
xià xíng
  • down;downstream;go down;downriver;(of a document) be issued to the lower levels
下行 [xià xíng]
  • (1) [down]∶中国铁路部门规定,列车行驶方向跟上行(朝向北京)相反叫下行

  • (2) [(of a document) be issued to the lower levels]∶公文由上级发往下级

  • 文书下行直省。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  • (3) [downriver;downstream]∶船从上游向下游行驶

下行[xià xíng]
  1. 她选了低速挡小心翼翼地沿小径下行。

    She selected a low gear and started down the track carefully .

  2. 在中国,下行列车编号用奇数。

    In china , the down trains are given odd numbers .

  3. 你快点把桌子擦一下行吗?

    Can you give the table a quick wipe ?

  4. 借你的伞用一下行吗?

    Can I borrow your umbrella ?

  5. 各国政府和国际政治、经济协作组织几乎没有间断地举行各种会议,磋商各种救助和刺激方案,控制经济下行风险。

    Individual governments and international political and economic blocs have held nearly non-stop meetings and consultations to stem the downturn with a variety of bailout and stimulus packages .

  6. “我知道在害怕的时候,会在压力下行事。”

    " I know I can act under pressure in a scary situation . "

  7. 如果线型图在第4天到第5天呈下行趋势,那就意味着这只鸟比前一天少飞了几公里。

    If the line segment angled dawn , as between Day 4 and Day 5 , it would mean that the bird flew fewer kilometers than the day before .

  8. 西瓜所含的纤维素不多,每杯份西瓜含有约1克纤维,但是西瓜所含的大量水分可以推动排泄物下行,从而改善消化。

    Watermelon doesn 't contain much fiber -- about one gram per cup -- but its high water content can help improve digestion by moving along waste .

  9. 会议指出,要抓紧研究提出一揽子宏观政策措施,适当提高财政赤字率,发行特别国债,增加地方政府专项债券规模,引导贷款市场利率下行。

    A package of macro policies and measures will be introduced , the meeting noted2 , and China will appropriately raise the fiscal3 deficit4 ratio , issue special treasury5 bonds , increase the scale of special bonds for local governments , and guide the interest rate to decline in the loan market .

  10. 在CT引导下行经皮肺穿刺活检术,分别行组织学检查及细胞学涂片检查。

    In CT guided percutaneous lung biopsy , respectively , histological examination line and cytology smears .

  11. CABLEModem下行流物理层编码

    The Coding Scheme of Cable Modem for Downstream Physical Layer

  12. 内镜组在入院3d内行内镜胰胆管造影加内镜乳头括约肌切开,并在B超引导下行腹腔穿刺引流,用生理盐水和甲硝唑灌洗腹腔,其他治疗同对照组。

    The endoscopic group were treated with ERCP and EST , and BUS guided abdominal paracentesis drainage and antibiotic lavage .

  13. 目的:探讨氧化亚氮(N2O)吸入麻醉下行无痛人工流产的有效性与安全性。

    Objective : To investigate the analgesic effect and the safety of N2O inhaled in induced abortion .

  14. 基于最小均方误差的多用户MIMO下行预编码

    Linear precoding based on MMSE in multi-user MIMO downlink

  15. 与基于特征法的其它类似方法相比,C-I法给出了下行和上行波场更明确的描述。

    In contrast to other similar schemes based on characteristic method , the C-I scheme gives a clear view for down-going and upcoming wave fields .

  16. 2~3次治疗后,全部患者在CT导向下行消融术,其中9例在激光消融基础上加入无水乙醇。

    Laser ablation under the CT guidance was taken after 2-3 courses of treatment , including 9 cases of ethanol ablation besides laser ablation .

  17. WCDMA系统中高速下行分组接入的接纳控制策略

    Call Admission Control of High Speed Downlink Packet Access in WCDMA

  18. TD-SCDMA下行同步码分析及扰码规划探讨

    The Analysis of TD-SCDMA SYNC-DL Code and Discussion on Scrambling Code Planning

  19. 当前,WCDMA无线网络采用高速下行分组接入技术来提高下行数据吞吐能力。

    At present , the WCDMA network increases data throughput by introducing HSDPA .

  20. WCDMA软切换中的下行功率控制方案

    Downlink Power Control Schemes in Soft Handoff of WCDMA

  21. 3例黄疸消退,置入内支架术后4周在DSA下行局部持续性灌注化疗术及化疗性栓塞术。

    Patients were undergone continuously arterial chemotherapeutics infusion and chemotherapeutic embolization 4 weeks after stents placement .

  22. 研究了码分多址(CDMA)系统中下行联合功率速率分配问题。

    The joint power and data rate allocation in code division multiple access ( CDMA ) systems was studied .

  23. 17例在PET显像引导下行颞叶切除术,69例在PET显像引导下行X刀和伽玛刀治疗,治疗效果良好。

    17 patients treated by temporal lobectomy and 69 patients by X-ray or γ knife therapy guided with PET , all got satisfactory results .

  24. TD-SCDMA下行波束成形技术研究

    Research on Downlink Beamforming in TD-SCDMA System

  25. 第三种算法为最小化发射功率的下行CR系统资源分配算法,在用户信息传输速率和干扰受限的条件下最小化系统发射功率。

    The third one is used to minimize the total transmit power of downlink CR systems under the transmission rate and interference constraints .

  26. 基于恒模算法的DS-CDMA系统下行信号接收机

    An Receiver for The DS-CDMA Downlink Based on Constant Modulus Algorithm

  27. 该文提出一种应用于非周期扩频的同步CDMA系统的下行信道的分数阶间隔信道估计的算法。

    An algorithm for fractionally spaced channel estimation of a synchronous CDMA system is proposed that uses aperiodic spreading code .

  28. 所有患者均在环状标测电极导管指导下行3根或4根肺静脉(PV)消融。

    Or 4 PVs were isolated in each patient guided by circular mapping catheter ( Lasso catheter ) .

  29. 方法对17例骨质疏松性压缩骨折在DSA监测下行PVP。

    Methods Seventeen patients suffered from vertebral compression fractures were treated with PVP under DSA guidance .

  30. 该文深入地研究了WCDMA下行接收过程,阐述了直扩CDMA系统接收机原理。

    The paper deeply studies the procedure of WCDMA Downlink receiver and describes the fundamentals of DS-CDMA receiver .