
  • 网络Tour Bus;tourist bus;tourist coaches
  1. 最好是乘坐旅游巴士或骑自行车观光。

    Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycles

  2. 选择这个如果:你宁愿在丛林中开路而不是开着一辆旅游巴士。

    Pick This If : You 'd rather bushwhack than ride a tour bus .

  3. 户外商场里挤满了中国游客;SinoCoach、LionExpress和EagleTours等旅行社的旅游巴士都停在外面。

    The outdoor mall was packed with Chinese tourists ; buses from Sino coach , lion express , and Eagle tours were parked outside .

  4. 拥有进口豪华旅游巴士十数台,穿梭于珠海澳门两地。

    We have around twenty luxurious travel buses plying across Zhuhai and Macau .

  5. 我想坐观光旅游巴士旅游。

    I 'd like a tour by sightseeing bus .

  6. 涉事车辆包括一辆旅游巴士、三辆牵引拖车以及一辆客车。

    The accident involved a tour bus , three tractor-trailers and a passenger vehicle .

  7. 人的一生就像乘坐旅游巴士。

    Life is like riding on a bus .

  8. 再不离开的话我们就要错过旅游巴士了。

    We 'll miss the tour bus if we don 't leave right now .

  9. 基本上,旅游巴士需要一个地方接送客户。

    Essentially , tour buses need a place to drop off and pick up clients .

  10. 费用包括行程内之餐费、票、店及专业导游和旅游巴士服务。

    Price includes meals , admissions , hotel , tour , guide and transportation service .

  11. 梅利莎?汉和她的丈夫到荷兰游玩时,感觉当地的旅游巴士就像囚车一样。

    WHEN Melissa Mahan and her husband visited the Netherlands , they felt imprisoned by their tour bus .

  12. 一辆旅游巴士在中国新疆昌吉翻车。

    A tour bus has plunged off a mountain road in Changji , Xinjiang , in Northwest China .

  13. 一辆承载一所大学棒球队的旅游巴士车冲进亚特兰大州际一段斜坡,撞到高速公路下面。

    A tour bus carrying a college baseball team plunged off Atlanta interstate ramp and slammed onto the highway below .

  14. 一辆满载游客的好莱坞观光旅游巴士,骤然停在了杜比剧院门口。此时的剧院内,奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼正按部就班地举行着。

    Tourists taking an open-deck bus tour of Hollywood 's sights pulled up outside the Dolby Theatre where the Academy Awards were taking place .

  15. 这个联盟的音乐家和音乐爱好者喜欢人们下载专辑而不是购买硬拷贝,他们的旅游巴士使用生物柴油发动。

    This coalition of musicians and music lovers prefers people to download albums instead of buying hard copies and their tour buses run on biodiesel .

  16. 在平壤东面山峦间狭窄的土路上一番长途奔波后,一辆朝鲜旅游巴士在一处树木繁茂的墓地附近停下,一批中国旅游者走下了汽车。

    After a long drive up a narrow dirt track through hills east of Pyongyang , a North Korean tour bus dropped the Chinese tourists near a wooded graveyard .

  17. 这在2011年巡回演唱会在首尔文化券计划的一部分进行商业,旅游巴士,方便文化的凭证也可提供。

    This concert tour in2011 in Seoul Cultural voucher plan was to proceed as part of the business , tour buses for the convenience culture vouchers are also available .

  18. 我脑海浮现出一列无穷无尽的手工艺仿冒品,这些东西由少数民族部落男子假装使用真正的传统做法制作而成,并总是恰好出现在旅游巴士停车站的外面。

    I imagined an endless array of fake cultural artefacts , produced by minority tribesmen pretending to engage in authentic traditional practices , right outside the tour bus stop .

  19. 北加州的联邦调查人员表示,虽然有目击者证词,但他们仍然不能确定周四发生的联邦快递货车和学校旅游巴士相撞事故的起火情况。

    Federal investigators in northern California say despite witness reports , they can not confirm the fedex truck that collided with a student tour bus on Thursday was on fire .

  20. 这位马尼拉总教区辅理主教指出,事件中警方营救旅游巴士人质的过程混乱无章,一年过去了,但仍没有人需要负上责任。他慨叹:「为甚么?

    A year later , he said , nobody had been made accountable for the incident , in which police appeared to have made a mess of an attempt to rescue tourists held hostage on a coach .

  21. 但是恕我直言,旧金山也有很多东西让外人忍不住皱眉。交通已经够糟的了,更何况还有双层旅游巴士总在九曲花街挡住人们视线,或是在金门大桥上阻塞交通。

    But with all due respect , many in San Francisco would rather you do your fawning from a distance . Traffic is bad enough without the double-decker tourist buses blocking the view atop Lombard Street or clogging the Golden Gate Bridge .

  22. 2001年,云冈石窟列入世界遗产名录。进一步的保护工作于2008年开始施行,包括附近的国道禁止旅游巴士通行,将石窟群所属的景观区扩建至原规模的六倍,以及植树种草。

    The grottoes were designated a World Heritage site in 2001 , and further work began in 2008 , including the banning of tour buses from the nearby national highway , expanding the park that includes the grottoes to six times its original size and planting trees .

  23. 这地方有旅游观光巴士吗?

    Is there a sightseeing tour bus for the town ?

  24. 您可能需要一个旅游公共巴士,或乘坐出租车,或参与一个席位的主教练由当地旅行社与讲英语的服务。

    Youmay take a tourist public bus , or take a taxi , or join in a seat-incoach by a local travel agent with English speaking service .

  25. 是的,你可以通过治理职员,旅游指南,舆图,或旅游巴士这些途径了解一个新的位置。

    Yes , you can use the concierge , the travel guides , the map , or the bus tours to get acquainted with a new location .

  26. 幸好最后在专责旅游的部门协助下,及两年多努力与政府部门商讨及角力,大巴士终被批准二零零八年十二月十五日起在港营运定点观光旅游巴士服务。

    After two years hard working on solving the problem on operation and not conflicting the franchised bus service , The Big Bus Tour in Honng Kong started operation on15 , Dec. , 2008 .