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  1. 网络环境下客家民系文献资源的建设与共享

    The construction and Sharing of Document Resource about Hakkas Under Network Environment

  2. 试析《物权法》视角下的民本思想新发展

    Analysis on the New Development of Populist Ideas in the View of the Property Law of China

  3. 我发怒,踹下众民,发烈怒,使他们沉醉,又将他们的血倒在地上。

    And in my passion the peoples were crushed under my feet , and broken in my wrath , and I put down their strength to the earth .

  4. 摘要中国传统民间的门神信仰,和蚩尤“方相”的文化现象一样,是互渗律支配下初民的原始思维的产物。

    As with chiyou 's farigxiang , the traditional belief in door-god in Chinese society results from of the primitive thought which is predominated by law of mutual permeability .

  5. 本文期待更多的后续研究,让ICTs下的政民沟通在未来平台的更替中找到更有益的方式。

    This article awaiting more further study , and hope the political communication will found more useful ways in the future .

  6. 本文总结了GPS现代化信号体制下,新增民码L2C、L5、L1C以及军码M码的特点以及新导航电文的变化。

    This paper summarizes the character of new civil signals of L2C 、 L5 、 L1C and new military code M-code and the differences between the new and the old navigation data in the system of modernized GPS .

  7. 灵魂与肉体:1900年极端情境下乡土教民的信仰状态&以直隶为中心的考察

    Soul and Body : The State of Belief of Rural Romanists under the Extreme Situation of 1900

  8. 从而在民刑关联的视阈下探索了民刑交叉案件的创新机制。

    Resulting in civil and criminal association , as the threshold cross under civil and criminal cases exploring innovative mechanisms .

  9. 在道家无为而治政治理念的指导下,与民休息政策的得以实践。

    With the guidance of Daoist political concept of governing by noninterference , the policy of giving the people peace and security is put into practice .

  10. 慈善机构和教堂也在努力帮助单薄的政府保障网络下的漏网之民。

    Charities and churches are also trying to catch people that fall through the flimsy government safety net .

  11. 委托&代理关系下的图书馆学生民管会作用探讨

    Probe into the Functions of Library 's Students Democratic Management Committee ( DMC ) under the Principal-Agent Relationship

  12. 在国家西部大开发和和谐社会主义新农村建设的浪潮冲击下,这些生土民居正面临着一场重要的更新换代。

    Along with the step of Exploring the West and Constructing socialistic harmonious new countries , these houses are facing an important change .

  13. 在隋朝的大力扶持下,突厥启民政权在内蒙古建立。这个政权直辖于隋朝中央政府。

    Supported by the Sui Dynasty , Qimin Khan established his regime in Inner Mongolia , which was directly under the jurisdiction of the Sui Dynasty .

  14. 在此基础上阐明我国社会主义制度条件下,创建以民为本管理思想和模式的必要性及基本要求;

    On the basis of this , this paper clarifies the necessity and the basic requires to establish the thought and model of the people-oriented management .

  15. 信息时代的大背景、现阶段的基本国情再加上网络反腐自身的特点,使我国网络反腐形成了独具特色的运行机制,即动静结合,上下联动,官民双轨的反腐机制。

    Because of the state conditions at present stage and characteristics of network anti-corruption itself , a special operational mechanism has been established in China in the circumstance of Information Age . This anti-corruption mechanism includes a combination of dynamics and statics , double tracking between official and population .