
shàng céng jiàn zhù
  • superstructure;top-out
上层建筑 [shàng céng jiàn zhù]
  • [superstructure] 指建立在经济基础上的政治、法律、宗教、艺术、哲学等的观点以及适合这些观点的政治、法律等制度

上层建筑[shàng céng jiàn zhù]
  1. 民主属于上层建筑。

    Democracy is part of the superstructure .

  2. 文化艺术属于上层建筑。

    Culture and art belong to the realm of the superstructure .

  3. 上层建筑要与经济基础相适应。

    The superstructure should be suited to the economic base .

  4. 基于SVM的船舶上层建筑舱室噪声预报方法

    Prediction of noise in a ship 's superstructure cabins based on SVM method

  5. 文内提出上层建筑的连接可广泛采用CO2气体保护焊,以减少变形、提高生产率。

    Joining the structure parts of the super-structures by the use of CO_2 gas protected welding may result less distortion and more production .

  6. WTO是国际社会因应经济全球化的现象而出现的多边贸易体制的典型代表和集其大成者,是国际社会的上层建筑。

    As a result of globalization of international society , the WTO is a typical representative and incorporation of multilateral trade systems , part of the international society superstructure .

  7. 中国正式成为世界贸易组织(简称WTO)的成员,它将对国内上层建筑和经济基础的各个层面产生广泛而深远的影响。

    The event that the People Republic of China becomes a member of World 's Trade Organization ( for short WTO ) will influence Chinese superstructure and economic base extensively and profoundly .

  8. 算法选择Zernike矩不变量作为识别特征,并且利用基于上层建筑的矩不变量以提高特征的分类能力;

    Zernike moment invariants are selected as the recognition features in this algorithm , and are computed based on the superstructure in order to improve the discrimination ability .

  9. 29000t散货船上层建筑振动特性预报

    Prediction of Vibration Characteristics of Bulk Carrier Superstructure

  10. “深层问题”存在于上层建筑领域。

    And the deep problem exists in the field of superstructure .

  11. 用于船体上层建筑结构的立向下角焊缝的焊接。

    For welding the railway carriage , ship building , boiler etc.

  12. 上层建筑整体吊装是船舶建造中一项新工艺。

    Superstructure assembly of prefabrication is new technique of ship building .

  13. 肋位式槽形围壁在薄壁上层建筑上的应用

    Application of frame space oriented corrugated bulkhead for thin wall Superstructure

  14. 全球化时代上层建筑的新特点

    The New Characteristics of Superstructure in the Era of Globalization

  15. 建立在两种经济基础上的上层建筑。

    Three : the upper building on the economic foundation .

  16. 质疑学生奶再论教育的社会属性&兼对教育非上层建筑说的质疑

    The meaning of student milk On Social Attribute of Education

  17. 上层建筑领域的革命包括政治上层建筑的革命与思想上层建筑的革命。

    Superstructure revolution included the revolutionary in political superstructure and ideal superstructure .

  18. 上层建筑烟雾报警管系密性试验。

    Superstructure smoke detection piping to be done air-tightness test .

  19. 船舶上层建筑有限元动力计算模型研究

    A study on dynamic calculation model of ship superstructure by using FEM

  20. 大型集装箱船上层建筑振动分析

    Vibration Analysis for the Superstructure of Large Scale Container Ships

  21. 其次是意识形态与上层建筑的问题。

    The second topic is the relation between ideology and the superstructure .

  22. 宗教政策是上层建筑的重要组成部分。

    Religion policy is an important part of the superstructure .

  23. 现在我们的上层建筑非改不行。

    It is time for us to reform the superstructure .

  24. 上层建筑也是一种社会关系。

    The superstructure itself constitutes social relations of another kind .

  25. 论经济基础、上层建筑与社会基本矛盾

    On Economic Foundation , Superstructure and Social Basic Contradiction

  26. 马克思主义认为:经济基础决定上层建筑。

    Marxism thinks the economic base decides the superstructure .

  27. 它们都属于上层建筑,都是为一定的经济基础服务的。

    They are subject to the superstructure , and serve the economic basis .

  28. 上层建筑与生产力是否存在直接联系?

    Is super structure directly related to productive forces ?

  29. 对西方学者误解马克思上层建筑理论的澄清

    A Clarification on the Misunderstanding of Marx 's Superstructure Theory by Western Scholars

  30. 上层建筑形式及布局对舰船空气流场的影响

    Influence on Air-wake with Different Layout of Ship Superstructure