
gōu huǒ
  • bonfire;campfire
篝火 [gōu huǒ]
  • (1) [campfire;bonfire]

  • (2) 古指用竹笼罩的火

  • 又间令吴广之次所旁丛祠中,夜篝火,狐鸣,呼曰:大 楚兴, 陈胜王。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • (3) 今指在野外燃起的一堆一堆的火焰

  • 宿营地上篝火红呵,伐木工人正在回忆他亲切的笑语。--《周总理,你在哪里》

  • 在无边的暗夜里,一簇簇的篝火烧起来了。--《七根火柴》

篝火[gōu huǒ]
  1. 到了第二天,篝火还在闷燃。

    The bonfire was still smouldering the next day .

  2. 篝火照亮了天空。

    The bonfire lightened the sky .

  3. 参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。

    Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary .

  4. 在房子外面,人们挤在篝火旁边,继续守夜。

    Outside the building people continue their vigil , huddling around bonfires .

  5. 幸存者围聚着篝火过了夜。

    The survivors spent the night huddled around bonfires .

  6. 他们通过举行游行、生起篝火和燃放烟花来庆祝这一事件。

    They celebrated the event by holding parades , lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks .

  7. 篝火晚会之后,他觉得和苏珊更亲近了。

    He felt closer to Susan after the campfire party .

  8. 篝火发出温暖舒适的光。

    The campfire radiated a warm cozy glow .

  9. 他们不断往篝火上加木柴,直到火光冲天。

    They piled wood onto the bonfire until the flames roared .

  10. 篝火熄灭了。

    The campfire died out .

  11. B:不。我们在一个山村露营,用篝火做饭。

    B : No.We camped in a mountain village.And we cooked our meals over an open fire .

  12. 晚上点起篝火会让人感到温暖舒适

    In the evening a log fire would provide cosiness .

  13. 枯松枝生起的篝火给这次聚合增添了随和、友善的气氛

    A fire of withered pine boughs added sociability to the gathering .

  14. 仲夏节是富有诗意的节日,它以鲜花领航,在篝火旁完美落幕

    Poetically , Midsummer 's Eve begins in flowers and ends in fire .

  15. 在另一边有一堆快燃尽的篝火。

    But on the other side , a large fire had almost burned itself out .

  16. 就在我身后的海滩上是海盗们的篝火堆。

    And there , right behind me , was the pirate 's fire on the beach !

  17. 一个是岸上海盗们巨大的篝火堆,海盗们围着篝火喝酒,唱歌;

    One came from a great fire on the shore where the pirates sat singing and drinking ;

  18. 他大概在海盗们喝醉了倒在篝火边的时候到他们的营地去过。

    Perhaps he had visited the pirates during the night , when they were lying around their fire , full of rum .

  19. Studio里没有篝火,而是主打一种精致的氛围。

    There are no bonfires at Studio , which is all about refinement .

  20. 我知道有一伙一伙的孩子讨要坚果和糖果,在广场(square)点篝火,和镇民们玩弄恶作剧。

    I knew that parties were involved , begging for nuts and candies , bonfires in the square , and playing tricks on the townsfolk .

  21. 例如,有些广场会在盖伊•福克斯(GuyFawkes)之夜举行篝火晚会。

    Some of the squares have fireworks parties on Guy Fawkes ' night , for example .

  22. Lorena耗费的燃料是露天篝火的两倍,加热食物所耗费的时间更长。

    The Lorena used twice as much wood as an open fire , and took much longer to heat food .

  23. 在Samhain节会燃起神圣巨大的篝火,标志着凯尔特一年的结束和新一年的开始。

    Samhain was a harvest festival with huge sacred bonfires , marking the end of the Celtic year and beginning of a new one .

  24. Zippo还将业务扩展至与打火机关系比较密切的户外产品领域,包括暖手宝和用于烤架、喷灯、篝火的点火装置。

    Zippo is also diversifying into outdoor products that are more closely related to lighters . including hand warmers and devices for lighting grills . torches and camp fires .

  25. 在节日前夜的火烧霍利卡仪式(HolikaDahan)上,村民点燃篝火,重新演绎邪恶的女妖被烧死的情形。

    On the night of Holika Dahan , the eve of the festival , villagers light bonfires to reenact the destruction of the evil demoness .

  26. 改进项目不仅包括基地村。村庄中心有一座巨大的溜冰场,周围是沙发与篝火坑,村名改为北极星(Northstar)之后村子就兴旺起来了。

    And they aren 't limited to the base village that has risen at the renamed Northstar , centered around a huge ice rink ringed by couches and fire pits .

  27. 然而,构筑《爱之篝火》主骨的则是坡林先生译自或改写其同代人——巴勒斯坦诗人WalidKhazendar的作品,似乎出于玩乐趣味。

    However , the poems that make up the centre of " Love 's Bonfire " - translations and adaptations by Mr Paulin from the work of his contemporary , the Palestinian poet Walid Khazendar - are far more playful .

  28. 在夜间,我们曾篝火和生及跳舞。

    At night , we had bonfire and sang and danced .

  29. 露营地的一切都被大雨淋透了,那堆篝火也给浇灭了。

    Everything in camp was drenched , the camp-fire as well ;

  30. 楼下花园里扫成一堆的落叶上点起了篝火。

    Raked leaves burn on a bonfire in the garden below .
