
xià chén shuō
  • subsidence theory
  1. 这一白石建筑,一直在下沉,或者说向一边歪斜。

    The white stone building is sinking , or leaning , on one side .

  2. 曾因真人秀节目《泽西海岸》而享誉盛名的海边高地,现在它引起人们的注意则因它在飓风期间迅速向海里下沉,市长说该城镇的经济来源75%依靠旅游业,木板路是关键因素。

    In Seaside Heights immortalized in the reality show Jersey Shore and now noteworthy for the roller coaster that fell into the ocean during the hurricane , the mayor says 75 % of the town 's economy comes from tourism , the boardwalk is key .