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  1. 几种特殊作战样式下军交运输保障的法律战运用

    Law War Utility of Military Transportation under Several Special Styles of Fighting

  2. 复杂电磁环境下军交运输保障的探讨

    Research on the Military Transportation Guarantee in Complicated Electromagnetic Environment

  3. 信息化条件下军交运输训练基本理论问题研究

    Research on Basic Theory of Military Transportation Training Under the Condition of Informatization

  4. 在经济方面,广大平民妇女是社会财富的直接创造者和被剥削者,而拥有头下军州的公主则可以直接享有社会财富。

    On economy , the commoner women directly created social wealth , but also were exploitees , while the princesses who possessed their own castles held social wealth .

  5. 吴登盛是一位退休不久的将军,曾在军方铁腕人物丹瑞大将(SeniorGeneralThanShwe)领导下的军政府中担任了四年总理,在那段时间里,他鲜有建树。

    Thein Sein , a recently retired general , had made little impact in four years as prime minister during the junta led by army strongman Senior General Than Shwe .

  6. 信息化条件下我军战地文化工作研究

    Research on the Battlefield Cultural Work of PLA under Informatization Condition

  7. 信息化条件下我军军事物流建设研究

    Study on Military Logistics Construction in the Environment of Informatization

  8. 高技术条件下我军武器装备建设值得注意的问题

    On Several Problems Deserving Attention in Our Army Weapon Equipment Construction in High-tech Circumstances

  9. 高技术局部战争条件下我军后勤体制改革

    On reforms of armed forces logistic system in the light of regional high-technology war

  10. 结合联勤体制下我军弹药调运的特点,基于最低运费的原则,建立了弹药运输问题的单目标线性规划模型,并通过表上作业法求解了实际算例。

    Basing on the trait of United Logistics and the principle of min-cost , a single-objective linear programming model ( SLPM ) for the ammunition transportation problem is presented .

  11. 目的:本研究探讨新形势下我军陆军学院学员应具备的心理品质,以建立我军陆军学院学员胜任特征模型。

    AIM : To investigate the psychological quality of qualified military academy cadets under the current situations and to establish a competency model for the selection of military academy cadets .

  12. 全体都站立起来,观察那了若指掌的山下我军的动态,观察那逐渐靠近的敌军的动态。

    Every one got up and busily watched the movements of our troops below , which could be seen as in the hollow of a hand , and the movements of the advancing enemy .

  13. 文职人员是新形势下我军体制编制调整改革和军队干部人事制度改革的产物,是我军武装力量的一类新的人才群体和重要组成部分。

    Civilian employee system , as the new type of talent group and the important part of the Army , is the result of the reform of the Army and cadre system in the new situation in China and abroad .

  14. 1812年的今天,在拿破仑率领下的法国军直抵莫斯科的克里姆林宫。

    1812-The French army under Napoleon reaches the Kremlin in Moscow .

  15. 新形势下以色列国防军面临的问题

    Problems confronting the Israeli national defence force under the new situation

  16. 在他的指挥下,联邦军打败了同盟军。

    Under his command , the Union Army defeated Confederate forces .

  17. 全球化背景下的我军现代化与大众传播&兼论我军现代化进程中的舆论扩张与理性

    PLA Modernization and Mass Communication in the Age of Globalization

  18. 他在为征求父母同意的情况下参了军。

    He joined the army without first getting permission from his parents .

  19. 在这种情势下,缅甸军政府依然按计划举行了宪法公投。批评人士称之为一场骗局。

    Critics have labeled the referendum a sham .

  20. 在山下,在军使走过的地方,可以听见砰砰的枪声。

    Musket shots could be heard below at the spot where the lines were closest .

  21. 美国内战(1863)中同盟军的一次胜利;布拉格统治下的同盟军打败了联邦军队。

    A Confederate victory in the American Civil War ( 1863 ); Confederate forces under Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces .

  22. 山脚下有我军的一个连,把敌人紧紧地包围住了。

    At the foot of the mountain was a company of our troops , surrounding the enemy in a tight ring .

  23. 在新的历史条件下,我军应以提高战斗力为标准,围绕战斗力抓管理。

    Under the new historical conditions , our troops should regard improving fighting capacity as the standard and stress management around fighting capacity .

  24. 现代战争是高技术条件下的诸军兵种联合作战的战争,对地理信息的提供和保障都有着特殊的要求。

    The modern war is joint operations among all arms of services under the high tech , which asks for special supports and service of geographic information .

  25. 目击者说,有些情况下,缅甸军政府向这些灾民发放竹竿和塑胶布,让他们返回自己的村庄,重建家园。目击者说,缅甸军政府已经开始拆除仰光以南的一些难民营。

    Witnesses say the military government has been-in some cases-handing out bamboo poles and tarps and telling people to go back to their villages and rebuild their homes .

  26. 目击者说,有些情况下,缅甸军政府向这些灾民发放竹竿和塑胶布,让他们返回自己的村庄,重建家园。

    Witnesses say the military government has been - in some cases - handing out bamboo poles and tarps and telling people to go back to their villages and rebuild their homes .

  27. “大雨中小溪山洪汹涌而下,缅军携带重装备,使他们难以行进”帕安地区克伦民族联盟主席巴多梭昂茂诶称。

    " There was heavy rain and creeks were flooded with torrents of water , which made them difficult to cross ," Pa-an district KNU chairman Pado Saw Aung Maw Aye told Mizzima .

  28. 而在蒋军武器加强的条件下,我军必须特别强调集中优势兵力、各个歼灭敌人的作战方法。

    Now that Chiang Kai-shek 's army has acquired more powerful weapons , it is necessary for our army to lay special stress on the method of concentrating a superior force to wipe out the enemy forces one by one .

  29. 对照国外各军在电子军务建设方面的发展状况,研究信息化条件下,我军建设电子军务的脉络、基本功能和发展策略。

    Control of foreign military affairs of the army building in the electronic state of development , under the condition of research information , military affairs in the context of our army building E , the basic functions and development strategies .

  30. 在信息化战争和科技强军的背景下,我军现代化程度不断提高,武器装备得到迅速发展,这对装备试验测控系统提出了更高的要求。

    In the context of information war and strengthening the army by science and technology , our army modernization degree rise ceaselessly and weapons equipment is rapidly developing . All of these has put forward higher requirements to our equipment measurement and control system .