
  1. 上海长途客运总站智能照明控制系统

    Intelligent Lighting Control System Applied in Shanghai Long Distance Transit Bus Station

  2. 多义空间对复杂内容的表述上海长途汽车客运总站设计

    The Complex Proposition of a Multi-purpose Space Desig of the Shanghai Coach Terminal

  3. 建筑·契合·城市&上海长途汽车客运总站设计

    Building · Conformity · City & A Design for the Shanghai Long-distance Bus Terminal

  4. 上海长途汽车客运总站作为特殊地段与商业的共生体,设计中,我们运用类型学原理,努力完成了建筑与城市;

    The Shanghai Long-distance Bus Terminal is a symbiont of special area and commerce .