
  • 网络Epiphanie;The Epiphany;Twelfth Night
  1. Benioff先生说他是在休息的时候与海豚一起游泳时发现有利可图的主显节的。

    Mr Benioff had his lucrative epiphany while on sabbatical & swimming with dolphins , he says .

  2. 然而在罗马尼亚南部Chitila河边,一些巫婆聚集于此,往结冰的河里投掷玉米庆祝主显节。

    Yet on the Chitila River in southern Romania , other witches gathered around a fire Thursday and threw corn into an icy river to celebrate Epiphany .

  3. 我承认自己喜欢主显节之夜(twelfthnight)后渐趋展现的那种空灵与祥和的氛围,一切东西规整得如此井然有序。

    I have to confess to loving the space and calm that unfolds after twelfth night when everything is tidied and put away .

  4. 保加利亚人在1月6日主显节(基督教的节日)这一天,在冰水中翩翩起舞。

    Bulgarians dance in icy water on Epiphany ( a Christian festival on January 6 ) .

  5. 在主显节的前夜,她看望熟睡的孩子,给他们留下礼物。

    On the eve of Epiphany ( January5th ) she visits sleeping children to leave them gifts .

  6. 这是一次正式的告别午宴,因为他和杰尼索夫在主显节后就要动身回到兵团里去。

    This was a farewell dinner in Nikolay 's honour , as he was to set off with Denisov after the baptism festival to rejoin his regiment .

  7. 主显节过后,德里街头的一辆出租车里,环保主义者保罗埃尔利希写下了一本畅销书,呼告世界已经拥有了“太多的人口”。

    After an epiphany in a taxi in a crowded Delhi street , the environmentalist Paul Ehrlich wrote a best-seller arguing that the world had " too many people " .

  8. 天主教在主显节&一月六日,庆祝东方三博士的到来,没有提及到对基督表示敬意的东方三博士的成员。

    Catholics celebrate the visit of the Magi with the Feast of the Epiphany-January6th.There is no mention of the number of the Magi who came to pay homage to Christ .

  9. 注:主显节通常是1月6号,但是法国也有一些地方在1月1号后的第一个星期天过这个节日。

    Epiphany ( la fte des Rois ) is usually celebrated the 6th of January , but in some places in France it is celebrated the first Sunday after January 1st .

  10. 为庆祝主显节,数万名俄罗斯东正教信徒参加了冰水洗礼仪式,在本周一晚间和周二清晨跳进冰窟中沐浴冰水。

    Tens of thousands of Russians jumped into holes cut in ice on Monday night and Tuesday morning on the holiday of the Epiphany , when Russian Orthodox believers take part in a baptism ceremony .

  11. 第一种是把携带礼物的智者说成是国王,因而导致了西方主显节有了另一个名称“三王节”&这在西班牙语系国家是送礼的好日子。

    First , it cast the gift-bearing magi as kings , giving rise to the alternate name for Western Epiphany , namely " Three Kings Day " - the big day for gifts in most of the Hispanic world .

  12. 但是,在法国北部和东部地区,12月6号就会庆祝圣尼古拉,开始圣诞季节。在一些省份,主显节是圣诞季节里最重要的节日之一。

    However , in eastern and northern France , the Christmas season begins on 6 December , la fte de Saint Nicolas , and in some provinces la fte des Rois is one the most important holidays of the Christmas season .

  13. 一月六日那天,正如约翰德特洛瓦所说的,“使得全巴黎民众激奋的”是这一天从远古以来适逢两个隆重的节日,即主显节和狂人节。

    The6th of january , which " set the whole population of Paris in a stir ," as Jehan de Troyes relates , was the date of the double festival-united since time immemorial-of the three kings , and the feast of fools .