
  • tourist destination;tourism destination;ADS
  1. 作为一个旅游目的地,圣卢西亚所幸还未被开发。

    St Lucia is still mercifully undeveloped as a tourist destination .

  2. 基于Logistic增长模型的旅游目的地品牌流行度分析

    An Analysis of the Popularity of Tourist Destination Brand Based on Logistic Equation

  3. 威尼斯是世界上最热门的旅游目的地之一。

    Venice is one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world .

  4. 佛罗里达州是一个受欢迎的疫苗旅游目的地,该州优先考虑为65岁及以上人群接种,而且接种疫苗的其他资格要求不甚清晰,吸引了各地的游客赶来接种。

    Florida is a popular vaccine tourism destination due to the high priority given to those aged requirements that attracted travelers from all over to take advantage of Florida 's vaccine rollout .

  5. 基于J2EE的中国旅游目的地营销系统的开发

    Development of China Tourism DMS Based on J2EE

  6. Struts框架在中国旅游目的地营销系统中的应用

    Application of Struts framework in development of China destination marketing system

  7. 一个简单的例子是描述世界各地的主要旅游目的地的GUI应用程序。

    A simple example is a GUI application depicting the world 's major tourist destinations .

  8. LaGloria现在已经成为一个重要的旅游目的地。

    La Gloria is now an important tourist destination .

  9. 开发旅游目的地APP,扩大免费无线WIFI覆盖区域等举措也陆续出现。

    Developing tourism destination APP , expanding the free wireless wifi coverage have emerged .

  10. 第三部分主要是运用扎根理论的方法,对旅游目的地智能手机APP旅游信息服务要素展开研究。

    The third part mainly uses the method of grounded theory of tourism destination smart phone APP launches the research factors of tourism information service .

  11. 据万事达卡(MasterCard)周一发布的年度全球旅游目的地城市指数(GlobalDestinationCitiesIndex)显示,泰国首都曼谷成为世界第一大旅游目的地,预计今年将迎来1598万游客。这已是万事达卡连续第三年发布该指数。

    Bangkok has emerged as the world 's top tourist destination , with 15.98 million visitors projected to descend in Thailand 's capital city this year , according to the third annual Global Destination Cities Index released by MasterCard on Monday .

  12. 芬兰的XXX是一个引人入胜的旅游目的地,不仅是因为这里有各式各样的服务,还因为它是一个充满强烈反差的地方。

    Finnish XXX is an attractive destination not only because of the variety of services available , but also because it is a region full of contrasts .

  13. 一位公司负责人GingerHe对这次突变似乎很不以为然,并表示这是一次很好的机会,特区可以借此步入正轨,并重新将自己打造为一个旅游目的地和进出口贸易集散地。

    A company official , Ginger He , puts a brave face on things , arguing that the slump is a chance to rebrand the enclave as a wholesome tourist destination and import-export zone .

  14. 此外,定于2014年竣工的bahamar项目将对另一个热门旅游目的地亚特兰蒂斯度假村(atlantisresort)的领先地位提出挑战。

    Meanwhile the BAHA Mar project , due to be completed in 2014 , will challenge the pre-eminence of the Atlantis resort as the cool tourist destination .

  15. 而现有的基于APP的旅游目的地信息化服务还存在一定上升空间,旅游目的地APP的开发也处于起步阶段,暴露出诸如用户体验不足等问题。

    While the existing tourism destination information service based on APP still exist certain room for improvement . , the development of tourism destination APP is in its infancy , exposed the problems such as lack of user experience .

  16. 问:你在书中提到,普利亚区(Puglia)是近期的热门旅游目的地。

    Q. You mention Puglia in your book as a recently popular destination for tourists .

  17. 从塔斯曼海向内陆伸展的MilfordSound峡湾被纯岩壁包围,它属于世界文化遗址、重要旅游目的地的Fiordland国家公园的一部分。

    Milford Sound , which runs inland from the Tasman Sea and is surrounded by sheer rock face , is part of Fiordland National Park , a world heritage site and major travel destination .

  18. 正如旅游目的地有多面性一样,旅游者们的需求也各不相同。

    Just as destinations have different sides , so do travelers .

  19. 提升游客忠诚度,对于度假型旅游目的地来说是极其重要的。

    Promote visitor loyalty degree is very important for holiday destination .

  20. 今天我们的旅游目的地是中国南方的农村。

    Today our tourist destination is the countryside of south China .

  21. 旅游目的地以山、水、森林为首选。

    The travel destinations first-selected are mountains , waters and forests .

  22. 探索旅游目的地服务质量的波动

    Exploring the Fluctuation of the Service Quality of the Tourism Destination

  23. 把张家界打造成为具有核心竞争力的国际化旅游目的地。

    Build Zhangjiajie into an international tourism resort with high competitiveness .

  24. 基于游客满意度的旅游目的地形象建设模式&TSS

    The TSS Model Improving Tourism Destination Image Based on Tourist Satisfaction

  25. 天津是一个不错的选择,作为一个旅游目的地。

    Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination .

  26. 它是著名的拍摄地点和旅游目的地。

    It is a popular filming location and tourist destination .

  27. 昆明城郊乡村旅游目的地开发模式研究

    Study on the Developing-Mode in Rural Tourism Sites in Kunming

  28. 旅游目的地形象的提升研究

    The Study of Upgrading the Image of a Tourist Destination

  29. 区域旅游目的地空间系统初探

    Analysis on the Spatial System of the Regional Tourism destination

  30. 论旅游目的地营销误区与新策略

    On the Wrong Ideas of Destination Marketing and New Strategies