
  • 网络downcutting;downward erosion;vertical erosion
  1. 通过室内放水冲刷试验,分析了坡面侵蚀过程中跌坑产生与发育的机理,阐明了朔源侵蚀、边壁崩塌和细沟下切侵蚀之间的相互关系。

    On the basis of scouring experiments indoors , the mechanism of the drop pit ' genesis and development during the process of slope erosion is analyzed , and the relationship among headcut , bank landslip and downcut has been expounded .

  2. 河流下切与溯源侵蚀则成为岸坡失稳破坏的重要诱发因素。

    Stream trenching and headward erosion are the very important inducement for slope failure .