
  • 网络unforgivable curses
  1. 所有食死徒必须精通的黑魔法:谋杀,不可饶恕咒,伪装等。

    All Death Eaters must be proficient in the Dark Arts : murder , Unforgivable Curses , yodeling etc.

  2. 《性感,谎言,和不可饶恕咒:伏地魔授权传记》,小矮星彼德著。

    Sex , Lies , and Unforgivable Curses : The Authorised Biography of Lord Voldemort by Peter Pettigrew .

  3. 这样翻译貌似也对,因为他和哈利的魔法联系使得他被下达“阿瓦达索命”(死咒,三大不可饶恕咒之首)后还奇迹般的活下来了。

    The translation seems appropriate , since Voldemort was stopped from dying after being magically linked with Harry while trying to cast the killing curse avada kedavra on him 。