
  • 网络sanmen county
  1. 浙江省三门县工业固体废物调查

    Investigation of Industrial Solid Waste in Sanmen County Zhejiang Province

  2. 2001-2007年浙江省三门县钩端螺旋体病监测分析

    Surveillance of leptospirosis in Sanmen county , Zhejiang , 2001-2007

  3. 三门县平原绿化现状及发展对策

    Current Situation and Countermeasures for Plain Afforestation in Sanmen

  4. 台州三门县工业园区

    Industrial Park of Sanmen County , Taizhou

  5. 三门县两种荒山造林新形式的调查与探讨

    The Investigation and Discussion on Two New Approaches of Afforestation on the Barren Mountains in Sanmen County

  6. 本文主要对三门县基础地理信息系统的建设背景、设计原则、设计目标、系统框架、系统功能等进行了阐述。

    In this paper , based on the Sanmen County Geographic Information System , design principles , design objectives , system framework , system functions are described .

  7. 据不完全估计,2004年三门县由此造成的经济损失达1.5亿元左右。至今尚无有效的控制方法。

    According to incomplete estimates , Sanmen county lost about 150 million RMB by the accident in 2004 . But there is no effective solution to control it until now .

  8. 从可持续发展观点出发,建立了区域水资源可持续发展评价模型,并对浙江省三门县水资源进行了评价。

    On the view of the sustainable development , the development evaluation model of regional water resources is founded and used to evaluate the development condition of Sanmen County , Zhejiang Province .