
And discussed development opportunity and strategy choice of convention and exhibition industry in the Pearl River Delta under CEPA frame finally .
Study on Upgrade Industries under the Financial Crisis in Pearl River Delta
Strategy for port vehicles logistics in the Pearl River Delta under the financial crisis
Reproductive Performance in Two Populations of Polygonum viviparum ( Polygonaceae ) under Different Habitats
Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study of Bead-shaped Condensing Heat Transfer Characteristics under a Vacuum Condition
" Crises " and " Opportunities " of the Pearl River Delta ' Sports Clothing Industry under the Current Financial Tsunami
Implementing the Pearl River Delta Sustainable Development Strategy in the Financial Crisis-Catch the World 's Bio-tech Revolution and Industrial Upgrade Opportunity
The Coping Strategies of Dizygotic and Monozygotic Twin Pregnancy in Assisted Reproductive Technology Reproductive Performance in Two Populations of Polygonum viviparum ( Polygonaceae ) under Different Habitats
Research on the Relationship between Development Trends of Sports Media in the PRD ( Pearl River Delta Region ) and the Training of Professional Sports Journalist against the Background of Guangzhou Asian Games
The effects of the filler size and content on the tensile yield behaviour of LDPE componnd filled with glass beads were investigated by INSTRON materials tester at room temperature .
Research on Driving Factors and Models of Regional Logistics Integration under Economic Globalization
The Public Information Security System of the Pearl River Delta in New Era
Construction of Textile Corporate Culture of the Pearl River Delta in the Context of Industrial Upgrading
On Industrial Structure Upgrading in PRD & from the perspective of cost pressure and international industrial transitions
Orientation and Development of Sports in Zhujiang River Delta Rural Area in the Process of Creating Harmonious Society
SME in Pearl River Delta have been fiercely attacked by the upgrading and transferring of the industries , and the financial turmoil .
Chapter 4 analyzes the living standard of census register population , industry economy results and district development level in the affection of these models .
Discussion on the Countermeasure of Governance and Transformation to the " Hollow Village " & Based on the Transformation Practice of Huxia 、 Zhukeng 、 Songgang Three Village in Shicheng County
At the support of national relevant policies , the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta have risen to the most active economic circles of Chinese city since china reformed and opened up . They greatly boost the economic development of the southern coastal areas .
On the cooperation of Pan Pearl River Delta under the frame of " 10 + 1 "
With the framework for regional cooperation , the construction of Pan-Pearl River Delta Economic Zone has achieved some preliminary effects .
Compared with in-situ data analysis , the general characteristics of the ground settlement of shield tunnel undercrossing the highway were obtained .
Simulating fire scene , melted marks of copper wires with different diameters caused by fire were made and cooled by water .
Despite rising labour costs , any decision to leave the delta is not easy for foreign companies and their local manufacturers .
The result shows that the lead in glass beads maybe harm the health of human under the condition of weak acid .
Under the circumstance of taking changes of productive and life way , matrilineal culture and family of Bazhu village are also taking changes .
In the context of new economy , globalization , regional industrial reconstruction and the transfer , the disparity of the region at different levels in Pan-Pearl River Delta has new changes .
The Regional Integration of Hongkong and Pan-Pearl River Delta Against the Background of CEPA
Under salt stress condition , the accumulation of plant biomass , water content , root activity , chlorophyll and content of soluble protein of Cabernet Sauvignon seedlings obviously increased by exogenous silicon . 2 .