
ɡōu huǒ wǎn huì
  • Bonfire party;campfire party
  1. 篝火晚会之后,他觉得和苏珊更亲近了。

    He felt closer to Susan after the campfire party .

  2. 在月白风清的秋夜,我们举行篝火晚会。在没有月亮的晴朗的夜晚,避开城市的灯光,观察天空。

    On the autumn night with a bright moon and a gentle breeze , we gave a campfire party . Get away from city lights and look at the sky some clear , moonless night .

  3. 例如,有些广场会在盖伊•福克斯(GuyFawkes)之夜举行篝火晚会。

    Some of the squares have fireworks parties on Guy Fawkes ' night , for example .

  4. 我知道你很喜欢篝火晚会,戴兰。

    I know you love a good bonfire , dylan .

  5. 你被绑架差点在篝火晚会上被烧死

    You 're kidnapped and nearly burnt to death at a fireworks party .

  6. 你会享受草原纵马的乐趣,篝火晚会的手舞足蹈。

    You will enjoy the fun of horse grassland , fire dancing show .

  7. 你们晚上有篝火晚会吗?

    Did you make a bonfire at night ?

  8. 我已经等不及要参加篝火晚会了那样我就可以和

    I cannot wait to go to the bonfire so I can hang out with

  9. 你愿意在周末开篝火晚会吗?

    Are you going to the bonfire tonight ?

  10. 你可以提出任何一个要求,今晚篝火晚会都必须满足你。

    You may propose any request , tonight the bonfire party all must satisfy you .

  11. 当我到了篝火晚会。

    When I got to the bonfire .

  12. 他们来到了篝火晚会上。

    They come to the bonfire party .

  13. 潍坊一中美国“汉语桥”夏令营篝火晚会现在开始!

    Now , the campfire party of the USA " the Chinese bridge " summer camp begins !

  14. 街头戏剧,公开辩论,斋戒,盛宴,祝酒,游行和篝火晚会盛极一时。

    It was street theater , open-air debates , fasting and feasting and toasting , parades and bonfires .

  15. 今晚,美丽的畲家阿妹将会为各位贵客带上一台充满民族特色的篝火晚会。

    Tonight the beauty girl of She minority will give guests a special evening party which have unique national characters .

  16. 他和他的这几位同伴自称“不法分子”。他们总是在半休日这天见面,一起去体验冒险,然后在他们的谷仓旁一起搞个篝火晚会。

    He and the other outlaws would always meet up during half-holidays , to go on adventures and make campfires together near their barn .

  17. 计划做一些你们平时不常做的但有趣的事情,比如搭一个毯子堡垒、来一次室内篝火晚会或是进行一次双人自行车骑行活动等。

    Schedule in days of doing fun stuff you wouldn 't normally do like building a blanket fort or having an indoor campfire or going on a tandem bike ride .

  18. 也许人们把本该在一星期后举行的庆祝篝火之夜②晚会提前举行了,朋友们!

    Perhaps people have been celebrating Bonfire Night early & it 's not until next week , folks !
