
  • 网络download;Downloads;count
  1. 根据最新数据,《恋与制作人》在苹果应用商店下载量榜单上碾压了《王者荣耀》,也在微博上取代《王者》,成为讨论度最高的游戏。

    According to the latest figures , Love and Producer not only overtook the smash hit Honour of Kings on the Apple store 's free download charts , but also replaced it as the most talked about game on Weibo .

  2. 因此,配音演员们有了获得二次补偿的想法——每当一款游戏卖出200万份游戏包或下载量,或者拥有200万订阅时,即获得一笔业绩奖金,上限为800万。

    So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of secondary compensation — a performance bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads , or reaches 2 million subscribers , with a cap at 8 million .

  3. SweetLabs公司表示,Windows8推出之后这款软件的下载量已经达到300万次。

    The company says the product has been downloaded three million times since Windows 8 launched .

  4. 从2个月前发布到现在,DrawSomething已经拥有2500万的下载量。

    Released less than two months ago , Draw Something has already garnered more than 25 million downloads .

  5. 第五:WhatsApp是安卓(Android)设备下载量排名第五的应用。

    Five : WhatsApp is the fifth most downloaded app on Android devices .

  6. 约翰逊表示,在用于iPhone和iPad的iOS系统上,Office的下载量达8000万次。

    Ms. Johnson said there had been 80 million downloads of Office on iOS , which powers iPhones and iPads .

  7. 去年,印度下载量最多的100个安卓App中,有多达44个安卓App是中国公司开发的。

    Last year , as many as 44 of the top 100 Android apps in India were developed by Chinese firms .

  8. Android市场中最成功的应用程序是谷歌自家的免费应用程序&谷歌地图(GoogleMaps),下载量超过5000万次,不过其余应用程序的下载量都远不及它。

    The most successful app in the Android Market , with more than 50 million downloads , is a Google freebie : Google maps .

  9. 他们很快成为iTunes上下载量最大的团队

    They later became the most downloaded band on itunes ,

  10. 他表示,自己投资近百万元,开发了一款游戏APP,每日下载量超过1000次。

    He said he invested nearly one million yuan ( $ 153000 ) in designing a game and received 1000 downloads per day .

  11. •谷歌Android市场中的付费应用程序下载量远低于免费应用程序。

    • looking at paid applications in the Google Android Market , downloads are significantly lower than they are for free applications .

  12. 这种潮流趋势正在蔓延到全球。评论家预言,在十年内,MP3的下载量,可以超过音乐销售量的一半。

    Analysts predict that within a decade , MP3 downloads may make up half of total music sales .

  13. SM公司老板抱怨说,100万下载量收取的分红还不够MV制作费。

    SM Entertainment 's boss complains that even 1m downloads cannot cover the cost of making a music video .

  14. 交易完成后,Summly昨天被撤下AppStore,此时它的下载量已达近100万次。

    It had been downloaded almost 1m times before it was pulled from the app store yesterday following the deal .

  15. 周三上午,这名喜剧演员在Twitter上称,其最新特别节目的下载量已突破13万大关,总收入为65万美元。

    On Wednesday morning , the comedian tweeted that sales of the new special had reached 130,000 downloads , for a gross of $ 650,000 .

  16. 与美国相比,中国的iPad、iPhone应用程序下载量占比从2011年1月份的18%增加到了11月份的30%。

    Chinese downloads of iPad and iPhone apps , relative to the U.S. , grew from 18 % in January 2011 to 30 % in November .

  17. 微软表示,已经有逾700万用户订阅了Office365,iPad版Office应用的下载量超过了4000万次。

    Microsoft says it has more than 7 million consumers subscribing to Office 365 . It says there have been more than 40 million downloads of its Office apps for the iPad .

  18. 这款软件的下载量高达五百万次,软件中的GPS跟踪定位每半个小时更新一次,监测对方所有通话记录,并对伴侣Facebook上发表状态的内容和每条评价或点赞都进行数据分析。

    With more than five million downloads , the app includes GPS-tracking every half hour , full call history and a statistical overview of everyone commenting and liking their partner 's Facebook posts .

  19. Apple公司通过iTunes销售手机应用软件不过一年时间,下载量已经超过20亿。

    By September , just over a year after the company started selling apps through its iTunes App Store , 2 billion of the applications had been downloaded .

  20. 在Android平台,游戏的每日下载量约为9000次,而iOS平台上,这一数量仅为3000至4000次。

    On Android , the game is downloaded about 9,000 times a day , according to spacetime ; on IOS , daily downloads are in the 3,000 to 4,000 range .

  21. 毕竟,iOS设备的出货量已超过6亿部,而应用程序下载量更高达500亿次,iOS已成为最为活跃的手机生态系统。

    After all , with over 600 million IOS devices sold and 50 billion apps downloaded , IOS is a thriving software ecosystem in its own right .

  22. BIRT项目于2005年夏天发布了第一个主版本并且到目前为止已经拥有了超过100万的下载量。

    The BIRT project had its first major release in the summer of2005 and has garnered over a million downloads since its inception .

  23. 分析师指出,今年谷歌的应用下载量超过了苹果,但安卓手机要想在应用支出方面赶上iPhone还需更长时间。

    Google overtook Apple by the volume of apps downloaded this year , analysts say , but Android has taken longer to catch the iPhone in terms of the amount spent on those apps .

  24. 截至12月,Etsy的应用程序已经有2.2千万次下载量。

    As of December , the Etsy app had been downloaded 22 million times .

  25. 从那一刻起,我彻底地迷上了“品牌大猜解”(logosquiz),这是一款过去几周里下载量最多的免费iphone应用。

    From that minute I was a slave to logos quiz , a game that for the past couple of weeks has been the most downloaded free app for the iPhone .

  26. 根据数据追踪商AppAnnie的数据,在过去六个月的大多数时间里,这款游戏成为了日本、台湾以及泰国下载量最大的应用程序,在iPhone和安卓(Android)设备上均是如此。

    It has been the most downloaded app on both iPhone and Android devices in Japan , Taiwan and Thailand for much of the past six months , according to data tracker App Annie .

  27. 当期节目还邀请了萨拉•佩林(美国著名篮球运动员),因此吸引了170万观众收看。阿黛尔的专辑《19》第二天便成为iTunes下载量最多的专辑。

    Because of guest Sarah Palin , the show drew in 17 million viewers and made her album 19 top the iTunes chart the next day .

  28. VisionMobile分析师马克威尔科斯特(MarkWilcox)表示,在一个很多新应用被无视的年代,如果你有授权的品牌或知识产权,那就能增加下载量。

    If you have a licensed brand or intellectual property , that can really help with getting downloads , says Mark Wilcox , analyst at Vision Mobile , at a time when many new apps go largely ignored .

  29. S3FS“自然、透明地在S3中”存储文件,还可以启用本地缓存以尽可能减少下载量。

    S3FS stores files " natively and transparently in S3 ," and you can enable local caching to minimize downloads .

  30. 美国广播公司的高管称,《迷失》DVD销量、视频点播量和iTunes下载量领先整个行业,这几方面的观众有数百万,尼尔森公司(Nielsen)的收视率调查没有将其计入。

    Lost ' is an industry leader in DVD sales , video-on-demand and iTunes downloads , which add several million viewers not included in Nielsen ratings , ABC executives say .