
  • 网络drop wire
  1. 这条新的下降趋势线变成一个阻力位。

    This new downtrend line becomes a resistance level .

  2. 当指数运行到第一条下降趋势线以上的时候,反弹迅速停止然后形成一轮新的下降趋势。

    When the market moves above the first downtrend line , the rally quickly stops and then develops a new downtrend .

  3. 随着温度下降零声子线J峰强度的增大,观察到声子伴带的异常加强。

    With temperature reduced , while the intensity of J-peak , the zero phonon line increased , anomalous enhancement of the phonon sideband was observed .

  4. 冰期海平面下降和海岸线前移可能是冰期Δδ及盐度相对降低的原因。

    Sea-level drop and coastal advance is the possible cause of low salinity during glaciations .

  5. 近年,我国一线城市房地产市场利润空间下降,二三线城市房地产市场成为利润的增长点。

    Recently the profit in first class cities ' estate market is declining , second and third class cities become profit - earning points in estate market .

  6. 结果表明该摩擦副的摩擦系数从开始的0.81下降至0.73,线磨损总量在开始时急剧上升,然后变化不大。

    The experimental results show that the friction coefficient decreased from 0.81 to 0.73 , and linear wear increased sharply at the beginning , then almost remained the same value after running-in period .