上,积极扩大对北极水域的控制权,开创了利用环保权扩张国家主权权利的典型个案。

    Canada exploit momentum , actively expand Arctic waters control pioneered use eco right expansion national sovereignty rights typical cases .

  6. 中华民国在其专属经济海域享有并得行使利用海水、海流、风力所产生之能源或其它活动之主权权利。

    The Republic of China shall enjoy and exercise sovereign rights of utilizing the energy stemming from the water , currents and winds or other activities .

  7. 文章最后认为,无论哪个国家拥有主权权利,都会随意地全力开发该地区而全世界无法阻止。

    This paper finishes by stating that whichever States gain sovereignty rights will be free to fully exploit the region with the rest of the world helpless to stop them .

  8. 在国家让渡了越来越多主权权利的情况下,代表主权的是终极支配权,而不是所谓基本权利。

    In the case that sovereign states have transferred more and more sovereign rights , it is the final dominating right and not the so - called basic rights that represents sovereignty .

  9. 只要这种自由是在尊重沿海国国家安全利益、主权权利和专属管辖权的前提下行使的,就应该是安全的和有保障的通过自由。

    Once exercised on the premise of respecting the national security interests , sovereignty right , and jurisdiction of the coastal State , will such freedom of passing through be safe and secured .

  10. 通过对自然延伸原则概念和渊源的分析,指出自然延伸是国家对大陆架的主权权利的根据。

    By exploring and analyzing the definition , and origins of the natural prolongation principle , it concludes that the natural prolongation principle in essence belongs to the State that enjoys sovereign rights of the continental shelf .

  11. 尤其是在专属经济区这一新的区域内,沿海国的主权权利和专属管辖权与公海自由及其他国家的权利划分不是十分确定。

    Especially in the new area of exclusive economic zone , the partition of coastal countries ' sovereign rights , exclusive jurisdiction , the freedom of high sea , and other countries ' rights is not very clear .

  12. 我国刑法第10条对外国刑事判决消极承认的规定,一则不符合国家主权权利部分让渡的当代国际法发展趋势;

    In the 10th rule of Chinese criminal law , approbating negatively the regulation of foreign criminal judgment is not reasonable , which can be presented as follows : first , violating the developing tendency of modern law of nations ;

  13. 因此,在这个新生的地区,沿海国的主权权利和专属管辖权与公海自由及其他国家的权利划分自始就不十分确定。

    Therefore , in this newly established area , the mark for rights of sovereignty of costal States and exclusive jurisdiction and freedom of the high sea and rights of other States is not quite certain at the very beginning .

  14. 1982年《联合国海洋法公约》确立了专属经济区制度,规定了沿海国对200海里专属经济区享有公约规定的主权权利和管辖权。

    The EEZ has been established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea , the 1982 UN Convention has also stipulated that the coastal states have the stipulated sovereign rights and jurisdictions in 200 nautical miles EEZ .

  15. 专属经济区是一个既不同于公海又有别于领海的特殊海域,沿海国家对专属经济区的主权权利是国家经济主权的组成部分,公约的规定是尊重国家主权的。

    The EEZ is a special sea that differs from high seas and territorial sea , the sovereign rights of the EEZ of a coastal state is a part of the economic sovereign rights of the state , the convention 's stipulations respect state sovereignty .

  16. 华春莹说道,海域空域自由航行权利不能滥用,也不能侵犯沿岸国家的主权、权利和安全,这是受国际法保护的。

    Hua said the right to freedom of navigation and the air should not be abused or infringe on the sovereignty , rights and security of littoral states , which are protected by international law .

  17. 主权者的权利十分广泛。

    There are a wide range of sovereign rights .

  18. 然而,这两种逻辑的现实演绎都可能滑向主权行政和权利行政。

    But the practice of these two views may lead to " sovereignty administration " and " rights administration " .

  19. 该理论认为,货币政策是国家主权的下属权利,在某些情况下可以进行让渡或接受限制。

    This theory points that monetary policy is subordinate to the rights of national sovereignty , it could be released or restricted in some cases .

  20. 菲律宾鼓动并怂恿菲方船只和人员大规模侵入中国黄岩岛海域,严重侵犯中国在黄岩岛海域的主权和主权权利。

    By instigating mass intrusion of its vessels and personnel into waters of Huangyan Dao , the Philippines blatantly violated China 's sovereignty and sovereign rights therein .

  21. 专业自主权:从应有权利到现实权利的转化

    Professional Autonomy : Transformation from the Proper Right to Realistic Right

  22. 维护国家统一和领土完整,是每个主权国家的神圣权利,也是国际法的基本原则。

    It is the sacred right of each and every sovereign state and a fundamental principle of international law to safeguard national unity and territorial integrity .

  23. 业主专有权是业主权的主导性权利,居于核心地位,专有权人对专有部分享有占有、使用、收益、处分等所有权权能。

    Owners ' exclusive right is the leading one of Homeowner Right , and the person with exclusive right has the right of possessing , using , benefiting and disposing to the exclusive parts .

  24. 为了正确辨析两者之间的关系,首先必须弄清主权的性质、主权与主权权利的不同概念及相互关系。

    In order to differentiate and analyze the relations between sovereignty and international law , it 's important to make clear the nature of sovereignty , different concepts of sovereignty and the rights of sovereignty and their relations .

  25. 表现为经济主权原则指涉的重心发生变化,经济主权原则中的权利与义务的平衡受到各国的普遍重视、经济主权的让渡与共享、经济主权的强化与弱化趋势并存。

    The balance of rights and obligations in economic sovereignty has been paid heed to by all countries ; and there appears a tendency of the coexistence of yielding and sharing , along with strengthening and weakening of economic sovereignty .

  26. 国家对处于本国领土范围内的国际水资源享有永久主权,流域各国享有公平和合理利用国际水资源的主权权利,但各国也有义务在利用国际水资源时不对他国造成重大损害。

    Each state has permanent sovereignty to the international water resources located within its territory . It has the sovereignty right of utilizing the resources equitably and reasonably . At the same time , it bears the obligation of not causing significant harm to other states in utilizing the resources .